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<br />SG~°{):039~i3 <br />4. Condemealion. The°proceedsof;anyaward'or claim'fordamages, direct orcansequential, inconneetionwith any <br />condemnation or ether taking ofahe Property, or part thereof; or for conveyance'in lieu of caademnation; are hereby. assigned <br />and shalt"he-paid to Lender: <br />1n the event of a total taking of the Fropertg the proceeds shaft be applied to the sums secured by this Deed bf Trust. <br />with the excess;. if any', paid to: Borrower: In the event of apartial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and,Lender <br />otherwise agree in'writing, there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of. Trust such proportion of the, proceeds <br />as is equal to that otoportion which the- amount of tfie sums secured by'this Deed of Trust immediately prior fa tfie datc'o~ <br />taking bears to the fair marketvalue of'the Property?irnmediately priorto the date of taking with the balance oi' the: proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Properip is abandoned by Borrower, or if; after notice by !.ender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to snake <br />an award'orsettfeaclaim fordamages, Borrower fails torespond toLenderwithin 30 daysafterihedate suchnotice'is <br />mailed;`Lenderisautaorizedto collect and applythbproceeds, at.Leader'soptioo,eithertorestoration or repair of the <br />Property or to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />Unhss bender and Borrower otherwise agree in:.writing; any suchapptrcarion of proceedsto principal shill net extend <br />or postpone the due date of the menttay installments referred to iq paragraphs i :and"2 hereoEOr change the amount o: <br />such instal}meats. <br />10. Borrower Not Reltaeed. Extensionof~tha time fnrpaymenYOrmodification of amortization of"the. secured <br />by this Deed of Trust granted. by Lender'to anysuccessorin interest-of Borrower shall not operate to release, in anv manner, <br />theaiability of the'originalBorrower and Borrower's successors in. interest. : Lender shaGnot be required to rnnimencc <br />proceedings against. suchsuccessor o;refuse toeztendtimefor .payment orotherwisemodify amortization o[ tfie nuns <br />secured by this-Deed of Trusfby reason of ang demand made by the original Borrowerand Borrow•cr's successors in interest <br />11. I?orbearance,by I:ender Not a Waives Any forbearance by Lender to exercising any right or7emedy hereunder, or <br />otherwiseafforded`byapplicable ]aw,`sball"notbe a waiver of or-preclude theexercise: ofany such...right orlremedy. <br />Theprocurement oEinsurance or the payment of lases or other liens or charges by Lender hall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right toaccelerate the maturity of therndebtednesssecured by thisDeed bf Trust. <br />12. Remedfea Coreohtivr. Ail remedies provided in this Deed cf Trust are distinct and-cumulative to any other, right <br />ar remedy under this: Deed: of Trust or afforded by Saw or equity, and-may be. exercised concurrently;' independently nr <br />.successively. <br />13.:Suceearorsard Assigns Bound;-Jdntand Several Liability; Captions.'?he rnvenants and-agreemen[sherein <br />contained:shaB bind, and the tsahts:hereundershall. inure to,iherespective successorsand'assigns of Leader and:Borrower. <br />sub}eccto the provisions of paragraph 7 hereof. Alt covenants and agreements of: Borrower shat! be,joint and (several. <br />Tfiecaptions and headings of`the paragraphs of this Deed: of Trust are".for com•enience only andlare not to he-used t;. <br />interpreYOr define the provisions hereof.: <br />: 14..:Notlee.:Except:forany notice regwredunder applicablelaw to begiven Rn ann[her mannec(a) any notice to <br />Borrower provided for in this Deed of Trust shall be given by mailing such notice by