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<br />$2-- t7t~~i99:~ <br />(Il ntont}t prior to tts due date the annual moregage insurance premium in order to provide such Bolder <br />withtunds:.topay suchpremiitm:to.The Secretary pfNousingrandUrbanI~eveloprnentpursuantto,tlte: <br />NationalNnusing Act: ns arnended, and applicable Regulations thtreuniier; nr - <br />(II) If and sn long: as satd note of even date and: this ms[ntment are held'by the'Secretary of l{ousmg and <br />Urban Ihvelopment, a mood h• efiazge Jin fiery ~j a mortgage insurance premiurrt} which shall be in an <br />amount equ~'tc bne-nv_Ilth ~ III2);ofone-halt' {1.~2)per cerin+inof[heaverage outstaniiing balance <br />due on the voter mput~' ~ tthout t:iliing into account delynquencies or prepayrttenu; <br />(b} A sum equal'fo the ground riots, if tn, , next due, phts the premiums thatvvill next become due and payable <in <br />policies of-fine and otlter'taznrd tnsurance covering the inortgaeedproperty. plus razes and asszssntents nexfdi+e r_ <br />on t}[e mortgaged property (a11 as estimated h• the hfortgagee) less all ums already paid thereftir divided 6y the <br />number oC months to elapse before one month prior to the date when such ground rents, pretniurns, taxes and <br />assessments will become delinquent, such hums to be held by ;Mortgagee in tryst to pay ,aid ground rents. i,re- <br />miums; taxes anti special assessments; and. <br />{c) All payments mentioned in Lte two preceding subsections ofghis paragraph and all payments arbe made imde <br />the note secured hereby shall he added together, and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagq <br />each •nonthin a sinade payment to beagplied by [heltoragagee to dte'tolluwhre ttcrosm theonier set,foidt:- <br />(Ij premium charges under the contract. esl msuranca wtth the ~ cretary~of Hous[na aitd Urban rJavelopment. <br />tr ,monthly charge i+rr lied irj'mortgagc insurancc;r.remiuna. as the case may be; , <br />(I!} ~~rnund~rents;taxes,assessments. fare and c>tfier7ttviard insurance prcniiums; <br />{ill) uauest on tfite no'_:' secured hereby: and <br />fiY) amortisation of the principal of uid'note. <br />Anv deli ence in dtearnount ofanysuch a~reg3te mo,tthF payment shall, unlsssntade good,hv the Mort- <br />gagor prior to the due elate of the txxt sucJx payntertr, ci:nstttute as event aP deiauli:mnder thismortgage.; The <br />Mortgagee may collect a "fiat:charge"not to exceeu ti~cr cents"(4tr} torcachdollar(S1}.?f'ea:.h paymenzrirore <br />than 6f`teen('IS1 days in arrears [o covertlie eat-aex*.xnse znvetEved in handling,delntquent payments. <br />3. That if the total of the pajmertt~ made hti• iht y~..~,<.==:arunderif,?of paragrapfi'? prert>ding shall exceed <br />the amount of paymen%:- >c*_u211v madr by the 4kircga«ee ftrr nmund renG~- taxes and nr intiurarc•:e pre- <br />miums, a~ the rage may be, wch excess. tf the ioart is current, ;;tche option i?! the htortgagoz. shalt tic credited br <br />s}te 11urtgagee nn .=uh:~eyuent pxymem:- tr. ht made by t#te Mort«aflar. iii refunded to the Hart«agor. 1'f, howe~ or. the <br />:nonthlg pa~~ment~ made by xhe:Mortgagor u;idcr ; of paragraph ':prcccdtnQ shall not hesuffic~~ni t< } n- ptouud <br />r¢ntti taee;;and a~ ~:esemrnts.or in~uranre pr,~mium>. _c- thez~:>.