_- 82-~ (? ~ 01 ~5
<br />end, wltnou! demand sna'V try ImmaOfataly duo antl Peyabie by 'rustpr and shall
<br />- Dear?ntarest a! tnema%3mUm allowable legal rate; provided. Dowever. toot al the
<br />option. 01 Hanaficiary O+Trustee ouch sums may be aadga to [ha prlncl0al balance
<br />of any indebtatlnes5 s avretl hereby an4 shall b¢nr Ines mterani as such
<br />- intlebtoflnass andshall De DayaDle m[a01y „vet the rdmalningatermihereof.
<br />trJ anignmeM W R•n'-,:RenatlCiarysneli '! eiha rigor, power and authority
<br />tlurinq to COhtlnuenC Jot ihl Trust Deeds t II 1Ih t 'S9ue rip fi3 of
<br />the Property antl OI a v pe a I p D ty t tl Ih Ith ih 1 taking
<br />posse 5IO of the p party fTectgtl nF by a d T to n reby a09a rely antl
<br />Dncondittorlailyassigns all sucn ente.i anaprofits to BenFficiary:
<br />-: HBM(IClery, nawBVer, hereby Lange IS la the TrualOr a 4allection and rBlanli0n at
<br />' sucn renb.l9auee antl oro8ls as.[hey accrue sod become payable 90 long a
<br />Truetor Is ~1; etsUCn2lnes, 'titdDtaulIwlthrespBCt lopeymentofany
<br />_ indeDtednesaseeurFa fierBDy. m IntM performance or any agreement neraernaer.
<br />UDon'any'sUCh tlatault, Heneticiary mayatanytime, elthFr in person, by dpenl, or Cy
<br />arecBivet to De'appo{ntetl by a to rt, witnput netlce and without regard to the
<br />_ atlegsacy of any securltylo: the IndeDiednass her D s urea (al enter upon and
<br />lake pOaag9810n O(2he PrpWrty Or any :part IDereOf ~ d !n Its o me SUB ter Or
<br />ollferwiae: collect sucn rents, issues and. profll.5,'nalutlmg ;nose past due and
<br />unpab; and apply tnesamF. 195s coals and aspen 5 of ape'atian and toll«ti0n,
<br />tnclutltng roasbnaDle ttoiney tees, upon any ihde0l ednass securetl hereby, ono in
<br />such prtlaras Bertenciary may d9tarnlM; tb) aertbrm eucn aptiof rncak oY
<br />.protection ae may be. necessary or proper to cOnse M¢ value of :ne Property Ip)
<br />lease iM came ar enypanthareo! for SuCfi r..*nta!: [arm, ono upon sate cond:tinn5
<br />aaita jutlgernani may aldtate_ Unless Trustoi antl 8enetiUaryaaree othervdse in
<br />vvriNng, any appttcat '01 fenls.+s9ues or proSits to any: InaeDtetlrte55secured
<br />_ nereDT Snail not extentl. drpostpone the tluedafe ~' t',: nstallm nt Paymentsas
<br />-provided insata promissory ogre or changa• ant or 5uch,nstanmanis.The
<br />antedng upon aYW:fakingposeesslon o/ the Prooerty,.lne nctlectlon OT sucn rants;
<br />IWLea andprotita;and'rhe application Ne+eof as ator¢saltl:shall welts dr cure
<br />any Oetault p+notice Of default nareunder,. or invalitlate any art done Pursuant l0
<br />.Such notice.:?ustoralsaaaaigns to Beneficiary. as: Yvdner Security'tOrtne
<br />perlormenCF.OfrtMODiigeiiOn3 secured Mreby, all pr¢paltl reni5 aM all manias
<br />'Much may have pgBn a! may narBafier M dnDOSited with said TrUStOr by AnY IESSee
<br />Of the Property. }O seCUre the RaVment O enY r8nt, and upon tletauli ,n the'
<br />performance Of any Of ha provisions Mr¢of, Truster ;.•Pre¢9 !C 4 1' a ucn rents
<br />amt depoahs tD the BenFtiolary. Delivery at`wrnte Douce or :he Benenciarys
<br />e118fCiSB 0i tRe npntagrdnled nBr9f'r o rtv 2enentacCUptiinP Sad p eTisb.S snail
<br />M SufftClent t0 r¢qui%e said tendni to pay Sattl rent t0 iha 88nBficlary antis further
<br />notee.