cenified;mail addressed to Borrower a! <br />the Property Address or atsuch otheraddress..asBorrowermay designateby notice. to Lender. asprovtded herein. and <br />(b) any ootice'to Lender shall' be given by certified mail, Teturn receipt requested, to !,cadet's add>•ess stated herein ar to <br />such other address as Leadertnay designate by nonce to Barrower'as provided herein. :Any notice provided for in this <br />' Deed of Trtsst shat! be deemed to have been gtven to Borrower or Lender when giyed in the manner designated herein. <br />IS. Uniform: Decd olTrtrst; Governiup lxw; Stverability. This form of deed of trust combines uniform covenants for <br />,anttonal:tunandnon-uniforrn'covenams:withlimited variations"by jurisdictionto'constituCea.uniform>security'iusirumem <br />-covering,real praperry. This`Deed of Trust shall be governed bq the law-of the jurisdiction. m .which the Property. is located. <br />In the event that any<provisioaor clause of this Deed of Trust or the-Note conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shad <br />not af[ect other pprrovisions of this Deed of Trusbor the Note which can'be given effect without the conflicting provision. <br />and to'this end the provisions of the Dced of Trnst and the Note are declared to be seaerable.` <br />16..1Borrower'sCo~y: Borrtrwershallbcfurnished a conformed: capy ofthe Note-and ofthirDeed of Trust atthetimc <br />of execuGotror after recordation hereof: ~~, -., <br />1T. Tratrdv trf the rtn~erty; Assamptios. if alt or any part of the Property. or an intemst therein is sold or transferred <br />by Borrower without' Le,ttwr's prior written consegt,:exctudy;p (a) thr`cftatf~n of :i Gen' or eoeumbranae subordinate'to <br /><this Deed of Trust, (b? thecrealion ofa purcftastmoneysecauatymterestt4~ hqusehofd appliances, (ej a',[ransfer by devise, <br />descenlor;by operation of taw upon the dtath of a joinrtenant or {d} the grant-cf anyleasehold interest of three yearsxr less <br />not containing an option to purchase, !.ender may; ~t Cendcr's optian, fleclare allthe sums secured by this Deed of Trust. to be <br />immediately dur: and payable. Lendershail have waived such a-,~~on to accelerate-if, prior to the sale or transfer, Lender <br />and the person to whom the Property is to be sold or transferred reach agreement in writing that the ;credit of such pe;son <br />issatisfactory to Lender and tharthe"interest'payatile an the ams secured by this: deed: of 'Bust shall be at such rate'aa <br />Lender shall request. if [.enderhas waived the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph l'7, and if Bo> rower's successor <br />'in interest has executed a written assumption agreement. accepted in writing by Lender, Lender'shall. release. Borrower from <br />all obligations under this Deed of Trust and the'Note. <br />1f Lender exercises such; option to accelerate,'. )snder shall mat! Borrower notice of acceleratian ip accordance with <br />paragraph 4 hereof Such notice shall provide a' period cEnot Iess than 30 days from the date the notice is mailed"within <br />- whichBorrowermaypay the sums declared due: 3f Borrower-fails Iopay such Burns prior to-the expiration of such perigd, <br />Lender may, without further notice or demand on Borrower;,invoke any remedies permitted by:paragrapfi I S hereof: <br />Nov-Uktfoaat CoveNwNrs. Borewer and Lender furthercovenant and agree as follows. <br />16. ,lccekration; Remedies. Erceeptac provided inparaKraph 17'hereof, upoo.Borrower's breach,af any covenantor <br />agrecmenCof Borrower in:Yhis Deedo6Trust,.includirrg thecavsnaotsto pay when due any sumsstcuredby.