~e may t>e, xhen the ~ame~hall become duo ono par <br />abfe, then he Vlorzg:egnr -naU pav to the ~5ion, a,r•~~ uns :unoum necc>-an to mit6, ~p tha defiaiunt~r~, nn or hcforo <br />.the datewhen pay^motu ot -uch,mund rent ruse-. r-.r•~•~menr• or in~urancc premntntn shallbe due-. 11~:u an;~ <br />time the.!Mort«aKocshall u•ndet~to the ~1ort,ca«er. in u,~ordance with thepro•.i~ion~ ~~t the nah~ -ccurr>d h,>rcb; <br />full pavmentof Ch¢enWrr• indehtedne:~ repro>ent?~d therebv,fht 11on~a~,•,> -haJ1. in rnmputin~ the :rm,;unt of ,ooh <br />indrlytetlnes~, credit to the atrcopnt of the ~lnrtg;:pur ilt paymcnzs made tinder ~tJzc lxo> i~u^r., ~ I ',; „t haner,aph ,'. <br />hereof which the 1lortg~cehasnot bernen ~ ,dilicatc>d [u Pa.~ to rhe5ecn^[ary of 13ou-in ; _nd (~rfixn Ito ~c}o},mcn; <br />and any balsutcc rcmuinm}; in"~thefuttd=~ •t,rumulau•d un~+,~r ih~• prtrv[~inn ,rf rf,rilparuznrlslr ? F,~n•ut. it them <br />°ahall tie a~defaultunder am of~th?~ pmsi-;nn- "~ thl~ ,nr^nC~:iLr -,~-ul4iny in a publtr <uir• nl ih.^ !~mmi- r < t o.~r~rcd <br />hereil)', Orlf 1}14IH'orlgager tic yui re°~ thr proprrts rn }u•r rsi-e Mier <I«•lault. thu lhxrt ~ -irdlf apply.:u it±o ~imr.• ~~r <br />Lh(~, eflmnleACGmf`n~ of ~urh pmcoc^dinz;^. +,r ~.,t thr lime thi~ urut,.;n i- „thr•rni-,• Ott yuinsi,.l.ho baiunco ihr~n rrnwiu- <br />in« in the fund:, !u'cumulutt•<I undrr ~~f p:arapn,ph pr,~,cdiu~^. e> :~ tttt-d:t at•a,in-t thi• am~,uni r.i ii(ncipal thoi: <br />rem.utung unpaid undo>r ~uiu nuto.:rnd hull ~rr,?p::ri-~ .?dju-t .u» lrepmen~.~ t~iticii ~ltt=1 iltasa 6t~eu mnJr iri..>.t tc; <br />a. That the '>L,-tga~at ;vtll i>r> er,~uud :cni.. !,:ar.. ,[a.c>,~rrer[.. K'uter rates. and ulherggveinmenta! ~ r myniefpai <br />ch,,rge._ floc,, >,r nnpo,:tivn~, 4iru hi- r ', , ^ ~.~ ,n hu, ,i.,t fixer medc he,emtx9ftsre. :andin defaults Eierectft{te `•l ortgageema~. <br />pal the ~:rft:l:.inJ ~h;al Lne tilortg,rgtn ~ l •!:1[~ it ~el~~cr t Ic,',Il>i1'.,:Ie~el(lli[hefetorloIlieMatLgilgeC <br />~. l'hc SI r t,.,,,;r µ•i11 pay all t s-~ ..1:kh ~ :a ie~i~~J .p,?r cnc 1Jortltagee's imcre,Cinsaid realeaaie •~nd mrpruve- <br />nieuty. ar?d -.~ hich m,n he Ievitd upon rhi, into tc ~. ~ ._•r o6~ deM .czar ;. hereby that only to the exienrthat woh i, not prohibit- <br />ed h; lu++ and ooh to the estert thnt such,JR .. t 1hr. !~.~un a u~ious;: but etciuding anyineoia•_ ~aa- Sr,[c •~r F'ederof. <br />imp.neu on ~Latgngee. and will file the ndi:ial: ip e6i+~ Ine .,ich. p,a.ncnl. wtth the~.iortgagee. l'pi?n „o'~~atiwi of ihr, ander- <br />!akmg, or if the tfur+tag.,n.proltihited b} n: ~ .?o~~ ~ - 6crcaftere=i,ung f:,,rrr poring rhE.whole:u -~u. porrian ~^f the afi-err <br />satd Love,, or upnr the r<aderingafan} i. url dr r ;,ihitim .~ the p.~yanent rn [hc .'ulertg;,grJr tit any ~achl'n'ae, ~~r ifsuch le°s <br />o; dr.rce provi]c: thf~t zm ~,n~ount.op~t<1 by rLe `dw[~g~,rshalJ be credne~ nn the c•,lnzae~ debC; the Mongagce.hall ha<< <br />4hc right fu erve ninety d,,vs wiitletb nvti c. [o the ou nor at the mortgaged premise~_ reyuiri rg the pay ntenttif the rnortg:;:e <br />dcht_ if such nonce he g,>-en, the ~?id d bt ,volt Feco:nc due, pa}=abie cndC~dfecUhlt ai the c !riti r+n ~?f said'ninei : cFa_v,. <br />b. ~Tbar should he ia` to part am sum or k p a_;,y ru _r+tmtprooided fot'in :n7. 