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<br />~2`..0Q~026 <br />4.Gondemnatlon. The proceeds~f any award cr claimfordamagcs; direce or consequential,. in rnnnectind withany <br />condemnation or other taking of theProperty;. or: part thereof,or for conveyance in:fieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />aad hall be paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a total raking of the Property, the proceeds shaft. 6e applied to the runts secured. 6y this Dead of Trust. <br />with .the excess, if any. paid to Borrower in the even[of .~ partial iakingof the Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall ~ zpphed to'the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such,pro]?ortion of the procceds <br />errs equal to that proportion which the amount of the sum, secured by this-.Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of <br />'.taking lxats to the fairmarkct value of the E;operty,irntnedtately.prior to the-date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paidto Borrower. <br />I` the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender. to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award:or settle a claim for8amagcs, Borrower tails to respond fo Lender within 30' days after the date such notice is <br />mailed, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the. proceeds: aY LendeYs option, either to restoration or'repairof-the - <br />Property or to'ihe sums secured by this Deed. of Tntst., <br />Unless Lender attd:Borrowerotherwise agree m writing, anysuch application of proceeds to principal shat! no[ extend <br />or'pcetpone the due date of the monthly- iestallments referred: to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amounYOf <br />such' institllments: <br />'10., HerrovrerNot Released. Extensioix of [he time for payment or modificatinmof amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Dcedbf Tivsf granted byLender toanysuccessorin interesrof Borrower shall noboperate;to release;inany manner, <br />the: Tiability of he origipal Borrower `a.~d-Borrower's uccessors in interest; Lender shall not be required -to cotrttnence ' <br />proceedings against such successor or refr?se to extend time-for. payment or otherwise modify amortization<of the=sums <br />secured byYhis Died of lmstbyreason of any demand made bythe original Borrowerand Borrower's successors in interest. <br />11: Forbwraace by Lender Not a Waiver Any foebeatance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy'hereunder, or <br />otherwise afforded by::: applicable law, shall naC lx a waiver of or precludcihe exercise of any such: right or reinedy. <br />The prttcurementof lnsgrance or the paymem of taxes or other liens ar charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of ,Lender's <br />right to accekrate the mamrityoP the indebeedness secured by this Decd of-Trust. <br />12. Remedies Gu®ulrtiva All rc~xedies provided in this Deed of Tntst `are distinct and cumulative to any other right <br />orremedy'iurdet this'Deed of Trust.orafiorded by aw or equity, and,may be exercised concurrent)y; independently pr <br />siiccessively: <br />13. Succereors and Asitipuesoeai;aoint and'SevenP :Liability; faptione Ttie`covenants and agreements herein <br />contained shall bind, andrthe righu rereunder<shall inure tn. the'rrspectSve succccsors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. <br />-srdsjeM'to'-tfieprovisioro of paragraph; i7hemof. All-i+mnnants and."agreementsof.Rorrower shalYbejointand..several. <br />Thecaptians andhtadingsof.the=paregraphsofthis Deed bf Tntst areforcenvegience oniyandare no4io be used,to <br />interpretoride8ne the provisions frereof: <br />14.