<br />MORTGAGE 82.._i) ~1 n D 3 (~
<br />Txfs lxnetvTllxF, mad, rev l nth day f September q F2
<br />___ -._. o -- __ _._.... ,. ___. _, by and beta-ccc
<br />ROEtt?T L. 3ERRY AND_E~IZAerTH o_E_RRY ~it~pand c~nd_.~ife_____________ __ _ __
<br />of HALL County; Nebraska, as mortgagor 5 ,and HOmeFderal Savings and Lna ~ ck C.^of Grand 7Jand,aco r~
<br />rpo ~ucn
<br />urgan¢W and czisting under the laws of the Uniied5ta[es of America with i¢ p m,; pnl o(fce and place nC .,wine. s a Crcand bland, N<braska, as
<br />mortgaRct,
<br />w I~>=ss>=rx: That saxlmortgagor 5 ,forand`in consideration of the cum of SIXTY 'r I VE TH9US AN D AND Nil QQ
<br />-- - - ---- -~_~•l~ts-65sQ ~~_~~Q _Ob - -;.
<br />the rn:c,pt otwha:h is hereby acknowledged, do ny these presents mo tRaFCa*d'waN~nlyrMp)ay:dessors and assigns,
<br />(ore.er, all tSxfoGowingdescribed realestate, siruatedin the County of I;ALL
<br />and Slate of Nebraska. to-wit:. -----~-- ---- ~-
<br />Together with all heating, air conditioning, lighting, and ptumningequipment and fizitues, including st'reens, awnings. =ta.>rm windows .god
<br />doors, and window: shades or blinds,. used on or in connection with saidpropetty, whether the same are now 3ocated on said p n.perty u r hers f t[~ r
<br />Placed thereon.
<br />TO HAV}' ANII'f U HOLD THE JrlME, together with xlf and singular the tetaementa, hereditamentsand eppurteaunces ;hereunto be-
<br />longing, or iaarryrix apperttnaitag, forever: sad warrentiht title to _!-_ same.. Srid mor}Tngor S_ .:hereby, covenant with said
<br />mortgagee :hat tht .}~ are , ni she 3ehvery hereof, :the law fni avrner5 _,..`ot the premises above erne ey ed unu de~scribw.
<br />and-_-_dre seixrod of-a good soil. uafelea+>ble estatenf inheritance wherein, free: and c3eei.. of all encumbrances, and chat L hr•:(._.w~ll
<br />warrant and deftod thetiUethereto forever against ;he ctiauua sod. deanends of.sllpelsaas wtiomscever.
<br />1'ROVInEU ALWAYS, and this instrument is exKUC lend det;~ered to secure spa payment of the anti: orSI KTY FIVE THOUSAND
<br />AND NO/100 _--- --- _ -- ------ -~-- _
<br />- - -- -_ --_--arsl~: 6,099_99_
<br />with intereee thereon, together with such chvgea and advances ns n,ay be due and payable to said mortgngec• under che~r. r m and cc+r d non-,
<br />of the promissory twteof even date herewith and aerurx3 nereb ~ executed by sard mortgsgor5._ -to .said murt,gngee.,payablr ~.~ ~•>: tt n•~u,d
<br />in said taote, and w secunthe per(ormattoe of all the Latins andcondrtions contained t:hereia. Th^_ terms of said note ere. h_reby ;ncurlwrated
<br />herein by thin retareae. ..'
<br />it is the inttntion sad agreetaent ottee parti~here¢o coat this mortgage shall also secure anyfuwreadvancea made to said rn:::rtgagor.. 5..
<br />by said mortgagee, and any and all indebtedness in additianto the amount stove stated whit}. said mortgagors. or any of them, m,:y ~~~,.~- i.,
<br />said martgagec, twwevet evidenced. whether by note, book account ocotherw-ise:This mortgage thall retnxin in full force and effect t:etw~•r:
<br />[he parties hereto end their baits, personal reprvseatatives, successors. and assign4:until all amount` secured hereunder, mail sd in(; (utur.-
<br />advances, are paid m fui.' with intercat.
<br />TM: mortgagor_ 5 _ hereby ensign ui ~aie rrrortgagae alt ten45 aid ~ncnm sing at a v attl ejj taints Lon -d ( f •
<br />hereby ncthoriae wid mortgagee or its agent. ac is „pdon, upon default ke cnargc of+a:d Property andealleet alI vets mJ r
<br />fhereSram end apply the same to the paymrent of interest, principal, fnsurame pre to razes, nssusameou, 'repai .mpn. tit,
<br />necessary to keep said property in tenantable condition, or to outer charges or peym[mts provided for her*in or in the. note beret` secured. '(F.it.
<br />run[ assignment shell con:;n¢e in force until the unpaid ba7an« of said wte is ,`slly paid. 'Phe taking cf lr~ssessionhezcundrr . ~ 11 in „~ r ran r
<br />prevent or ratted said mortgagee in the collation of card sumac by foreclosure or d[herwise.
<br />The failure of the mortgagee rn ae5ert any of its .~ [_ h n.;urder at uca nine shall Dot be Dona n:cd as a ~warver o(. its rigtd rr, assn-a ~_hr~
<br />same ut any !stet time, and W uLSist open one' onto n.:. , tr ct cumpbsnee with all theaerms and_pnreiswns ofsazd note and of th i.,' vwry;apc.
<br />If said mortgagor 5 shall cause w be paid w .said tnattgagee theeatue amatnt due :t hereunder, and under the tern - ' ..,.,
<br />o[ said note hereby secured, including future advances, »nrl snv exfeosions ar rer~wals :hereof in accordance with the to rr~ ~. ~ pr. .ii.
<br />the eof, and if said mortgagor S. __ shall comply with. uU the pmvrsions of said nafz:and of thin-mortgage, then, these presents sh<-dl b a,i.1.
<br />otherwise to remaLn in full force sad effect, ertd said mortgagee mull be entitled rq the po. ~ s:onoC ell of acid ymperiy. soil nwy. xt its pLon_
<br />daclara ffit whale of said note end all indebtedrw_ss reprv~ented thereby to be .mracdiat 1y due and payable, .and maj• fnrerlo~ this mr tt;et;c
<br />- or fake any other legs; action rn protect it= right. Appraiaemen[ waived.
<br />T'fns nwrtgage sh.*dl be bindu>R upon and sha[1 ecu re :o the benefit of th heirs, _x _ uwr.., adm _ru[nrs. ~ucccssars s c assiR ~. ,' tn.
<br />re~prc:ive~pR*ties hereto, -.
<br />IN ~~r.'Si/41~(yR~'~/Err/~4- /, s)a~ird ~origago: 5_ _ lsu Vim, hereunto yet _._. ~~7p.1-t"_ _ Y ,if ~ __the Day ^ -ar ,irnt .,i~~~vv
<br />writ C~/C/ ..-' ~-L~l~ ~' _ __ _ _ _ _ ~ ~~~ ~=-~~"
<br />o art L. 9erry ~~ 'E-rifabe r~err ~~ ~~
<br />~.~,.:
<br />