<br />82-- 3~-39'~i
<br />L
<br />
<br />Thisform is used in sonnec-
<br />ticin ~si?.Ii n:ortC.^.4es inured
<br />zindrr the ,ne-r~~ four-3arni3y
<br />i - isions ~>f the- ~ ti,~r,a'
<br />~--- -J
<br />061315b6
<br />TH{S,b1frRTGAGE..nrideander,cuted[his 9Ch Gavot September _r1.D-
<br />1i32 M-andhetwecnBichard G. Decker and _Ta~me e. Decker, husband sad crife
<br />of 7tiz Cqunn_- nF Hall ,,rid Staic ni Nabrs}'a. party o? the ors? hart. hereinafter celled
<br />the ~tortgaeo=. v;nd
<br />a corpora[ion oreanimd and esistmg under the'saws o[ *aebraska
<br />part:'oitbe.ecor~Jpert h-reinafSU -Nzdthr'.1i?rtg8.ere
<br />l4'CI ^dF_.S~E'f H: That the c;ud i1or21:$g~i, for andrn con~tderation df the sum of FORT° TFIREE idOUSAND
<br />FIVE FTL~LiDRED and 00 J10~ poPars C 43 , 500 .00 i. paid be the Mort-
<br />gagec_ the rrript of which i, 'neren~ aeknoa3edged, has Grnatrd and ~~~Id and by these presents does Grant, Bar-
<br />gain. .k1I. Convey :tact t~:>nflrm unto ih¢ 41(7Kga$CE, I~ssue:e~cot's and ;ssi^. i;_ 7~~re~°er, [he foJowing-deccrihed
<br />real ca?ate.si~uated inihrCount~~oltlall- ,and State
<br />or !J~nra<ka. ~~~«kc 20.8 2ioneer $oulevard~, Grand..island, Nebraska 68801
<br />Lot Flve (5), in Black "$",in Parkvev Subdivision ocated
<br />in the Northeast Quarter (NE(lf4) af;Secton Twenty Nine
<br />(29) and the Vorrhwest Quarter of Section'Tweaty Fight (28),
<br />in Township Eieven f,11) North Range Nine (9) West of the 6th
<br />P.M., in 13a11 Couatp, ,7ebraska.
<br />TU NAV'F -tKf) l~0 Ht)LD the prt;n i~h ab:xe Jc,:ni~rJ. „~+'. ,;tl the ~ppun<o;uue~ IhercunU~ heli~n~iug told inducting
<br />;ill heating, plumbinganJ ligl~!ing future. and equipment nnu~,~~ herc:~ftct at:l:ched h+~~r used i2~onneclitrn with said real eyta!a
<br />unto the ~lortgagre. rid ru et, ,ncceuor+ unJ z~vgn~, tore see. The '.!ortpagur repro ~cnh lo, and n~~cn8nts ui!h. the A9onea-
<br />gce, that the ~1ort~agor has grx~d r~pJr, to >ell a;td ,~ontiey <,;id premises; tha! they arc free from'.nn~.°umhtance; and that the
<br />:~tongagor wdl warrant amd dete+nl the .xnrc aeemsl the lawful claim, of al3 honors sc.hr,nrycx;veFand the sai~:~InnFagor herr-
<br />by rclinqui,hes ail right, of by+me,teaci. ~,nJ all inertia] rights. either in i:w, or itr eyui[y. and ah other contingent interesl> ut the
<br />\tortgaboc in and ro the .,tw.e-de-.c.~ird premncn, the tare nlsoim befog .~~ a~r.v Ixrcby an ,~bsotult tN,le, in fee sinkgle, enclud-
<br />ingalt rights of hoinestcad.:,nd whey nyhri era inirre,is - _ a:~xe,.rid.