-"Notice. Exceprfor-any atoticerequired underappiicable law to b+t:givenin anothefmanner, (a)any:notice to <br />Borcower: provided for in this Deed of Trust shall he given by mailing such notice by certified maiG addressed to Borrciwzr at <br />thrPropertyAddress or at such .other addressas'~Borrower maydesignate by noticex¢ l;enderas provided herein,' rind <br />(b) any police: to Lender shaltbe given by certified mail, return receipt. requested. to Lendei s address. stated herein or to <br />such other address as Lendtrmaydesignate-by notice to-Borrower as provided herein: Any noeice`rirovided for in his <br />DeedofTtusrshalfbedeemedtohavebeeagrvenQoBorrowecorl:enderwhen:giventn'tltemannerdesignatedherein. <br />15 -Uaitom i)eed of Trusts, Governingt; Ses~enbitity: This form of deed of trust combines uniform'covenanis foe, <br />nationaluseandnon-uniformcovenants with aimitedvariations by jurisdiction m constitutes uniformsecurity instrument <br />covering real property-, This Deed of Trusrshall be governed by the law oltheyunsd"fction in which the Propertgis located::: <br />In. the eventthat-any provision orctause of this I)eedof Trust or the Nate contLctswithapplicable law, suchcontlict'shah <br />Hof-adectother:provisions: ofthisDeedofTrus[ortheNotewhichcanbegivenct{cctwithauttheconftictingprovisi~n. <br />andto this end the provisions of the Deed otTrust and the Notr are declared « r lie severable. <br />36.` Eorrower's Copy. Borrower shal6lx furnished a:conformed . opy;arf the hole and of this Deed of Trusrat thcsimc <br />of execution or after recordation hereof <br />1T. T'raosfer of theSProrerty; Assumpdoa. If all rte env partof the Property or an interest therr~nis sold'or transferred <br />by Borrower without lxndec`s priorwrit[en`conseni, excluding tai the cmatien af' a tier) or rncumbrnnce iubordinaie t„ <br />thisDeed oE:Trust,;(b) the citation of a purchase monrysecurStyinteresr for huusrhold'appliantes. (c) a transfer. by devise. <br />descent or by operationof law uponthe death of a (oint tenant or <br />Lender inay, at Lrndcr's option, declareiail thcsvms secwcd h~ this P~ced'~at Trust to he <br />immediately due and'payable: Linder sfialF have waived 'such optiot, .c aca•~erat~ !f prior C.; !hc ,a.e ur transfer. i..ender <br />.and thepersonto whom,the Propcrty:isto bt said txaransferrcd reach agreemr;u m venting that the errditnf such persi>n <br />is satisfactory io tender and' ihaCthe interesCpayabltonihe wnis,ccuied ty ihi, De~-d :ii liver shall'be at such r.iie an <br />Lrndershall reyuest:'If under has waived the option ro accdc:ere"pn3vided :n this (`aragraph i7; anti rf Bnrr&wer's successor <br />ipinleresihasezesutedawitttenassumptionagreemenr:+creptedinwritingh~rtyurLC:t,,,;,yend,~~r,shallrry~ !~,easei3orrower:dram <br />a8`obliga[ions under this Deed of Trust and the Note, ,,, y ---- <br />if Lender exercises such option to accelerate. Ltnder ~ :Hart tdorro.tit: a [ a. of :cieratf'~19t1h e~ecor~ance w:th <br />paragraph 14 hrreaf. Such notice shat] provide a pertuJ i+, nit l.;s than 3ti Ja~a~,oin ;ht face the~no[i~r?if ~n~iled Kithin <br />~whieh$orrower may pay the sumsdeciareddue. 1f.Borto~er Iaila to paysudt~utt}5 prior tothe expiiati0n ~o(~isch period, <br />Lender may. without tusther notice or demand on Borrower, ~nvi,kt an} remed;c, lei n,i;ird h> para,:raph i8 hereof. <br />:NoN-Uritr'oamtCov€:wnxrs. Borrowcrand Lradeclurthcrcovenant and:.agree:. ;oilow,: <br />_1$. ACceknliou; Remedies. Except. asprovided in paragraph 17 hereof,. upon Borrower's breach'o[ any carenanl u; <br />agreement of.Borrowerin thisl>eed of Trust, inctudigj;thecoy'enants to. papµhendue aivy scans securcA_by ihii::IDeed <br />of Trust, Lenrkr prior to. accekrationshall nwil notice-ta Borrower as'procided inparagraph ;14 hereof specifying: tl): the <br />.breach; (2)Aeactioarequiredto cure