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<br />R~.... (~~aE39~ a
<br />- MORTGAGE See LI22,590
<br />_ -~^~_-~_ -- -- tdORTGAGE LOAN A10. _ L 74 r 059:__
<br />IQ~iQpFALLMENttY-THFSF.FRFSENTS:That Craig M. Nankervis and Cheryl A. Nankervs, each in niG
<br />and her own r3_(J}It aTld a5 spOUSP.-. of e?•3Ck'1 other,. Mortgagor, whetherone or amore, in:considention of the sum of
<br />.Farr 'I'hrxtcand ' .r Ht~nr3r~.c3 aru3. n0/1 QO_------------_--------------_---.-.-----------~yLLARS
<br />baited to said-atortgagwtiy.The tiquitabk puldingand l:aan Associationaf C,rand island, Nsbtaslca, Mortgagee, ugon 42 sliaresof stac}; of
<br />said...ASSOCIA770N,CertifieateNo.L 24.059 ,dohetebygrant,wnveyandarortgagctintothesaidASS(1C1A7T0*I-t}iefolbwit:g
<br />desar'bedrealestate.; situated in flap Countp,'Nebraska:
<br />- F.ots One Hundred Eleven. (111} and-One Hundred Tweljve {.112}
<br />in Hawthorne Place,: located on F~-°'t of Nor`.hwest Quarter
<br />- (NW#) of Sectian,Itirenty-Two (22}, TowTtshp Eleven (il)
<br />North, tt~tl~e'Nine (9} West of ,the 6th P.M in the City ;of
<br />Grand Island, Hall`County, Nebraska..
<br />ta~erher with ap the tenearnu, heredtamentx urd appurtexrsnms thereunto beMngiag, trtcittdiog axtadted. floor ,airings, all windmvxrerns.
<br />windowshartes,blInds,starmwatdQrt.awnirr~s.hating,airmrdaioniug.andQlumbi~aadwaaerequipaenxandaccxstotiesthereto.purrrps,stovta.
<br />refrigrntors, andother futures andaquipment txaw or ttercatter actachcdtaur used rn rxtnneaian wish said real estate.
<br />Aad wherrxs the said mortgagor t:as agrscd and dory hereby agree ttur the roastgagor stall and will pay. ap taxes and assessments levied or
<br />messed upon said pretnisesaid upem this trtorlgage and the Good scctircd therebyy before flue. same shallbecome delinquent; tafurnish approved
<br />- insurance upon the brdldirtgstm said. pretnaes situated is chc sum of S 4., 200. UO payahk to said. ASS(N'tATION and tn: de's -ar to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies fa said 'ntsruaace; and rtai to commit or permit zany waste on or about said pttmiaea;.
<br />In case of default in the perfontoxtce of atty. of the terms and Ctatditions of this. mortgage or the bontl' seratred hereby. the mortgagee shall,
<br />an demand, be eatitkd to imarediau poaesion of the mortgaged premises. and she tnortysgor. hereby assigns, tnmfers and sets over to the
<br />trnrtgagee ap the rents, :revenues and incarot to be delved from. tM mortgs~ged prtstthes. duaitg sucix time as the mnrtgege indebtedness shag roman.
<br />tmpaid; and thee. mortgagee shaAhave the putvcr to appomt anyageat wagents tt may.:desirs far the pprposeof repairing. sad premises and.. renting
<br />[hesattttaral"extpectiogtberepts,cr:aenttesaad:income,anddmaypayvut'of sadSnrprne a[i;..ezpertses nf-rrfpairingsaid:pretnises...and necessary
<br />armmiatisfns. and expenses incrurod m remmgand maixaging. the carne and.of colkattrg reatats. therefrom; the balsas semainirtg,-iF any,.to be
<br />applied towed the discharge. of said mortgage indebtedness; these rights of the mortgagee may tx. txercired at any time during the existence ofsuch
<br />default, irrespn;tiirr ofany tsnrporary. waiver of the saute.
<br />Thcx tareseou, tiauwevcr, are upext the Condition, 71st if the said Moragagor chap: repay said ban on or. befors the rtiaturity of said shares by.
<br />paymrnt, WY rnoawy tosaid A5S0('IA770N of ehr sumspedfied m the23ond xctved hereby as interest and principal oa said Ioan, onor before.