<br />ti.b•a•eeh•a•Iay,Wtttlln tO Caya aCnr demerb, Truster snau furmsn to Trustee
<br />a aCRedute urnfNa [O be INe; WHinq tOrttt all i085ee Ot apace In 1hB. Trust
<br />ISroparty ttbnin 'eHSCt,:netudtng, 'n aeh C sa, then pe ton to ants enp
<br />accupanta, a daecHptlon of ;nespace accuP+ed try wch tenant antl occupant: she
<br />r•ntaT WY•DN tw ouch sWM orb wcn otMr intormatfon and datumems «ittt
<br />rNpaet ip sucn leaeea orb l•Mncise as tits?rUetea may requeei
<br />WIUIbI2 tM prior: wrhtM' conaMt OT Truetae '.' usWr snail not. directly Or
<br />htdlractly wtfn rNMCt 10 enY iW W OT apace to 2M.dB8Crlpq pfam1a.68; wnBtngr
<br />auen ewe Fa : Ww or Mr•etlM.ln ealeterMe; raj nGCApi or permit any PrnPaYment:
<br />dfaeount Or edvirrbe vent WYapie thereunder. ;DI'-a++cel or terminatn lire same. ar
<br />amp[ arty CancNialbn, temNM2len. 6r aunander tnarepf,.or Per IS enY avant to
<br />.decay whleh wwMaMdb the W.ess tne+wnder to temflMro or ultcai Ina aema: IP)
<br />arI1MM Lr r+,pwfy fM aan»ap a• lp redutar its term it»rapt, Ir» remit! 4YYBDYe
<br />it1MFiItdM, dI:10 'xlalWeemyrenewal DrWtetOnatfiBrein Gontalnetl: id) welts"any
<br />WlaLlt tf»relrnO•I'M Ar•aPhtnMed': te)grve any Cpnaant, walvM a epPrpVtl
<br />LMiaYrldM M teal arty Pinar: aetidn. in PanMCDan iMreivlfh, ar w1[n 9. iBaaM
<br />iMlaundaf, whkH would have !!» aMeci OTTmpiirlnQ:iM. wiue of leaabr'a lntere8t
<br />tllrr•Irltdar, pit tMwop•rty suplect i[tarelo; or M irloWktnp its pWltlon a in»raat
<br />9flM 7nnIWPr 8aaeflWry;: OrtR aNl. aaalpn, PteOpa moitgagBar otMrwife
<br />;afalrrM.Pt;IXanCURIbaP,Ita lnHrpltn any aUCR 501ae Cf any rents; lalrieaINprofllf
<br />IMU1nq oranatng [Mreunder:'
<br />12 CalYaaeutiw if tltN tp arty pare of tM PYPt»rtY ahnil im taken In corrdgmnatipn
<br />procaadinga, try rlgM of sminefd Uanaln M aimllar 8Ctlon, Of MaH M eoitl pfber
<br />ihrNt of contlamrsuan,. art awaWa, pamapee aM proceeds era neraw esapnetl
<br />WMati tM alb tP HMafiClary wM 6na13 apply sucn bwarda, damapee enp
<br />wocawa'ddtM Gums WOVred by RM Thai Heap, wilntheexcesa. ii any, aatd l0 fire
<br />TNator: FNeta wilt promp8y; aM wRRdue dHrgen a, repair; attar end restore the
<br />iMIMIMnq part: of tM TYWf Property spite IOrrMV cbnr?iibn auDatanliaily IOiM'
<br />s%IMtthatlM aarM maylMtssa/WaaM ap as tP Dpnatliutea<pmPblearW UNDiB
<br />uMt.
