~ _
<br />'~ fi2-_ t~413962
<br />eoE;personallylable on he Note or under: this .Deed. of Trust: and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower
<br />hereunder may agt~ee to extend, modify, forbear, or make any other accommodations wi*_h regard fo thrterms of this
<br />_ Deed of Trust or the Notc, without that Borrower's consent and without releasing that Borrower os modifying this Deed
<br />of Trust as to that Borrower's interest in *_he Property.:
<br />12. Notice. Ficept for any notice required under applicable law to be given in another manners (a) any notice to
<br />Borrower provided for in this-Deed of Trust shall be given by delivering it or by mailing such notice by certified ntsil
<br />addtesed to Borrower at the Property Address or at sack other address: as Borrower may designate bypotice to. Leader
<br />as provided-herein, and (b) any notice to Lender shall be given by certified mail to"Lender's address stated herein orto
<br />_ suds other addres as Lender may designate bp.natice to Borrower as provided herein. Any notice provided for (n this
<br />Deed ofTrust shad be'deemed to bare been givenLO Borrower or Lender when given in the manner designated herein.
<br />13. Ge-arshs{ Law; Seve><abiBty.,The state and oral laws applicable to this Deed of Trust shall be the laws of the
<br />jueisdictioa-in which the Property. is loaded. The foregdiag sentence shall notTtmit the applicability of Federal law to
<br />:this Dad of Trust. In threvent that any.. provision or chase of this: Deed of Teuatbr the Note conflicts with applicable
<br />law, such conflict shall not"affect other provisions of this Deed of Trust or the Note which can be given eitect without the
<br />coatti~-ling provision, and to this end the provisions of thin Deed of Trust and the Note are. declared ta'be severable. As
<br />_ used hereie, "costs": "expeates" and "attorneys' ices". include aB sums. to the exunt rear prohibited by applicable Iaw or
<br />Limited herein.
<br />1d Berrewr's copy. Borrower shall be furnished a rnnformed rnpy of the lrote and of this Deed of Trust at the
<br />time of emutioa or after recordation hereof
<br />15. AaiaibWteNsa iwr;AQoamoht. Borrower shall. fulfill all of Borrower's obligations under any home rehabilita-
<br />tioe, improvsmeot repairototherloan agteentent which Borrower enters into with 1.ender: Lender, at Lender's option,
<br />may'requite Borrower o execute attd deliver to Lender, in a#orm acceptable to:Lender, an asigntneat of say righu,
<br />claims or defenses which Borra~rer mayhave ageless parties who supply'labor, materials or utvices is connection with
<br />_ improvaneoumade othdPtopeetp.
<br />li. TtstatoreCeM>~TAsttr~lMa._if;all or any .put of thb Property or"an 1nt~rest
<br />thareilt is sold or eraaeisrsed by eorrowr without Leetdttr•a riot trritten convent,
<br />osclud~tq (al ttw creation of a lice oz encumbrance subordinate to this Deed of
<br />?suet, (b) thb cruller of r puscAaab soneyr abcurity iaterast for houvehold hppli=
<br />anew or (c) a trartater try driest drttceat or by operatiat of tar` upon tde death of
<br />a ~oiat tttttant, Lender say, at Landor's option, declare all: the stttts aacurod by this
<br />Died oL-Sztut to be issdiataly dtu and "payable.: Lander shall- have valved such
<br />oopptiat to ticceleraq i!, Prior to the salt or tsaaster, Lender and tiro person to
<br />vltoa tie Yrope cry is to be sold or tramaterratl uadt agreesrnt <in wcitin that: the
<br />credit of suai-person fa satislactazy°to Lender attd that rho incersse-paya~le on.rhe
<br />sttr eecured by t6im'Deed of Trust shall ben at sorb rate as Lender shall requeet.
