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<br />82-= ij~~'o1~3 <br />:NEBRASKA DEED OF TRUST <br />t (With-Power of Sale)' <br />+ Amount Ftinanced 3 ~~+~~'~ •~~ ~i~reed Rate of Interesbon Principal Amount of Loan .I.~~ jc ;f~ <br />Principal Amount of hcm: ~'_~r-y-1.. 'LS AmountofFtrsilnstalment $_ <br />Total of Pavrrents E _~µy'ru~w.DG An2aantbftDthei Tnstalments $; ~~~j~=, <br />Anneal Fercentage Rate ,~J-~~ First Tnstatment,llue Date- - <br />Somber of Month h•[nsta}mer[tc ~__•Finalltista[menc Due-i)ate (1~4r/^(} ;195. <br />THIS DF,SD OF TRTTST,:made this ~~ith dapaf _ -4`P77.4'etfb°~• ~ j..g2 :._. <br />br[wcwn _.ii r. ")_ F'i n~}.~ an~..'ar~ -__ '"-. nra•T a~ rttir ri nri tli t`P'. <br />_.__ . <br />whaBe mnrhngaddress is x't'ttidt ..rl- ~ ~~~~,~ <br />as Trusters. _, -,. '~ ~ '~. ~_. . <br />` --- <br />whcse mnrhng address is ~j,~( _y~y;_j,Q~ r_ nm ~ rt <br />ae Trustee, and: DiaF.Finance. Company. of T~';r3~~}-~. _ <br />whose.'mailing 'address is '?- fI_ •~ns z7 Y~.~r•anri T~7 ^inrl t" r4RtS~ as Benefician~, <br />Wrl'h'ESSE7`H,'Trustars'hereby tirreyocabl}-, grant, bargain;.sell, end-.convey to.Trustee intrust, wrthpower of sale; the following de- <br />saibed' pmprrty in tra4'7 SCounty, Nebraska: <br />'est Fi~Bt (~i) Feet of Teat :»i~e {>}, a*~d the mast :orty_Nine <br />Feet C49t} of Lot >our C~), izl ~~ock T•~a (2'), i:i in'estorhofa is <br />First Subdi`~risioa ir_ the Git~ of Srand Islazti, Pebrasx,a.: <br />Together with tenements,.laered+taments, and appurtenances theresmto be:onging or in anywise appertaining and Ghe rents, issues anc <br />profits thereoL. <br />This. conveyaneeis intended for the purpose of..aecuring the :payment tea Beneficiary of Trustors' promissory ante oC even datein the <br />amount stated above as "Principal AmovnE of Loan". The agreed rateof interest per annum provided for+u sand:note is Lhe:AgreedAate <br />of Interest on Principal Am4nnt of Loanstated above, computed on unpaid baiancesof Principei'Amouni of:Loan.S'aidloan +srepayable <br />,n the nt+mber ofmonthly instalments stated aFave. The amount of theinstalment payments due on said loan is stated above. Th.: first <br />and final instalmnnt due dates on aaidloan are. etaetd above. Payment may be made +n advance m any: amount at Sany Ltme.,Default <br />in making any payment shall; at the Beneficiary's option and without noGc+~ or demand, render the entire. unpsvid balance of satT loan <br />at on:~ due and. payable; less any required t+ebate of chargea(interesc); <br />Taprote+K the security o(this Deed of Trust, Tr swr eoveeantsand agrees:. <br />1. To:keep the property in:good condition arni,repuir, a, pear+t no waste rhereof;.,to mmpleta. any buFlding, structure ~r ~mpmvrn,erv. <br />being tiuiit. or about to be built thereon;-to restore. promptlyany bm]ding, structure orimprovement theFeuh which:may he damaKe,t „r <br />destroyed; and to comply with all l.awa, ordinances; reguLationa, crovenants; conditionsand restrictions, affectingthe property: <br />`L. To pay before delinquent all lawfut taxes and aasesstnenis upon the property; to keep the property free and clear of ail ,crier chart;, <br />hens orencumbrances tmpairingthe s~urity ofChis..Deodof Trust. <br />3 Tpkerp all bnildtrrgs now or hereafter erected os the property doacribed herein contanuouely mauredagainstlox~ 6}° fire or. other <br />hazards rr an amount not less than thetotai debc secured by ahis Deod of Trust, '.All policies shall be herd 6y the Baneficiary,..a. ci ta• <br />in such rnmpanies as the Beuefrcrary may approve .and have .loss payable. first tu. the Beneficiary as +ts interest may appear. and then <br />to the Tnatitor. The amouiit coLLectad under any insurance policy may be-applied upon any iridebtednese: hereby secured in such.. order as <br />the Bene!iriary shall detsrmiri6.1Fuch applicationby the Beneficiary ahall.not cause discontinuance of anyproceedings to foreclose chit <br />Deed of TrwL. orcure or waive a ~ default or notice of default or invalidate any act done pursuant to such notice. In rho event of farecloaure, <br />all righw of the Tn.ator in insurance pahcirs Cher. in fdr•ce shallpass to the purchaser attheforeclosure sale.. <br />4. To ebt~nthe written Dons; nt. of Beneficiary before Belling, otFxerwiw transferring the property ar any part thereof and <br />any such bdT3~fatet'`~~~rinrayanw ur ttanafer without the Beaeficiary'swzitten consent shall eonsiicute adefaulL underihe terms hereof.. <br />5. To defrnd'anF'actidn or:proceeding purporting to affect the security hereof or the rights or powers of Benefiraary or Trustee. <br />o. Should Trustor Fuel to pay wben due anytaxes, assessments, insurance prenri~ars', liens, encumbrancesor -,they cFiarges against the <br />property hlleioabave dexribed, Renelician ma} pa} U+a same; and the aAtountao pa+d, withni.ereai .at the rate set'forth in the crate <br />secured hereby, ;Frail be added to and become a part of the debx aecured:in. this Deed: ofTrust as permitted byelaw. <br />fT IS 1~iL'TCiALLY AGREED THAT <br />T. In the event any portion of the property is taken or damaged. b+. ar, emi~ant dam rte, proceed r~, ta•e cntireamount of the award <br />or such portion [hereof as may be netea;ar}' w fullyaatiafy the obligatior. se~_ured her bv, ,hall be paid to Benefictary.. to bL uppli¢d to <br />said obligation <br />2. By ac.rpting payment. oC acv am-secured hereby after its due date,Beneficiary does nor. war ~e ;ts :iy;ht ., rr tutee prompt paymcr:: <br />when due of all other sums :o secures onto declare default for failure w sa pay,. <br />,. '('hz Trustee shall reccace} al: ar any part oPt}re pmpertymveredby this Deed. of Trust to the person-. ,itie.d the c~, :. <br />r>quest a( the Tniscor and the Beneficiary, ar uponsatisfadianof the obligation secured and written requc-e` fo r'c:.rr,- -~n,z r.:uu ~i: <br />the Benrvciary or the prryon ^niitied thereto. <br />9J1 FSZ iNEj <br />L~ ~ ~ ' <br /> <br />