<br />IA FrNra A~aamwiJport sepWa/ol TNeip, $eMlklary, ai 8ensfiblery's opton,
<br />: gnu fo racom•Yal+cs tN its Property to 2M TNatOf, may make tuNre eavancea to
<br />SM Trwtpr.Sueil fuitui atlYanCea. wrth inlereat tneraon, eM!I.Pe aePUred by thra
<br />Ttwt Deal wMnartdertcW DY prominnary na snutry iMf s•M.rilnea a
<br />iecurep.Mrtly:'prOVided tMt at rp time ahali tM.sxuraP pri MiWi, future
<br />advanpaa, not IBCiudfnq SumY apV0.ltCid to Dml«rIM security, 6xCeed Uf»
<br />Meidr•d parun3 i/DD7YYM tM wWinrlt pnnpfWLalrqurtie eec:urep Hereby.
<br />1a. t~• CillrltrMllre. aft remeti»a prpY.iaed in tni6Tryal Vend 0.rbdiMinCl oral
<br />WmuM1M to any otMf rpitt or'rMn•d)' colder tab Trust Dead or a~tottleP Dy law ar
<br />agaitr; and may Maaaro+aw cortcurrarvtty; +nWp•rMenBy or supcoeaivety
<br />1S AYa1s1a11r•i.AarlreYee;. Baia. tiWrl dNau{[:ley TrubtOt iptM pain»rs[ at any
<br />-..InWplatlrMa•lacur•Jlvar•PyNM.SM.pMgm»nc•.ot any egreemanl. Pereunder,
<br />4MIteNry maydeeWSaD wrt» eKUred MfWy.ImrMtliately dueead WyabM Dy
<br />daUYarY tD TrrMiaa'at wntHn Ow4n[bn ofdatauii: TM7rualW aMh hAVe tM
<br />Pp•lar d seta Ot tM PvoPartY amd 9an•Itafary-daabw tM Pfppw'ry to tie sUd. i9
<br />NMIf rNppallratth 7HMtw ihM TrwS Dew aid ate piomisaorynotW aMaopitMMa
<br />:MiOwlrJlrq aspanaturW aepuredheraby, yrW.aMll tlN}rtrto TruatW,.avuH»n
<br />rWfG W default and sMCtbn io uuW the PrpD•rtr t0 a 8016, and the Tfua2M :n
<br />tern rli»ii DLpaPaietmlta6 tiottca (n tM fwtn Iegp'u64 bylaw. wn!<n anaii M QOIy
<br />flle0la r•COrd by.TNetM
<br />jy...afnr tltetapae or sucn time as mar M required M' taw 2diawktq iD.:record..
<br />anon of Wldnoekt•pi defauR, and notice of GfetiuD anC notice ofaafe FAYI.'Ig
<br />[Matt gHanas ipuitad :by Itw, T Naive, wi2POU1 CerPand M TNatW, :anafl se!i
<br />' SM Proparq on tM aM and siin~ tame and ptau aeatgnated !n rata notice of
<br />Wee, at WDgcauc:lon to. its Ngnpl bidder, the purCRa.iB pricapaYaGb m
<br />earful motMy a2 the Hnnatl States at its iime.±! data Tha peraonpordiaCting
<br />tilia saleHMy,forarty cause M dasma expadAen: paatpon8lM WM from dme
<br />l0 ifrtM until ttaha0 tM cOfnplfisd and.?n aeery eucn rate, ntittCeo;.poaiponb
<br />iltant effort D• gWaY OY9upfic tl«lafation tnaradi DY ouch peraan e1 tM tuna.
<br />and glade. iaattlppolniadtar ina data; Aravbel :~ :he seta IapasfAn«.fOr
<br />tpaparriur (p der iMrartd. tnB daydasepnatw "e xei<e otaalD.. MZZCe
<br />ttwaol chat! fie ~~fven in tM 'M manrg a9 YRb ~r UI.'al ttotia oi. WIA
<br />TNelae Mil ex Btu's =nd 08ifver tDtM WrOMSm his Deed convayingLM
<br />Property std, C:.t w:tr,cutany wvaMm Ur winanly, b%prf6e, Ot implfep. THe
<br />raD!ia,a lit. Ihn iaBd Ot any ma4tafa IX,{aGifSnail t» CortCltisivd MPOio!:irw
<br />~~'hl dress r+a•m,'. .ny t.ersan, IOOiutliny.'}anbticlery, may Durcnase at iha
<br />Sala. .. ,
<br />IDi WRan'rra`ae se are IGthe pOwela herein, its T[~~9t98 s!ulfapPlY 4na
<br />ptp••.ae 5 t' •~ymsnt of ttae [Dais andexWnsas Jr azeroteinq its
<br />`ro`w! nC C: ^e d CtM6aYmahi OI Sh0 TNeeBa'9 Fags
<br />kt y ..1h I 3UL _..er~ Ot IM aatq pr}[,F tl than-ra
<br />L fps t~i d .:ro,Q a ated
<br />iGl a!f y h. .. t wDDangrspn tb t the sera Dr T tea or
<br />rim p „e CO' , a its .sty aP fore,;.loausa erx7 Bain IC Iron Reia s p ~ a ant
<br />3 ~ Otalo a_ Io _ ,.*a i =<°cbedi of sale a?re e M aPD1ledlr ne UrdM stated
<br />m loo germane o:
<br />ly Odsloynye k Ib pnnuretlm apn er. dare wftn mc!*aeiN and o?