<br />Z! Leader-es~erciaes sorb option to accelerate, Ltadmr shall sail Borrows notice of
<br />acceleration is accordantx with paragzapb 12 hereof. Such notice shall provide-a
<br />period o! not less than 30 days Eros the data .the notice is taailed or dalivued
<br />witiin irhich eorrowr say ppeay the sut?!tt declared -dw. Zf Horrovar' fails `to pa `tttch
<br />area prior to the espisation o! snob-period, Lender say, without further notice or
<br />dasrnd oo HOtrorsr,- imrokt atiy r~radi~t g~raitted by pazaq=aph 17 hereof.';
<br />- NON-WNi>Aow+t COVtntAtti's. Borrower and Leader fart(ter covenant and agree as fo)lows:
<br />17. AooslsratlomtRS~adita. l,.xespt eaptwvidad V patsfjeapi 16 hereof, upon Hortowsr't breach sf soy coreaaot
<br />err gnaMt at Detlasrsr L tiY lJss~ af,Tesst, lhdt~ag Heetwees's Eallate to pay, by the sad of 10 calaadar days afros
<br />lioy rn rss, rJ stria eu~toi by tiY:Detd ~ TreN, Larder eclat to acaisratiss shall,;ire aedoe to Borroworat
<br />pravNa~ i~ p~ertpapi l2 hw~o[ ~podfjbt~t (I i tYa broaeit; (2) rite attfa~ »grl4~d to curt such bwach; (3) a data, not
<br />" Net rise 20 de~a, h~ tM dw tM aotka its tsdlad is Harrower, by wild arch broach mast be rand; sad (4l has
<br />tatters o coo reel btoaci ear hereto cis dw sraeieod ba the wtica my rooeltla acceleratloa of thasams recased by
<br />slit Dwd aCTeett sad sale of cis Prwparty. The ewtke shall fvther before Hoerowsrof the right: to rsiattate after
<br />acaloeatlae asd tM; eiµt b briK a coact adite frostaet the aoasafstwcs o[ a defislt or say other dsfsate of Borrower
<br />f• accoelaratlsa sad tots. If tie breach Y sot cans oe or bofote do:data spadilod to the aotko, Lsodrr, at Leoder'a
<br />optlse, say dtclate all of cis ss~t aoctrtnd b! thlt Daod o[ Trott to bs lomsdistely dw er
<br />dtWd sttd tnttJ latoio tie power of sale,asd say oti.r re~sdlet paaead by app~ea~b,Jstr Ntkd
<br />t• allset ad rotrsaaiM rears sad sapsatts bst~erod V patss(sr tie eamotiiat prwWsd m chi ~ g,
<br />bat sW Il~llsd q, rsessmebM atterasTs" foot. _ .
<br />1< cis paver of ails it inf~ltod, Traetas mall record a ttotiq of dsfaalt is each coaary In which the Property or some
<br />poet tistMf i iscatsi;attd thril auii ~pM!t o[ sari atlas V cis assnosr pnscrib~d by apgliable law to Borrower utd
<br />k tie ot-ae ptnsat ptetalisd ltJ sppiicablo lave. Afttc tis.lopts of tac6 tiro as-may be required by applicable law,
<br />Trtrtss sYsll /ivs psbife trtlce at tats to tits psewrt asd Fa tis msmer;p-tacribsd by applicable law. Tcsstee, without
<br />dssaad o• Bserowar, tirtl sdl'tbe Property u psblie atacdea to the hisbatt biddsr.at the titre and place sad wader the
<br />items dsaipustd ir:tit easier a[ tale is owe or arose paecde and is such order as Trustee may determine. Trustee may
<br />Pettpoos sale at alt. or say percd of tis;PeopeetJ bJ Public aanouacement at the time std place of any prertosely
<br />trisdufsd tale. Leader or Larder's racy Pwroi~ tie PropertJ at say sue-
<br />Upae receipt d payaitrt of tie price bid, Trattte shall dellrer to the ps;t:hatex firattee's deed coareyfag rho ';
<br />Prrperyy sold. Tic tedtaL is t6t Trattoe's deed. Abel[ ba peima facie erldeace o[ tb¢ truth of the rhtemenL made
<br />titts6t. Trattss shall apply the proaedt o[ tie tale ie for following order; (a) to aft rcatonable cotta and expense of the
<br />D7A ...:. qo ofthe rams sale
<br />rah, iecladltta, bat aotlimited to, Trmtee'i fees actually incurred o[not more than g
<br />pricy, reatoaabk attarosyt' fees sad costs of dtle eridesce; (b) to all sums secured by tbL Daed of Tract; sad (c}".the ez-
<br />caw, t[ ao7, to the person or peesoat ~hT entitled thereto.
<br />lg. Borrower's Rirht to ltdnttate NatRithstanding Lender's acceleration of the sums secured by ibis Deed of
<br />Trust, due to Borrower's breach, $orrower shall haven the right to have any proceedings begun by Lander to enforce this
<br />1?eed of Trust discontiautd arany time prior to the earlier to occur of (i) the fifrh day .before the salt of the Praptrty
<br />pursuant to the pov:er of sale"contained in this Decd of Trust or (ii) entry of a judgment enforcing this Deed of Trust if:
<br />fa; Borrower prys (,ender all sutns which would be then due under thist7ecd oFTrust and the *Rute had ao acceleration
<br />c~c-,trrtd; fb) Borrower cures all breaches. of any other covenants ar agreemenes of Borrower contained to #his Deed of
<br />Truce; (c) Harrower pays all reasonable expenses incurred by Lender and Truster in enforcing the covenants and
<br />agree-ntnts of 5orrower contained m this Deed of Trust and in enforcing Lender's and Trustee's rtmedits as provided in
<br />paragraph 3 7 ltcreof including, but no4 1`uniFed to, reasonab)c attUrneyg' fees; and ld) Borrower takes such action as
<br />_ Lender :nor} €easonakiy require to assi~tt C;taE the 4itn of this Ueed of Trust. tinder's intcresz in the Property ;,red
<br />13ranowe: ~s obite,stion to pay the sums secured by Ctt'ts. DtbdofTrustsha3iiantinee unimpasced. i;pan such pa}nacres and
<br />cure ray Borrower, this Deed of Trust and the obfigatians serurrd hercbi~ shall remai.^: +n full force artd c?ect as if ro
<br />t~:cierattora had xourted.
<br />