-this Deed <br />of Trust,Ltoderprror to accekratiaoshall auilrrWict to Borrower ~ providedinparagraph ]4 hereof:spec}fying;:(1) [tie <br />breach,. (2) the acfioo required: to cure such breach;'(3) a date, not less than 30 days from' the date- the notice is mailed'to <br />Borrow¢q by,which such breach must-tidcared;. and (4) that'ffilnreaocnre such breach on or htforelaht date'specified <br />fie the notice ranyresdt in xecderaliogof the sums. securedrby this.Dced of Trustund sale offht.Property. Thenoficc <br />shall further faform BorroMer of theri6ht to. reitrstate after accelenlioo and the. right to bring a coot[ action to. asseN <br />the nun-a:isltnce of a default or anyot4erdtfense of Borrower toacceleration andaale. `If the:breach anot.:.cured <br />on or before the dMe specified in therrolice, Leoder:al Lenders optioamay declare all of the. sums secured by this Deed <br />of Trust to be immediately due and payable withouffurtherdemand aadmay invoke the powerbf saleand anv other: remed;es <br />permitted by applicable law. Ixnder shall:be entitled to collect ail reasonable costs. and expenses incurred ~n pursuirrg the <br />remedies provided in this paragraph Ig, fnclading, but not Bmiltdto,reasonabkatlormy's fern. <br />If the power of sale n invoked, Trustee shall record a notice of default in each county in-which the Yruperty nr some <br />part thereof is heated and shalt mail copies. of such notice in themanrrer prescribtdby. applicable Iaw to ltur ro»-ci and fo the <br />other persores prescribed by applicable law:. After thelapse afsuch timeas may berequired by .applicable tar., Trustee ;hail <br />Rive public notice of salt to the persnnsand in the manne~'yrescribedAy:(applicabie law. Trustee, rt ithoul demand un <br />Borrower, shall sell :he Property at public. auction toibe: highest bidderaithe tfineand place and :under the team designated <br />;n the notice of sale in one or more parcek and in sash order as Trustee'may determine._Trustee:may pos(ponc sale of ull <br />or any parcel of the Property try public anoouncemeM of ihetimeandplace of any:. preciously scheduled sahi. l:endrr or <br />Lenders designee may purchase the Property al any:sale; <br />Upogreceipt of payment of the prfcebid, Trustee shall deliver to the puachaserTrustee's dtedronvzying [hc. f'rope:t~ <br />sold. Tkt recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of 4be truth aL the. statements. made: Yherein, Trustee <br />sF.aB apply the proceeds of the sale in the foTirrwijr~ order: (a) to all reasonable costs and expenses of the sale, includinK, hu: <br />not limited to, Trustee's fees of nut more than ~ i -~ o t l ~~ of the grottii sale. price; reuonable. attorney's. fees and msfv of <br />title evidence; (b) to all sums securt+i 6y this Decd of 'lr:u~t; and (eJ the excess, if'any, to theliersonorpershns legally eutitle4i <br />thcrUo. <br />L l9. Borrowers Right to Rarmtztc. Vo t~stnnd n~ la~i de ~i ~r_t r ^ of the sums secured bu this Dced of '1 n~ ~. <br />Borrower shall have the :fight ri h-ne tors Gr.~cedings b,:gun h, tends, r enforce this fh:ed of Tni~t dtscantinueci :,i <br />uny time pant tc> the cat i-.r to occur of (r) the firth say t c.eor:•. the .ale .>;'hc ! _ ~~~(~ r~UrSUani to 'te po,.;i r I al!• Contoured <br />in this 13ced ci Trust ur Gq entry :;i a jtrdemen ~r.(urcirg Ihi:, Decd of Trust ii ai~Borrewerpays I ender vJi coot:, ~ ~ iii h w. dd <br />he then clue under t',ic Decd rf T~nut. the Tints ancf ., ,. ~. Fti.;rco ~ s:tr _r.;, 'n7. h:~d ne ., ~_rl~ ti: ran r;,,_~••rew; <br />:bl Barrow-er n41 h:e:..-h e; oI any u'~cr eosen.nts or :.,~rt~~te=r . ,.; }. ,,-,,,a~, ,- _,a:n } r. this iced r' 7n3It <br />res Bvrro•x~er pave al! t >.rii .: ... p..nses ;red b [ c~~ccr n !.i .r.;r ii _ ~ the ...: canal. .~.r .. cnib of <br />£i c t in~:1 ii rti• llcrd of 'lT:r,i c~C lag iXr.t_ and u. ,_s ~d,-x -~~ Pr,rvicledm 1 sph IF <br />~ rr ;cd n `i sun~bl tt:_ C ,~: of + ) c .eke. tt an -r t vzdc, ~i~ <br />tcy ire n? n~rc ..tat tF . ii_n art ,h ; 1>e~.~1 aI ru.,, I .-der ~ ,l,c,~ • ..~ Psope ~ , ai„r,.~wcr5 t sy,r. ~ gtry• <br />