<br />tiij s'ha ~'eo:'rgraby:
<br />[its TNa B^:eonpw '. •. torts pB,'morr iignr{yB tm. trera:n.
<br />l8. Dutlsa and DDligetiane of Tmetee. I.c "ne d~tias antl oONpaticns at Trus4aB
<br />shall pe tlelerrtllnetl solely by the express provisions of the Trusl Deeo and Truslaa
<br />9he11 not De IdDIN a%capt f ShN pertarmancF O} 9ucn ~ t d obligor Onae9 rite
<br />SpeCltfcahy 6Bt IOrih h t and n mplled COVena I. ar ODlignllons snail De
<br />imposed upon Trustee: IG) NU orovislOn of th15 Trus: Deod snail regatta Trvatae l0
<br />expendor risk nis own lands, or otn¢rwise Incur any tlnancial oaltgat3pnln tiro
<br />parlarmance of any el {I tl tie h.. a dB ir. the e%erClse ofeny f ils ngnt or
<br />po em;if II snail have 9 r Dally gin Mine 9p Ymant of ch f ds'or
<br />dsq to I d ItY.agal t n •ISk o I Dll ty of e 9 Dly as ed t t (c)
<br />T teem y n5u1t. with c n l of n n onp 1 gantl tfieetl 1 i s ch
<br />aunsel snail M Tull and cDmplFiF autnor,_allonand protecl7Dn h.,ne reSWctof
<br />any action taken or auftereaby I'.: hersurberin gootltaltfi end xellanieiheraon; (d)
<br />TNStee snail notba liable for any 9Ction taken 6y hlmin goodYelN ana
<br />belleyed by him l0 be autnoriLM o wlPDin tnadlscretlDn or dgma of powers.
<br />cooteved upon If oy m!5, rust Deatl.:
<br />77. AtldBton•I SecuNly fnatlumMle:Truetor; at It9:9xpense..wfll execute antl ddllveY
<br />f0 the Tru 1 prompt%y UDPn tlame tl UCh. aa0u Ity 7hslNTents a3 may: De
<br />rFPUlretlO Tnsiee, in room andsuDSte 9etl91aptoly lD Tfusiee, covering any of
<br />the PrppBrty COnvByetl DX thiBTrU3t DBetl, w~~~h.SepUnty Ina[NmBnts 6halb9
<br />additlonai sacudty for Tfu :o's fahnWl parfarmanCeniail o(tne. farms, covenant9
<br />anacondltlons otihis Trust DeFtl, Ifi0 piomissorv notes secured nercbY,:endany.
<br />other seCUn2y instrumenlsexeculetl In c nnec4lDn wlfhihlstransecHOn;BUCn
<br />Instrument3shell bg rgaoroM or. filed, anoraracorded aM. re!Iled;. atTruslor'e
<br />expenaF.