<br />the Twentieth day of each std every month, trnttl said Igaxi is ftdty pad; pay ati taxcsand axsetsmtents ka5cd said
<br />agatnsi preniixs and on this Mortgage
<br />aml the 9ortd secured thereby. before rktirtgtxnry; fnuntrh approved tnsuranae upon life 6m7dmgs thereon m the sum of S 4 ,:200. 00 " payable
<br />to raid ASSOCIATION: repay to said'ASSOCtATION upon demand alt money by tt paid for such taxes, assessments. and: insuranex with irtteren at
<br />the rruximirm. legal rate iherwn Cram date of. paymrni ill of wtndr Mortgagrx hereby agrees cq pay; permet nti waste on said premises; keep andcnmply
<br />moth aU the ageemrnts and ctmatrtipzxs of the Bandfor S 4 , 200.00 this day given by the rant Mwtgagar ro said ASSIOClA710IJ,:and comply
<br />with ap thr rcquueotwtu afths Cortstirutioa xnd gY-Laws of said ASSOCIATION: then thex presents shall: become null. and void,. orhetwiae Ytiey
<br />chap rettssm m fop foree..attd may befareclosedaf the optiocof the said.:ASSO('1AT10N after fatiure forthros rxxi».ttu to makeanyof mid
<br />payrrtrnu ur be three rreonlhs ut arrests is mdciag said manxhiy payments,or to frtxpand comply wsih the sgraments aadasaditioosof said &md;
<br />and Mwtg>ftex agecs to have.a receiver. appointed ftttthvrith ui stilt foiecbstire proaediogs.
<br />1t chess is any chine in owaexsAipof tht real estate mextga~oel beceia,.:by sale ar otherwis, they the en[sro retaining indebtedness hereby
<br />aocureds1u11.at:FteoptiapW"IheFquiiabk8m7din~andlarrAaoctatioaof(;rmdtaiaitd„Nebrasia,bteome'un d~tslydueandpayalikwithuut
<br />- further saltine, and tlfc artiount remaining ettae tinder said bom9, and any othtt bond for say-addiriooal advances made thereunder. ahall,imm the
<br />due of czetct: of said option, beae interest at thrmaxtmumkpt rte, ud this rtartgage rosy. tAen be farectoxd to satisfy-lice aiiptsnt due un sawt
<br />frond, and any uthe- buod.for addetioml a~elwnors, together vrath all sums paid by said The Equitable $w7darg and I.oaa.AssoeiatlOrsof (:and Island,
<br />_ Nebraska for iresuranrx, taxes sad-----^rnts, atdabetnttirtg extension c3xarges, with-interest: ttvereoa, fnum , dau of payment at ilie maximum
<br />legit rata.
<br />As provided en the pond securaiirrreby, while thts martgags rcntatnain affect Ute mortgagee may hereafter advrue sdditioaai..sunu to zhr
<br />Hikers of nicl t3uo1. ~ hero S at suarxsvors in interest, which sums stop be wi[triar the xcurrxy of this mortPpge the carne u the fords originally
<br />sL~iwcd ttvrtcby;the Wtal amount of principal debt rest to exceed at any'ernte the origirra! arnount of'tltis mortgage.
<br />pates this 10th say of Septanber A, n., lv &2
<br />i Cr ig M, ants rvis ^-.~
<br />~~A, Nankelvis
<br />srArt. t>t rat~xtt,AStt:A, ~ ~ tin thts 10th flay ~~
<br />coutYm ©~ ltAtt_ Septsnber r ~ 32 ,brtr~r~ ,,,r,
<br />` the urdersgrtcd, a Notary t'trbiic in:ami fox mitt C' >un y, ~erx to l y wrt>c
<br />Il.... Craig ~:. Nanktrr.,~is and Ch~Vy2 .4. Nankerois, edCit rn his azad her c~wra rigk.t a~.. _s {{-~,J~ or
<br />_ .. wkto ~~ peru>na~6} knvwrx t~.
<br />t~~~~-rl ~rr.~,
<br />nm !n br tt~ N,t:atiu? lx, s~x S whw~ uxtne5 are ` atYixcd to the abovr irtstrrutaent as;mrv[tExgat 's` grid t112`~ ae.Mrxlty
<br />:urkr~.n,cdsail ties. sa r -r ri t:;ra t t nc tI14.'l Y vatuaiary act ertd deed _ "~~ yt
<br />.'
<br />Xi 1 tiF ti3 m x ! a . `. i lei `iazl h< c18xz xfaressxf. ,' j//
<br />Li 4.-. r..Rtf'.tU' kF'rc/ t {r /6, i ~/ $! / X ~ ~A ~" ..
<br />~usa> w. z,~ « ~ , air. ..°ub:u.
<br />~oar.+ prJUBk
<br />t stt cu ~ ta,s ti 1*1
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