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{ <br />82-- ti~:~399~ <br />AGREEMENT FOR SALE'OF REAL EST?.TF <br />THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this ,;;;;' of Auvust, 1952, <br />bti and between LOUISA R: ZAVAi.A'and 'I1R20 B. 30RREG0, husband and Wife, <br />hereinafter referred'to as SELLERS., and RICHt~RD'ZAV:ILA and BOEBi ?•fOFFET_T, <br />hereinaf er referred to-as BiTYERS. <br />WITNESSETH: <br />Seller agrees'to sell. and 'convey to Euvers and Buyers agree to <br />purchase from Sellers the following described real estate hereinafter <br />referred-to as "Lne >eal estate"~ <br />West Ten (10}<'£eet of tat Twenty six (25) and <br />Lbt Twenty-eight (28) of Poster's Subdivision <br />of Lots Eleven (11}'.and Twelve (12} of :flood Lawn <br />Subdivision<of part 'of 5E~'o£ NEB and part of <br />bfE'V d£; SEA of Section Twent}~-four `(24), Township <br />Ten (10) North, Range Twelve (12) TJest o£ the <br />sixth;princpal meridiaa, in Ha11 County,;'Nebraska <br />1. Purchase Price and Manner of Payment.'As ths,purthase price <br />for Seher's interest in the real estate, Buyersragree te'pay to Sellers <br />and Sellers agree *_o accept £rom Buyers the sum-of FOUR THOUSAND (54,000.00) <br />DOLLARS to be pa d asrfollows:` <br />a. Buyers agree to pay said' principal sum is Seventy-five <br />($75.Q0) Dollar monthly installments, commencing the first day of <br />June, 19$3,, and the first. day of each month thereafter wichout <br />interest on the unpaid balance until said principal is paid in <br />full. <br />b. It is agreed between the parties hereto that there shall <br />be no prepayment penalty assessed against the Buyers herein in the <br />event this contract is paid in full. <br />2. 'Faxes and Assessments. Salters agree to pay all raves and <br />assessments up to and including the year'1981 wad shall psy 1952 taxes to <br />the date<of possession. Taxes for the year 1982 shall be prora[ed to the <br />date of .;possession based upon the assessed evaluation of the county Assessor`s <br />Office. 'Buyers expressly agree to assume and pay all real estate taxes <br />from the date of possession for the year 1.982 and to pay all ta:{es for the <br />year 19$3. and subsequent years and to furnish Sellers wi*_h paid receipts <br />prior to delinquent dates. Buyers agree=to pay all special assessments <br />which may. be levied against the property."after the date of the execution of <br />this Agreement. <br />3. Title Examination. Sellers shall furnish-Buyers an Abstract of <br />Title or a Title Insurance Binder showing marketable title as defined in <br />the Ptarketable":Title Act of Ehe laws of Nebraska. Eu}-ers agree to furnish <br />Sellers a written opinion From their attorney showing defects, if ,nny, <br />in the title tosaid real estate within 2©.-days of receipt of the Abstract <br />of Title or Title Insurance Binder. Tf there are defects in <br />title which can be corrected, Sellers shall 'nave. a reasonable time in which <br />to cure said defects at Sellers expense. Lf there_ are defects in r_itle <br />which cannot be carrected, this Agreement shall become null and void, wad <br />both parties shall be released from their covenants and obligations hereunder, <br />and all monies previously paid by Buyers to Sellers shall be returned to <br />Buyers. <br />