<br />MoRTCA~,E
<br />r MORTGAGE LOAN"I+IO, .I~24, 060.__. __.
<br />i KNOwALLMl:wrtYTEpRESEN'tS;'!'tut Daniel A. Jurado and Laura-A. Jurado, each: in his and i-ter
<br />Ctcvri right i3Ild. aS SpCX]Se Of P_c3CY3 Otl'ier, Mortgagor, whether one or enure, in tpnsideration of the sum of
<br />--.1'h1rtYFpl3r Th[itirarvl Nine Hti_ nrired_~nr-i n0/700----°--_---•.--------------_" _--- DOLLARS
<br />Eoantd to said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Lunn Association ofGrartd Island; Nebraska, Mortgagee; upon 349 '. shares of stark of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No; L 24,060 . do hereby g[ant;oonveyand rrtortgsgetmto thee: said ASSOCIATION the fo0owing
<br />described real estate, sitwted in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />Lot. Five (5}: in Castle Estates Subdivision, Hall`
<br />tounty,.Nebraska
<br />together with all the tenements, hereditaments and;appurtemnces therttmta bdonguig,: mcludireg: attadtedfloorco^erings, all window scrctns,
<br />vritdatr shades, blads, storto windows, awnings. hewing, au..conditionitg, and giumbingand waver equipment andacceaorinthercto, pumps, stoves,
<br />refri~rators, aed other fixtures and equiprttent now or txreafter a[ndtaJ to. or used in croturectiort with said. real estate..
<br />And whereasthe said ittortgagor hasaigeed actd'.does hereby agree that the tnortgasor shall and will pay all taxes andaaesrttenta levied ur
<br />assessed upon said premiss and: upon this,tnortga®e and the Frond'sewced thereby before ilea saroeshaQ berwove delinquent; to futwh approved
<br />insurance upon the'buildittgs on said ptemises srhnted io the sum of 3 34 900.00 paribie io said ASSOCIATION and to deliW - to ,aid
<br />,aSSOC'IAl10IV thepolieies f'or:saiQ mamanee; and not. to oommii. or permtianywaste oa or about saidpremiacs:..:.
<br />In tmne of default in the perFormmcc of any of tlu tenor and oortdiliaats oC this rnottgage or tfx bond aewred hereby, the rnortgsgee shall,
<br />ors detmod, Fx rntitlnl to imntedtatE po>ssaionof the mortgaged premises and the rrtoagagor Iierebyr assigns, tnnsfen aml sets over to the
<br />moriga~ee all the rents, +eYenun sal income to 6e derived from the mortgaged premises. dtuiag such tune as tJx mortgage indebtednea sluD retmin
<br />unpaid; and the mortgagee shall: have the power to appoint soy agent or agrnts et .may desire for the purpose: of repairing ,sill pren ritss and renting
<br />thr satyr sled collecting the nuts, rcventteaatai iawtne, a»d it tnaypay out of said income ail expensrs uC: repairing: said ~prcmixs anti necessary
<br />a,.ottltss
<br />default, [~ and ezpemes incituod in reining and-rmnayng the same oaf of cuJlectirtg rmtab them&om; the::balan« retnainins, ii any, to be
<br />applsed toward the disclurgt itt said mortgage indebtedness; ahesie riglitsof the r..`, tgager may be cxeritiaed at any Bute during-the existence of such
<br />rrespective ut anytemputwy waiver.of Ilea saute.
