<br />$i~~-~t~C-397
<br />.0 Tfiar the Mortgagor h il} keep tie 5uldtne, uFaon said premise ,n good repair; and neither commi) nor permit waste
<br />upon said Lind. ror suffer tfie §aid premise, tc he used foranypnlawful p^rpose:.
<br />11. That if the premises_ or anypart thereof be condemned' under thepower-nf eminer~ ~itimain. or2cyoired fur ~ public
<br />use. the damages .,warded. the proceeds for the taking of, or"the cunstderatfan for such'°equisition, m the extent of the full
<br />amount of indebtednes vpo ,this mortgage and the rofew:htcfi'q is riven to secure temainiie unpaid: ore fien•by a,signed hp the
<br />Mortgaeor m the Mortgagee, end shay Fe paid for[}-,with to said ~9ortgagee tebe¢pplied 6y the- latter nn nccunn[ of the noes
<br />maturing installmenIS of such indebtedness.
<br />L. 'The Mortgagor further agrees [hat should this mortgage and [he note secured hareby not be eligible for in-
<br />surance under the National Hawing Ac! wnhir, 2 raonth~6. from the dale here ~f (u~dtten statement of anv o0icer
<br />of the I?epartment s~f Housine and I_lrhan fk~,-elopment or authorized agent ofthe Secrerary of Housing and Uiban
<br />i~evelopment dated suh,equent to the ? months timefrom the date of [his mortgage, declining"to insure;aid
<br />note and ;his mortgage, being deemed conducive proof of such inraigibitity),;'the .Mortgagee or'holder of the npte
<br />may, at in option, declare ail vums recurred hereby immrdiatelydueandpayable. '
<br />1 :. That if the Mortgagor faits to ntar:e «ny payments of money when`the same becomedne, or fails teiconform-to and
<br />rnmply with any of the conditions or agreements contained in this-mongage,or the notewhich irsecures, then the entireiprinci-
<br />pai sum and zccrued interest shalt at once become due and payab?e. at-theelectionofthe-Mortgagee: andthis mortgagemay
<br />thereupon he foreclosed immediately for the wholr of said money, interest; monthly payments,-costs, ground-:rents;, taxes: and
<br />the cast of extending the abstract of ;,tf~ from the date of this ioadto the time of commencing such foreclosure suit, aad'ti rea-
<br />sonable attorney's fee. aII of which shall be included in [he decreebf :forecFosure; and he contract emtaodied in this mortgage
<br />and the note secured hereby, shall ir, ail respects Ix governed,'construedand adjudged'by the taws of Nebraska, where the
<br />came is made.
<br />The covenants herein contained shailbind, and the benefits and advantages shalCinsure to, the respective Aeits; executors.
<br />administra[ors, succeswrs andassigns of the ponies hereto. Whenever used. the singular number shailindude theplurai, Yhe.
<br />plural the singular. artd the use of any pendtr,hali be app3icablelo all genders.
<br />The foregoing conditions:.alP-and singular, being perfnrnted according.to heir natural ,md legal import, this cnnveyanee'
<br />,hail be void and said premises released aCtheexpense of the Mnngagor, otherwise to De and remain in fu0 foree and effecti
<br />iti WITNESS WHEREC3r, the Mortgagor(s) ha ;Je hereunto set their "hand(s) the day and year flit
<br />above written.
<br />In pruence of:
<br />~~~% y a~ ,~ ..'_y1.a,tt,lr'`. j SEA[. 1
<br />Richard G. Decker '
<br />(.SEALI
<br />--'Jayne. A. Decker tSE?t.I
<br />(:SEAL J
<br />;moo zet.r as
<br />ss:
<br />COUNTYOF Nall
<br />On this 9th day of September . "' .G IY 82;t>zforeme, the undersigned,
<br />a notary public in and for said County; personaliycame
<br />Richard G. Decker and .Jayne A. Decker, husband 'and wife
<br />.personally to me know n
<br />to be the identical person gwhone name g are amxed to the above and fore-
<br />going instrument as Mortgagor. and THEY acknowledged the said instrument and Che
<br />execution thereof to LK: T9EIR voluntary ac[ and deed, for the purposes therein expressed.
<br />in testimony whorcof,Ihavchercuotosetmyhandandaffixedb} rotarial't'iat C;rand Island, Vebrasl;a
<br />on the day and date :as[ above written.
<br />~ ;
<br />IrC~M~YAMM - tioleryPublic
<br />rr- Casa iF Jr it, t~
<br />S7_ATEOFNEBRASK,4 ;s
<br />Filed For record this day of
<br />a[ o~ciock
<br />recorded fn Beok
<br />f a(<e of
<br />A.D. 19
<br />N.. and enured in Nurne;icalYndeix, and
<br />of ~Sprtgagcs. on
<br />RejytsterofDecd,
<br />