<br />18. MI•pllaMaus:
<br />1aJ in the event any one or mo+a of ;he provi3lpns dontalnetl In ~thia Trust Daetl or
<br />[Wept n195ary, .ot o any btneis« city Instrument given lnconneCtlon wlin
<br />tnl9 , sac2ton shat) foi any rM n M' heitl to be Ihvalitl; Illegei c
<br />antoecaable Ineny respecCaucn Invalblty,lllegellry;.br unenlacBaDlllty
<br />roll, at ina option of 8anettClary, not 91tBCt any. ottiar prOV)siPn of tni9 Trust
<br />Geed; but this Tivst DFetlshell bF'cOn9trvetl as naubh invailtl, Illepal;br
<br />oMnfdreeable prove tan hatl haver peen COnlalnetl herein of therein
<br />?Dy Th:s Trust Deed sit D Da oaMtruBd eccoraing:to the Taws of the State of
<br />(cl ThtsTrust Heed. shalt :n a fo ana. bind the 'heirs, IBge1Wa, deviaeen,
<br />ddminlstrators: executors, successors and a9algna o4 tM genies herald:
<br />(tli Trp$tar Snell pay..ell taxeslavlBd upOnthis TNet DeBP.or the deblSeCUt«
<br />RBreby, tOgOiher wl4h any Other taxes or essessmants which meyta InNled
<br />against the Trustee 8 ficiary or [fie legal hObefa}:sald prOmiasOry note
<br />ap4oprt D•tna moFmetl, aaa aY aenGaa tnerebry
<br />Isl. Wnenevu. used he 1 ,thes:npuler cumber snail includetne plufal.lha
<br />singutar;fHsg u4e of any gander andll pe appllaabb to ail gentles antl the term
<br />"BeMHet-Q', efiall'. nclude a?y psYeF of !M' Iridebietlneas hereby securedbr
<br />arty irena/ar enereoP.-r,'natnar by oWranun of law or otherwise.
<br />)1
<br />t , r
<br />tR; 5u ee•~p Tru ~tas. e i ;dry may r re to tt bstttute a cceaaor or
<br />eaeOre to any~{It~tgB n8me0nerem Dr eCtlng nBreunder SOakeCUie tole Tfusl
<br />DBW.1Wog 9uapappOm(mBn[ enb WilhOUt COdvayanGa 40 its au<C9aeOr Tnra!ae.
<br />SM falter snail rt» vastatl wltR ai! tltle, powers:. aiW duties conferred' upon any.
<br />Trustee Raroln nenadar aCtJnq neredntler. Each: eucn eppolntPtenl:eon
<br />suoatttvpOn shall. ba mepeDy :written. InatNnbiit 6y BeMI1Gery,COnlslninp
<br />•afMence Ea Snit TrusSDeed endfis piece of record; whitfi wean nsco2detl. In its'
<br />ofike Pt tM Regbtsr bl Deeds D( the cauntybr c0untlea In whlCn a.'± proWfty le
<br />at}Wte6 DMH DB POnGiUelve proof Of proper appOiMment OI IM apCOafaOf TNatW.
<br />The !aregtHnq Gower of aubatnviton and its: procedure Therefore atoll note be'
<br />exChrntre Of I:Apower and Rrocedurgprovlded forby law for 2ne SubetltullOnOf a
<br />Truetse Or Truateas to the 6lev'901 the TruelW.
<br />20. feeaaaMlMa: 0y. flarMtlplary Or.TrWIW NNa WaN•r. AnY tdrsDNnnce Dy
<br />8ar»ttc+iry w. TNetN In exerclampplty Hqm or rametlY herwntlar; or othMelN
<br />iftprppd Dy appllCaDb 10.W, anall n01 t» a welVer Ot Pr pfxitlde Tie!%erCfee tll any'
<br />rIgM.M remedy neroundar, Ctkewias;9ne waiver bYHanatlclary or. Trustee ol'.any
<br />delauu p,'.T t m0ar ;his Trust Deed anal! not be deemed to be s waiver of any
<br />o[nMlst simitir petaulta auDeevuentiyoccurring.
<br />?i TnMSar MW.RWa•W. E%tenaton of iM.flmeiOr. Payment of. motllllcallpn Or
<br />amptrzatrOn Cr Ms auma secured Dy fhlb'TNar Deed grenl« Dy BBnellGlery to any
<br />DSICCeia01 m to»r•et M TNa(Pr atoll nOI OWfele lp YateaW~ in enY manMf, l M.