<br />they. Presents, trawerer, are upon the Condition, "[lot tf the said Motgagor shun repay sad loan. on nr betorc the unlovely tit said siures by
<br />payment; pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION of Utesum spccniai in the flood srtvred. hereby as inurest and ~prioeipal on said loan,on orbcfore
<br />the Twentieth day of each and every monlhyuatrl said:Jtaan Js Crtllypaid; pay aittaxes attd assesststents levied against said premises and on UtiaMortgagr
<br />anJ the Band secured thereby, beturc de{ittgetertcy; furnish approved instsraoce apoa the bu8diogs zixreon to ttre sum ot3 34 900.00 : J>ayabk
<br />lu said ASSOCIATION. [epay t:, said ASSOCIATION. uptw detttand dllmortey,by it paid Cor such. [axes, assessments and insurance with Intl:rest at
<br />the nuximum legal rata [hereon from date of payrnentaD of which Mortgpgur.herebyagrtes:[o pay: permitno waste on said premises:keepand comply
<br />wiUt aD the agreements and conditions o(theDund Coy 534, 90 !70 this day given bythe said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, and wrnpiy
<br />with all the requirements of the Constitution amJ Dy~Laws of saW ASSOCIATION- tltert these prtstnts.:shalltewme null :and votd, otletrv+i.rt: they
<br />shall rcmaut in full Tact and may be faeckrsed at the uplion"of ilea said ASSOCIATION otter.failure for three nwn[hs [o make any of said
<br />: paytoents or be three muntM in anws in nuking sod ntonihly paymenu, o[::tq keep and wntply with the agrcetoents and conditions of said Dund;
<br />aarl Tthxlgagw agrttt to t1aN: a r<GC:YG[ appomltd fDrlhWllh m stscrt fOrCCIOBWepr00[plulgi..
<br />L( ilea rc is any duude vt ownership u( the rpl ntalc rooa/~a~ed herein, itY sale w othecwiar, ltrn the entire renuinittg indebtednesr hereby
<br />secural shall, aI the option of The Equitable Building wed l.wn Association ofGraod Island, Nebraska, become imrnedutely due and payable without
<br />Furlhcr entice, and the amount remaining due urtder sold hood, and any other bond for any additioal advances made Lhereuoder, shall, from the
<br />dale of extrcee of said opiiun, bear iuteres: n the maximutu kgairate,aod tins nrort6+8t may then be forccloted to satisfy the amount due on said
<br />bond, arni any other bond for additional adranees, together with all wens paid-Fly said The Egwuble Dtr;Jding and Lunn Asweaitoo of Grand island,
<br />Nebraska fur insurance, taxes art asscsrnxnts, ..rd abstracting exteusiao charges, wi[rt inurest t}xreon, from date of payment at the rttaxirnum
<br />-. legal ra[a_
<br />As provided tit tha Bond secw,.d hereby, while thrs rnor.gageremains in zt7ec[ the mortgagee may hereafter advance additional sums to the
<br />roakus of s~isi Bumf, therz a>¢rgps yr sucas~¢ in inta:eu, whrCh sitntl shall be within the security of tha navy?gage the same as [he fundaoriginally
<br />secured thereby, the total amount of principal deb[ not to txixed at any time :he original antcwri of Chu morigagc.
<br />~t«I uus ~ ; ~3t~ ,~y f September n. p_, t9 82
<br />i
<br />Dans~ A. Jys~a" ~-~~~~~~~~"
<br />Laura A. Jurado~~~ ~''
<br />STATE OF NEBR,1SkA, ~ On this 1 th da~ c>t
<br />s:. 3 y September !v d2 ,hefnrerce,
<br />CO(;NTY rF !iALL
<br />tiro unders~uec', t4otary Pubhe at and for said (snooty, personally came
<br />Daniel A. Jt<raao and Laura A. ~uracio, ~aCh i:1 his 3nU tt: r erns. ~'igtt~~~x7 a5 s~~iaK~Jf%i~r,~d
<br />other, arm
<br />me to be t},t identical pcrw~s: g whose rarx_g are aff~ixrd to ttie aM ~ inst~yrem.~.; r:x>ttppgvt 3 sod ~t~; .v-vcraliy
<br />acJ: newierl~d tl'x said ;n,tru*ne~at tr, sc Lhfalr vplw;[uy as and :1+.ed.
<br />WI71V[SS~ r h t V~~r~ uiLh sae ;dureserd ~ r
<br />,,,.-~'
<br />title < .nicai~. r ,>nr~ti -~
<br />I40 : eAt~i' 7.:. r 19£~ .. "~'.
<br />?,tax z,a rss Nuiary I'ritzhc
<br />)~.~4? '~
<br />