suchbreach;,t3)a date,nof Irss than 36 days frornthe date thenoticc ismailedto <br />brrower, by which sorh bmach must be cured; and t3l that Cailure io cure such breach un or before the`date specified <br />'-ia the uotice.may result in atxeleration: of the surror. stcured6ythis Deedof Truss and :safenf tbePrupeRy.:The Holier <br />' -shall further inform Borror~erof.:the righf,to: reinstate after'accteteratiorr and the..rightto :bring a court anion to'assert <br />t6e'non-Existence of ade[aultoraayother defenseof Borrowertoaccelcration andsaie. Ifthebr¢acti'is notcured <br />oo or before the datespecifiedin rheaottce, finder atLender'sopticn'.may declare. allof dhe.-sums-securedby thisDced <br />of Trost to be immediately due sad:payablewi[houl further detnandand power of sale and any tither remedies <br />permitted.. by applicablelaw. Leader shall be entitled to collect aBreasonaAie casts and rxpensesincurrrd in. pursuing. the <br />-remediesprovidedin thfsparagraphlg, iocluding,.hui not limited to. reasonable anarney's fees. <br />It lhe..pnwer of sale-is inx'oked, Trusteeshall rerorda notice of defeat! in eachcqunty in which the Propertyor some <br />partrhereof is located and shatlmail copies of such notice in the manner prescrihed by applitableiaw to Borrower andlo fhe <br />other'escribed byapplicable taw. After the.3apse of suctittme afnwy brrrquiredby appUcable iaw;Trusfeeshall <br />gitie public notice aESale to the persons and in lire manner prescribed by applicable Saw, T'ruslee; without demand on <br />Lorrower, strati sell the Property. at publiFauction to ~ir~hight~stbidder at the time and. place andnndcr the terms. designated <br />~, thenorice of sale iii one or moreparceis and in such urder as.Trnstee may determine.. Trustee may postpone sate of all <br />or aav' parcel of the Property b}. public announcement ai the time and.: place of any pa-eviausly' scheduled tale. lender or - <br />Lender's designer map purchase [hePropert}'.at any.sati: <br />Lipon receipt of paym~nl of the priee6id,Trustee :fief! deiiverta the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying;the. Property <br />said. Thr recitals in the Trustee's died shaB:be prim» facie c~idence urthe truth of-thestatemeuts made therein. Trustee. <br />sfiall apply the proceeds r.f the sak--. in the foiiew't-}t~ order. ie) toad re~nabie cosh and:expenses of the Salo,<.inrluding,-but <br />: not limited to, Trustee's fens r,f nr,t more Than. 31 L O~ ~ ~F of the gins, save pr'rec, reasonable atiorney's fees and casts. of <br />title evidence; (h) to alt sums ,ecurrd riy thisDerd af'Tnir; ::nd tc) iheexcrsti. if sny..torhe person ur persons legally eriniled <br />L thereto _. <br />19 Bor,r~+ err R ght to Hrirrstate. tioewithstar -~ l der's a le: t -~ of ih< s.ttn s urcd k•y tr,is 7?, ~d f `l tact, <br />Br rn,u cr shn:l ~,a°~ ,f:c r-~ht !u have any pr~Erdfn;`..bc>.r.n byl ~ .nrortx. iht5 Dccc of Iru~ t Hued at <br />ary r me prior i[ ,t.: ~ xcur of fr! She:ftfih ifa~. bcfc a th< .11~ :pert}• gti r5uart te.;?te nit , i -.en;-,7ned <br />ir: thi i3c:~:1 „{Tn: :.r~;i; tic of ajud~,ntcnt cnforc.rg t?`:. pc:-., .*i ..,~~~.:, zi,~rrc)tx'cf,.ay~lsv+d..rr :h'.+c.rld <br />~. ..~ ... , z .: <br />beihc d.+c+.:d- fx, `'i-_izt-<heNetc _ ~ ii ~, cun~~d: <br />, . ~t,. ,._. ,~ ,t.. <br />fb) B+.t - ,, arr. ul T .ztany nthe7 st.~.,~ _ : ~~I +. ., ~, <<. lk-~.. ~. Trrcti ' <br />!ci B u .r ,, rc ,c~n..l la 2VpenSCC inciirrrr F~ ~, ( 1 ccrz ,°~. : _~_~-~, e•t <br />Gorr :o r.::: in thi, Jl.d crfT:u+1 anal vt ~~f~., <br />c ~ -.-~ ancf ~, ...,_. ~r <br />I:CI:A c_I.,:t~ -:`-I ifRSlt, del. n..X n:5b3=, t{r - -. ~4. .:-~ ,, _ . .~. ~:,tL <br />icier ~+rc t,. a-..~.~: .rat ahc nr.r. i.t th:a Dretf of tn+v. i,~.~dur'; inee .._ r s .. ......- t. ;~.:., ...., t„ p,~y~ <br />