<br />i;apthry of tiro pr}gl Mi Truslor ar FNator'a aucGenaw'M in4ereal: 80nbtlciary. shell
<br />rot De repvirea to aOTmerlGH prDCeetlinpa agePSC BYCYI 9UCCe9aOr or iBfueMlo
<br />a%ternt time <d p•Ymnnt C+OIDnrw{enmotlliy 6mOnlYallOn of inaeume eacute0 by
<br />Sofa TrPel Deed py rNn9on at any demand mode Py Isle OrIgIMI Trualor and TrU91Ur's.
<br />succeaeam mimere»t.
<br />22, DNauIY, ti tHere nHell W a U9fau71 under S~l~ Deed of TNet or under any pridf
<br />rMnpaga; iPe 8rmnflC:arymey.GUre sucn tletauli, endtne amounts atlrenCedoy,
<br />aM 4tfMrcoatb and. expenanb 6? d»w1Mflclary:in curirp eudhtlelaull; wllh
<br />fn»rest nt tM delauU leis tantetrNre fn the Note deburetl hereby Irom the IimeOt.
<br />its aQYarIGBa or Daymen[e Woolf be «tled to. Ina iMMbiwOMex. secured DV [hie TtuaF
<br />r and rrlay pe COtiat3H0 nefbundBf et afry.Hmg AfiBr tnB Sfine Of ouch advpnCeb.
<br />or payments an6anal be deemed to De eacuratlnereDy
<br />23.Opuert lp FOratieW. Upon the xGU n of ~nyd•18 IIn reunder, eenellciary.
<br />ahalLnave Ihe.Dptibn !a torBCipsa InIB TNa[ Or»tl in. ina manner prov{pad Dy law for
<br />tM 4aecio•ure cirrwngepBa on rant property.
<br />?a.'TNaiera Rlynb, abwtt ONWIt. Vntu arty ~.; cetautt in the payment ::-Of
<br />ntlebtWrroa9 Mreby saD ga0'.tuthg breach of any CO eranl hnrei nta!n'ed,
<br />Foe Ttu9tor tin autCeBaora antl asxigns, ahali possess and enjayihsp Operly antl
<br />+xeive the rantb arts pro It ShBrafrom, tlpOn paymanY of 34t aum3 aecure0 by this
<br />rirat.OBed,.eeMfictary ei»:f requsat 7ntsteatora;.onvey iM1a proWrtY.end anon:
<br />aurcen+fm :Rio That Dead'ena eiI rotas evbenGinq:lnoebtganesa: eecuradDy:thee
<br />TNet Dead to TrupiBe. ?ruatae sha;i recanyay. ina. pra(.erty wtlhoulvleiranty ana
<br />wiihdut merge rj trva peraanx. Ic+pally ant;tlrb tr»ratC.TM bran Wa frv..any.
<br />rerx:nvBye ca rnaY DF "ex IDnC85. -'tna J+oraDr. cr W'a0na anfllled thereto,".enp..
<br />the rx:{tats SMreih of any mdtiara P acts shell 60 GOnCIObi'!e pr0ol oi: Ih6.
<br />truthtulneaa thereof. Such pa•apr. o+persona shat; Day%a11 wstsot recording; if any:
<br />25. ACghradpn Jn tMEa•nt of Tootle i ; its pvaai EDa 11Na to: acid real gsialb ia.
<br />Lransterrea,iY aDntrattNC i Da try^sfar d, iron ine.Untlersigrwtl for ny raasori or
<br />vy any rnatHOC wha"s0ev entire p,:ncipad sum. ant ecuued. Interest xnefl ar
<br />ce2roCD:nB dub rind payaD'9 a'..rnea1e011an v?t~ eena CIarY: aifu tOa%eIC`aa:
<br />this oDULr: t)6..au YB Of i 0.^9FNr O`tltie atWVg stated. n Coe inxfaHCe shafthal.
<br />GonatitufaawalvBr of they M.., rr2sr_;se this same In fns event c!. any subecaguenr
<br />.anafer;
<br />Z&Tnle deed ot.[rp :u;untDr tcoRS date.. yJA.,. ._._.. ,_._
<br />f%•pUiap. rn TrielCr iO_ _......:....__ .... _..... Trustee,.
<br />secwmq •D+' .yet axe to _ . __.
<br />Dolma ana ..,w ,nr r«cra w m tpa riagtatw. a Danoaa ••<t ,denisKae, as !c1),w.a.
<br />