<br />g~~:z~t>q fl~~fl
<br />
<br />`~ ? MORTGAGE
<br />~lil8 ~tI~1eIl1lICF. Atadc and Excciittd this 31 _~__ d • .,f' --AUILllSt___ _ 1. D _19.E2_
<br />r. Ana ne~•,~<~~ ,7s~hn_~rCafis'~~t & HPI Pn_~c.Caff.~~ {h,,~ranr~ a-nrLwi fa), -- - --------_ _ _
<br />3215 E. Gregory Str Grande: Islander Nebraska______~ _-____ aar,;,,r,,,r,
<br />and _Fi; ~r.r.oa..•e,.,;.~ r.,,...,.,.~ia,.., ..crw,,.t...a.a.-, _ _
<br />--~~SiIZ_ u? 72Utfi St Omaha,. Ne_-x_8124 _ _ _ pa r._,, _,~re-
<br />tV]"f}:FSSETx,tnartheaaiapartyoftltGftxst pan, xatana xn ~ongsderarioa of -?'welve-Thousand-FOrt~-one dollars _
<br />--__ ---_._---_.-_ --- a dt~r sew
<br />and 84/100 cents (12041.,84)----- -
<br />~OLI.ARS, p ~ p... .» ,hN
<br />secerxipart, the teceipt whercofis herel.^;•acktmwledged, hes gsa tetl. bargaia<d,soldand conveyed, aadbythese preseats,does ran vtr ''I ~~i~:~>r .~:.
<br />n,tnosaid parry afthe secrondpan, rise following described brat ptnpcm; sltuatc inttie Cnunty of d _.ana StateofJ7etitssx., z, ~,-
<br />Lot 35, `in Sass ?.nd`Sub Division, located in_section 14,;,TOwnship 11
<br />or ange----~,. West-fie 6th PM in Hall County, Grand Island, Ne.
<br />A'R A 3215 Eire-, as err StTGrand Island, N~raska
<br />tagtxher with alt::the trnemmta,hceditatnents and appanrnances to zitcsame Mltatging, andaiihe estate; titic, dow•<r, right of homestead, claims aad: demand.
<br />vehatsoeverof tlu said'panyof the firstpart of.:n nr to said premises orany pan, :~ncrcof; and said party ofzhe first part 3oes liei'eby covenant, tttat said pa: ~'_~ .•i
<br />the fist rt is IwrfirW .crud of said premises, zwt said premtaea arc fiec tram iruvmbrance'~CeAt ~ '
<br />2rirs~ Federal Of LsnCO1n andxharsazdpartyofthef¢srpa¢wiilwarrantanddekndthcqucm
<br />saidprtarne against the iawfulclatmaand.d®an-•'.s ofalt pexsons whomsoever- __~----_.-.
<br />PROVIDED ALA'AYS, ann xtuxe presents:ceupon ;hose rnnditiona:
<br />W FIEREAS, said partynF *.he tryst part has executed and de3mered to the saidpariy ofthe second pen
<br />promissory na< Aa}oA Lnnnc} ~l 1Q$? 'in }hrs nrinrinal wmnnn} G:'E S]1.C71 ']( -
<br />due a_nd palrahle wi th i ntrest ate' ~p3,ed below
<br />_ _ ~y,2%wr moMhan that osrt-of ~=rcl pr;n final yayn:. -.-~-
<br />A.er~ Rate net in eseess ek ai bLG00: ar ~ ~ °~ csr ..nth ~~ char
<br />o{ G1Farge ...cart u the'unoard or.n_ .a: r in cit.,: oh S1;OOD.
<br />-_._.__.,.-,~. (j;.~+~-~, net:-ma.,,n <. •he :. - . `,~,lan~-~_ -_
<br />aodtahtfa rile '. --_-- _... ..-._ _-. ~_.
