<br />
<br />L
<br />''82....$ ; ?? ~~ tl3
<br />T}f IS INDENTURE, made thia._ i., C1_'. ~ day of.' ea tgmh~r
<br />._. _ _. _. ,9 3"~ by and between
<br />UL'NIriS L. NFIG'rIBnR4 .~1`.D DAR.:I.E~~ M, NEIGHBORS. H1tSB_~:: L` q\~} "IFr-
<br />of Hail ~ountr, Nebraska: as mortgagor 5 ,and Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of Grand island,ac.~rporation
<br />organized and eais[ing under the lax~s of the YTnited,"ita[a ofAmcrira with :its prinCSpal. offitt'and Blatt of business a[ Grand Island, Nebraska, as
<br />mortgagee,
<br />TFIOUSA'i1~ Fi7E E3L^IDRED
<br />WITVE~SHTH: Tna[said mor[gagor_ S _,for and in considerarian of rh<sun of JI~'_ _ - ___
<br />I:IGHT'i irt~F DOLLARS At3TJ 79/1Q0 -------------r-~- _.. . ~ ob' .7 +
<br />the racipt of which is herby acknowiedgetl,do by thescpresrni5 moggagc and warradCarito said mortglg~,, its notate on and assSga,
<br />forever, al I the followiagdescribed «al estate, situated in the County of ~ H.a11
<br />and State of !Jebraska, to-wir.. -_ -__ _ ____-__
<br />LnTS FOUR C4?'~ARD SIX: (~}, IAI BLOCK'THIRTEEN (13), I~ ~G^,R.I 'F ,~.IJL?TIOV T'~ TE.C
<br />Together with ail tu!ating. air tn[tditioniag, lighting, and plumbing equipment andfixtures, intlttding screens, awnings.. ~tnrm window. anti
<br />dobrs, endwindowshadee or fitinda,vat[t1 on or mconnectioa withsa}d property, whether the sameare now located: on said propertp or her~vf t.-r
<br />placed thereon.
<br />TO HAVE AKQ TC HOLD THESAME,Sngether with all and vinguLr the tenements, fiereditaments and appurienancas tm~remto k,o-
<br />bngmg, or in anywise appertunmg,.-krever, and>wrrtao[. the title co.2hr •~, .Said murgagor..&_.;.hareb; rm~enant _ _ with ,aid
<br />mortgagee that _ . !-he Y_. _ __aYe .,` , at the delivery. hereof, the lawful owner.: $_ of tAe premises above ram.~tfyr.i +no de..,.riheti.
<br />- end__ 3 t `: _.. gaited pba gtWd endindeheasible: estate of irihenunceaherein, free end clear dfaII antvmbrat «c, and :,bnf h,+_._ _ will
<br />warrant and defend thecetlk-thereto forever ag~inat:the claimsand demantls of ell peraonswhomxwver-
<br />PRi)YIDED AI,N'AL'S, and this inatrument is executet}utd dehvered to seasrethe payment of the sum dt.~ 5u~~ ~I i~'r~ft~'~~~I. _
<br />TILE HLNr:ED EIGHTS' ONE DOLLdRS ARD 291200 = 6 58_.;9
<br />_. --- - ----- - - -- - Dollars 1S
<br />witA-inWrat thereon, wgether xrthsuththargea and advances as may be doe and.payable to sawimoRgagee..under the terms a td r~nnditt,n.~
<br />_: of the promissory note of even date htu4with sad secured hereby. eaetvted-hy soul mtlrtgagax S_.,_..:..tu :wd muregagee, Day ,,Ir.:,....l,n~.tir..~d
<br />in said rote, sad to secure the performattoeot all the: termseadtondickmscontained.thetvvin.Thetetms of saidnoteara nerefiyu rurparai e~i
<br />herein by this reference.
<br />It is Lhe intention and agreement of the par[ieatmreto that shin mortgage shall. a}so secure any fuwr« auvancea made w said mortKagor.~_.
<br />by grid mortgagee, and any nod all iMkbtedaesa Ln addition to the amount: elwva stated whit!. saidmun.gagora, or any of the ,.. ~. t„
<br />said mortgagee, iww~ever evideowd,:whether by taste, bookacttwntor othatwtse.:Thismortgage. a}iall remain in fullforce sod effect~betw«cn
<br />the parties hereto and their heirs, personal repro.~entatives„vuctessorsarid: aasigna,.untii all. ammunts vex;urud hereunder, includinf, iut, ,--.~
<br />advances, arx {.xid ir, h:ll -«ith merest:
<br />'Phe mortgagw S hereby assign _.__ to said zuorrgagee all renisand ineomeansio~y. ac any and ail cones from e, -.; Eroparty and
<br />hereby autlrorize said mor[g~{ee cr its agent. at iLs cpt,on, upon deiau}t. to take ehuge of said prcpercp and collect all a- tm. mcc n..
<br />tYterefrem and apply the srrne [o the paymeet of ir_cerz;r;. prv[cipaL Pnsoraace premituna,:taxes. menu. capai . p o .,. ._
<br />:wcewrY to keep sard property in taunubls condition. or to other charges or paym~ti. provided for hereinsur Ln the mte hereby sx "red ~ ":his
<br />rent assignment shall cuatin.[e in fo[ee uatA the unpaid baanrrz of said note Iv'uliy paid-Tbe ":king of p> -ssioa h nc..r vt - I -. r.., menu. r
<br />prevent or retard said mortgagee in the co]lection of said s~[:LV by :oredosure or otherwise.
<br />The 6ilnre of the mnrtgagtt to assert any of it right hereunder e[ any time shat( not be c. astrued as r w er o: its right co a_, ~ t the
<br />same at any later time, and [o insist upon and enforces „r ~t a,mpGance with ail the !eons and pro:: , n r. sat „~ ..no or c i ,nr „arc.
<br />If said mcr[gagur ~ shell cause to be paid u>>aid mortgaq ~ Lhe entire amoum. due i.. hereon del', and under t:,e terms aaU Dn,. ~ti,_ n..
<br />of said note hereby secured, inctuding future advances, end any extensions or muewals Cher rof in ac udacce wits tl % :,arm d n,. ~. u.,
<br />[hereof, and iI said mortgagor-S _. sha}1 comply with all the proviawns of sans mxn and of Lhis morC~xge, then thane pres~:nL=. sh llriw vnld.
<br />atherwive W remain in fu:} force and effect, rind said mortgagee shrill be evtitled ;o the ,-,os_~vion of ali o'saSd prop~-:y, a. ac its option.
<br />declare the whek+o{ said mfr and till indab[adac9s repre~nted [hereby to be im:aedutely due and payable, and may- torw_kis~~ thiF o.u:~ ~a„~~
<br />or tel[e any other Segal action to protect ite right Appraisement waival.
<br />Tfus muri~e yheB be binding upon sad shill enure to !be bane{it n( the h-irs, axes tr~re~. adml: :u ~tucs, s rxu-:r r nti -~ilrns ci tho
<br />reshett; :~e ~par[ie.^ L-ereto.
<br />L stiITtitiS3 W H} REOF~; said Mori~e~r _ s. ha 1z~.hereunG~ s.c. ~l'.diz-. _ ..- .ds th J t> and ar tir~t W~o;~,-
<br />~~t~ ~ ~,
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