<br />PROVIt)F~L) A1..1vp~'ti. ;tad [here preecnis,ire «ce~.,lec and dciivered upon the fulh~uing sonduieirts. co wit'
<br />'ihe'•tortgagoragtcrs to pay to the tiiorlgagcu..~r order, the prncipa! sum. of FORTY THREE THOUSA"7D
<br />FIVE H[Jt7DRID and 00/100 Dolia"" 43,500.00
<br />with interest Imnr Dace as !hc rate "1'EIRTEES and 50 J100 F%et arrant ( 13.500 '~ 1 perzr.nem ~,n
<br />I!r< unpaid balance rmiil paid 'ihe +ard priecipsl and interest shalt be payable at tht office pf
<br />Couoercial Federal Savings ~ Loan Aassociation
<br />1° Ogaha _ 'Nebraska =~r ^t ;,ua;h other place ss the hclJer of
<br />the note m:~. designate rn,a~r,{erg, mrnorthly ir..,ilfinen~s of F(1BR SU'?vDggD NLNcTY E I9HT and 511100
<br />IAai ar~ ~j yqg . jl i .. rein i_ u~ ° un lh hr day u(
<br />NOV bee l~e nttff n the `t net Jay c[ c' h mouth then s ter it he p teal ~ an ~ in-
<br />terest are €uliS~ paid, esccpt [hat the 5na pern.tnt ~. i Fnnc~pa. and in.er.st. if nut xcvncr ta;u, shrill t.c due and
<br />n: e rbk un the fires des}' a October, ^012 ail acco drag to the. terms of a ~ uLiin pr.>mi,-
<br />son nace ni c,,en ante here .~t; execured by iFie Said ASorga,eor.
<br />31~t'donp E,w ir, order more FugY t<:; rarest iha se:-urin~ of thu ~t.,rtguge. a~ees_
<br />1_ Tbat he wit; pa} tax roue h~t~ ioes~„ ,ts hrrz:nbciErr p~o':id<d. }'rivilegc re scr;c7 to , ac the de`,! :r '• a_r~, pr in ;in
<br />aarxm(equaf tt+ one or m_r, tr:anthiy payments tin :'u , ,i ~~ipai that arc r,.at iuc ~m tt.~ ~~; e, ; r, ~hc trs. si„y o! ;,ny month
<br />pr or loataIU.,ts: Yrovidrd_ hou-t~'cr.Th:,[ ~.~ iitcn r.uu.c of na;r.ttgtion to txrr:.t,c suit ,r;,ir~rc .s ~i<en :,' '.a~! thuty t~Q~
<br />das-, prior so peens} meat.
<br />_ .a~~~;, h,g+ahcr wins, :md ~n ~~ <i,ien it., hr mo~Y '.. pa}~r _nts of prir.c.,ui ,:n<i iete'es! p,5oblr ~r+Jrr tL~ terra; of [he
<br />n:. .c_ xa,tea'itrnc~ th,:. ~{o u:g~x stli pac t~ e .Ater,:; th-~ nn :ht rc-t d_;, o! . rh mo...h ti;ital'.tie..iiii note t ft i;q paid. the
<br />`ar 1, r;ir;.~_., .t !ta pt;,,~~~ .hc 1 ~. iu -~' H-i7~-~ ' f ~ '>. r. ~.a~' .i i._ ~-,-~: .a~~ !i rr, c.
<br />_ .. .;~~_., ,,~. ~:: _ he ~~.~.
<br />'d' r~; r,-,i: n ~3 _.~c aiit. _~a2e.i Iri _a ~-a4. ' .. ~ tCF ~ is r i ~i_i~ ~t ~ ~ ,ui~ r :_dnc<~ ~"~z
<br />a i1 , ~..~. ~ i....,. ate a:~~, [i ~..,:n.i:~ _,, _. ~ ~.
<br />... ,.. ~,. ,.. .,. ., ., ,. ... ,. ..,. yi..sh.a~p.. (at:h...~
<br />NI(aR'I'G aGE
<br />