<br />s,:party of thefiratpa~[haa agreed to iceeptht budditigs,ifany,upon said premrses, tnsuralinsorzs company or.rompan:cs approved by s'ud pang'
<br />oE[tie aexond pary.fm the summa las than .S,j2f~ u ~, $ L„ .~.s~~.-~~ DOLL:IRS and
<br />debvet [o said panyof the secantf part the policy ar poltctacootainiag a clattse wrthth° i w payable to said pans of the accond part; ar:asatgns, aad hasegroed to
<br />pay al}tauaand oaiaxsiaa+es agaitnt said premises Ixfore the same, by :law, become deimtrycdt, aad has agreed that tf saidparty of the ti~st par[ duesnotprovide
<br />: such insurance, or fii4 topay aiitaxes u afaaaid; thehsaidp.ny ofthe second part, or holder 7xreof, ma}• pey such insurance and xaxes, or tither a£rhem; endall
<br />amounts sopaul by said party ofthe sc~ndpart shall bearihtnest at [he-rateof tiincper ant per annumfrom the date of payment, and this mongage stmt] stead es
<br />security therefor, aad said sum tray be addedto the atnoirnt oEthe martgagedebt, and the sam<recoveredasa par[ thereof; Now, if ihesaid party of:thc firsz:pan
<br />shall well and trots. pay or cause ro be paid [lie said stun ofmoneyip said trots...:: mentioned, with in[ersst. thereon according 3o ehe tenor and affect of said note.....
<br />andshall keepsaidbuildings insured asntorrnasd, and shay] keep alltaats andasaeaaritento- paid,:: and shalt :duly keep, :andpertortn ail-the abet covenantsand
<br />~. agreements lxrsin coc•uned, tlxn thrssprdrnta to be: auYl aad void: Bu[ rt sins sum of manly: arany past thereat', or say intertxs (hereon, rs no[ paidwhen i.x
<br />sameia sus, orif said buildings shall trot be kept iastued as aforesaid, or if the taxes and assesaaKn[s agamstsatd,premisesars not paid a[ or before the trite the
<br />same becnaicbg. taw deliogtimy, or if said: party of the roar partshall tail to keep and; performany covcnaats hereon contained, the holder hereof shall have is w t~p~
<br />zion to dalare tlxwhok ofsaidindeb[edneu d»e andpavabie as aaytims after xucdi faxYurs or dsfault, and may rnamtain anaaror. a[ law or egwty torecover i he
<br />same, arts the commencemsntoEstscb attioashal]be the only tsotue ofttis cxuauofs~d optionce¢{[rtred.
<br />AND IT.IS.F[1RTHER YROYlDED+LND AGREED, T3utr t!>t sand Mortgagor shall and witl pay alltazes levrei. upon ihismorzgag< or [he dcc .<.~r^d
<br />thereby, Fogethcr worth any a her taus ar. assessments which rmybe !ccitxi urderabeLawx of Nebnsks;'againat: Fhe said trot F o geEor the legai hoiden' o i the said
<br />prinapai rq[c.._. on aecomu of this indtbtsdncas.
<br />~ tiOTlCE TO CONSUMER: LDosiOT sign[his pape[befiue.ou rtes i~2. You ale en[iNed taacopy of thra: papsr !-Sou mar preps. t,_.; ~-f~uW
<br />baPince ar any tout witlu,uz pemhy >nd teas 6e enptkd u> reee ve a ttfnad otnsiearaed c3mrges in._~ erduue wnh taw. - -
<br />~a ~tstinuvnq ~l~ercuf, ._.,We ~ unto~t ~~~~__ ~and~_ f a~ea~<,: ~ t,~[r~._
<br />YN PRFSI:NCE OF ,r''=- r • ~ ,+.._~,., _ -.
<br />_ r...- -.._ -
<br />~ -' ohn McCaffery
<br />-'~7, t: , `H"e~`~ri -NtCCa~ fors
<br />t~ltt.t• rd_. tip- -
<br />STATEOF2~:E~1,AA; ~ 3,1 AllCjL'S1: 1982
<br />ss- 60this W_..___~ ::ark U
<br />I' ~ ~~ bNurr ^c• : Vo[vn Pufrhi in and ro. [be ~. ( .- ` Pr s i. i x mu=~ ~~ -....
<br />j ,3oka.-s--at~c~73e1eA-:'tea-€€eig-r-,rho-~~--aiso-k-nowri as
<br />~Nr_ ~cR A. ARNE.i q.=1 Pn A4c•C of fp.,,,t~_ _ __ __ - - _
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<br />GE;`.ERAINOlARtv.aalNas i e
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<br />1 « ato tve~ _ - _
<br />~ ,•~. rat acm hc~e ame ,
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<br />r~~a?++a_S6dr~sC~k4iA eta=uc s nc _. 3Le-~_ - - --.. , <~w. ~t? ~ t.:_ N~ _ their _.
<br />113N-1LY-Y-113t53F!J n.,u~ecd. -
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<br />R"i]'v YS9m:'`.raad and Notarial Sea; tYx :L
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<br />,... - -:.:>:.,r, p:.c._ .,., he ~~_ ... -. ._ ._ .. day of
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