14ortgage.then the'A4artg;., ce. rn fits op- <br />tion, na: pat or per. arm the Uernr. ~ .d a'i eap-uditures c> madeshall be aided toihe prircipa! ;um (`}wing on the above n,+u. <br />shall t>c securers hereby, and ,hall ne~~r inrere;t st the; atr .: iortli in the satd riutc, until paid. <br />"' "1'ha[ he bcrehc a~. -ens. trans[cn :,na ~n e~ io the Mortgagee, to tie'applied tom.^:d rfiepaymer.+ of the >~ is :_nd ::I; <br />,mn, .uure.i h rzbc i:r . of , cie*ault :n try p,r,orm.~.nce .~f any of iheaerrus :and conditions. of this .~Sortw,' :,r Eno s;:i;i <br />ncae, all the rent- r, rer;u : end mc<<me ;., e~ d- i eJ from the mort~tegad premi5<s during ~ueh time as themorth ndeF.[e;!- <br />ne~s shaE rrma:n unparu; and the ~tortkacec ,t-'I ha, ~~ caner iv t+pp mt~;~n~ xgentor a;;enis ~: mag~desirefar +i c p_^. po>e ,~ <br />t <br />repairing said pr .ise: <no >rt rrrtir the soar aid cc+llecting thtrent canes anti .its:-ornc' and-fie; , ut ,[ ,e:~ in- <br />r:omns alt ezpcnse~' .~f reps wing ssicl premf,e, ;.uj ieee»; .. ~c i in.~ uas:end c_pcox in~urrcFt in rtAlitig and c:-rr;;i nt: the <br />saint :-nti tit co}ie e[irg ren.als .here -rora::be bola n;c :emav ninF, i(; ^y . ro be ~prl:ed tower) the dis her--ge of , ua ~uvtgzgc <br />indeb'.edne~s. <br />& Thal he ~ ih kce;='he ~rn,^.r:n c, ~nt•.:r.: ~ i~is'ng c here,ftr r _teC <.r rF~ mon~;.~~d ~ ~r:. !n>.nr_U <br />c ~ z <br />reyurred frarr, time tee tint ix' the Af- rcay;~ae . ..?tsI io ?c lire .rd ;,the: h_., ~_ ,.i' i,.. ~-,1 e _t~inCU._ _. .i ,. <br />:,mnunrz .m=i f. ,u,,h ;c~nr,d. a he reyair~d L: the t I~:,~,ae ~..o ~: i1~ p:+. ,., i .r ,~i ~ :iuc ~, _,'r~~ r~ais .m •.,,~-i~i <br />m^.a -.x_ ,-.~~-ci~m ~orp~.~-n,.nt <,[;ihieh tai - con r, nd_ her:i~before. '+, i ,.~ ,~e'I i~r. ~ ii' i:: ; .i~,,ri~-- ~- <br />prr ohs •he ~tortg tae -.,r ,hc ,,n, fie :-r...: .~A'h ,~a;' ~ e!J o~: [ is 1t~ ~g r>,~ _ ... n n Intr. <br />pagah{c :-loos:. ~n ,.,.r^: cf • nu •i ~ t ~ tn.. L tc um \4 x s,- ~cc. Inc cot ~~ vfor,~_ ~. i1;~4 r c n •~u,., .. i~ ~i.:r i <br />n:ai to ;hr 4L. [pagce_ tch~, mac ,ra4.c ~-.-~(~ r~.. i> r: f ~ eoc ,+rc r n v 65 W r „c. _.. •..uir• i ~~i u~rca i r. •• ,::v:~ <br />xrre i ticre`w oath r 1 i •~ire J [' r., ~r ~ u h ; i q_ he !r i•,i~-r r, t A r g.: ~_ ; <br />an~f fh~ Sacng~: a ,c::rdl>. •.n ~ .nc in._u„~.~ ,>i ...u . r: , , ar, tritr f n<•ti he ie_ I , itic ~ ~., , u _!~.La~ <br />- to IEC •edsiUxm of [6c lode F,t~d n;.a k~r-th; s: ct red o- _nh, e. ,,. e. . , :,. i. .t~.r ~.c.. .. I'.a... <br />e,rt"this eir Ltf~r ..,~he,rrriclc. title,,y 1 r :i~ ,. <br />.. c `hhr, ti U.. 1 im^_ ,hc. tib~'1 ~.i ,r .inJ ~~ ~ . rh., i i _ .. ~ ;`~c in,ci i::rc. <br />0 -f :,. c. ;Jttiti~m _; ~.~e e !b.,ie ? :~ai: ilr c- ['~a i. x - ._ .c i, :... `.,i l ,, r.*,,. ~ .c ,_ !f~:n <br />.:It ~ ~~_ F [~,.~, i --M ..t th, i ~ _ .,h.; c 7 ~ ~,.. .i..i ~ , ii~. ~.. , ,.i r: ~.~ tl}c <br />,~,..r ur~rr ~ r 7 nr~ t- <br />-,_ ~. .. ., . ;n r_ .. <br />i, 1 lt'., .mot.` ~. I •~ ~ l,` ~~1:r~' t,irr I - r` <br />