<br />$2 ,,,,,,,~} ~ 3 ~ 6 ~
<br />If B4MFUwer pays Funds to Lender: the Funds shalt be-held in an institution the deprisits or accounts of which are
<br />insat•etf er guaranteed by a Federal arstare agency if ndud'zng Lender if Iznderis such aninstitution). Lender shall apply
<br />the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, insurance oremiurrts and. ground rears. Lender may not rha~ge for so holding
<br />and applying the Ftmds, analyzing saircl accoititt or verifvFng and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender
<br />r pats Borrower interest on rho Funds and applicable law permits Lender Eo make such a charge. Borrower and Louder
<br />Ii may agrez in writing at the Yimc of exeratirm of this: Deed of Trust that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower,
<br />and unless such agreement is made or'apphcable taw requires such interest to be paid, Ivnder'shall-not be required
<br />to pay Borrower any interest or earnings en the `Funds. Lender shat! give to Borrower, witfiout charge, an annual
<br />aa:ounting of thz Futrds showing crediu and debits ro the Funds and he purpose'for which each debit tothe Funds was
<br />made. The Funds are pledged as additional security forthe sums secured by this Decd afTrust.
<br />1f the amoart of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monihlyinstailments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the duz dates of taxes, assessments, ittsutancepremittms and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said
<br />.taxes: assessments, insurance pretciumsand ground rents as they fall due, such excess shall be, at Boreower's option.
<br />eixhet promptly repaid ro Borrower or'rredited to'Borrower an monthly installments of funds. If the amount of the
<br />Fonds held. by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay rates, assessments. insurance premiums and ground rears as they fall
<br />due Borrower shall pay to Lende* any amount necessary to make up'the deficiency in one or more payments as Lender
<br />may require.
<br />Upon payrtiem in fuH of alt sumssecurexl by this Deed of Trust. Lender shaft promptly refund io Borrower any
<br />Funds held by Lender. ]f under paragraph 17 hereof bhc Propem is said or the Property is otherwise acquired by
<br />Lender. Lender-shall apply, no laterthanimmediately prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender, any
<br />Funds held by Lender at the time off application as a credit againsrthe sums: secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />3. ApplfeatMr of Pmts.. Linless applicable law provides otherwise. all payments received-by Lender under
<br />the Note and paragraphs l xttd 2 hereof shall'be' applied by Lender first in payTitent of amounu payable to Lender by
<br />Borrower underparsgnph ~ hereof, then to interest payable. on the Note. and then to the principal of the Note.
<br />4. Pdar Marr{yas aced Dri aE Tr>oit: Chagas: Liees. Borrower steal( perform all of Borrower's' obligarians
<br />under am' mortgage, deed of trust or other securir7 agreement with a lien which has priority aver this Deed of Trust.
<br />itx]uding Bortower's covenants .to make paymmu when due: Borrower shall pay or cause to be paid alt: taxev.
<br />assesstrteats and ether charges, fines and imposirions attributable to the Propem whtch mad attain. a priority'over this
<br />Deed of Trtut. and easehold"parnents or ground.renu. if any.
<br />S. Bla>tari La~tee. Borrower hall keep the improvemenu'now existing ac hereafter erected on the: Property
<br />insured agaimt loss by file, hazards indudnd.withia the teem "extended coverage"_ and such o>her hazards as ixnder
<br />may requite and in such amounts and far such periods as Lender may rcquire-
<br />The ittsutaactcattiet peoviding rtes insurantt shal(bechosen br• Borrower subject to approval by.Lender: provided.
<br />that such approvalshall'no[ be unreasonably withheld. Alhinsuranrepolicies and renewals ihereofshall be in a form
<br />acttptabk to Lenderand shall include a standard mortgage clause in favor hf and in a,fnrm acceptable to ixnder.
<br />Lendershall have the right to hold the policies and renewals thereof, subjec[ to the terms ~f' any. mortgage, deed at rrusr
<br />or other security agreement with a lien. which has: prionty ewer thts Deed of Trust.
<br />In the event of loss. Borzowrr shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lendti• may make proof
<br />of loss if sot madopromptly by Bom~wer.
<br />If the. Property is abandotxd by Borrower. or if Borrower fails to respand ro Lrndex whhtn 3U tiavs from zhe date
<br />notitt is mailed by Lender ro Borrower char the insurance canter offers to settle a claim 1br insurance benefits, Lender is
<br />authorized ro collect and apply the insurance prorectls at Lcttder's opnun either to restoranon or repair of [he
<br />Property or to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />6.'Pnaararit+w%awd M~tMreeo[ Prn/ertyr [.eyairole4;-Condomioiumta; Planned C;nit-Developments. Bot-
<br />rower shall keep the Property in good repair and shall not commit waste ar per•mat impairment or detenorarion of the
<br />Property and shall comply with the provisions of any lease if this Deed of Trust is on a leasehold. if this Deed of 1 rusts
<br />on a uttit'in a condominium or-a planned unit d~elopmcnt. Borrawer shall perform all iaf 8ottower's obligations under
<br />the deeiaration or covenants creating,or governing the rondommtum or planned uncr develapment:, the by-laws and
<br />regitlatioas of thecandominium or planned unit development; and constituent documentsi
<br />7, PwlecWra of Le~tiu'a Saeartg.,If Borrower fails to perfarm she covenants and agreements contained in this
<br />feed of Trust, or it 3n} action or prac~ing is mrttmenred which rnarenally affiects Len<icr , mteres[ in the Property.
<br />then Lender, at Lettdn's option, upon notice to Borrower. may make such appearances. disburse such sums. including
<br />reasonable anorneys' fees, and take such action as is necessary to protect Lender"s.nxerest. If [.ender requiredmor gage
<br />insurantt u a condition of making the luau secured by this Dead of Trust. Borrower shall pa_. the premiums required to
<br />maintain such insurance in effect un[il such nine as thr requirement for suck insurance :crninares in accordance with
<br />8rxrower"s and Lender's written agreement or applicable law.
<br />An} amouaU disbucxd by Lender pursuant to this paragraph -, with interest :Hereon, ar the tiete ra[e, steal]
<br />become additional indebtedness of Borrower secured by [his Deed. of S;ust. L r,icss Borrower and Lrndtr egret ro
<br />other terms of pa}Taent, such amounts shall bz useable upon noticefrom Lender ru Br+rrouer requesting p vmzar
<br />thereof. Nothing contained in ibis praagraph ?shall require Lender [o incuY'anc exlxnsz or take ant action hereunder.
<br />b. Ispeetfae. Lends may makt orcatse to 'ee [Wade reasonab?e entzies upon and inspections of the P^~pery.
<br />provided that Fender shall give Bocewer ^otice prior to anj such ~irupectionapeerh+ing reasonable cause therefor
<br />slated to Lender's in[erot in the Property.
<br />9. Cwdeasa[lsa. The prvCee$s of env award or claim for : amages, direcr.orcansequenual. rn :onrzecnon with
<br />any condemnation or ocher raking of the Property, or parr thenaf.crr for-cony s~ance in li.:u ei condemnation, are
<br />hereb}' assigned and shalt be paidtoLcnder. zub;ecr to thz reams of any mortgage, deed ~~f eras r ~.>thc sccnrir, agree-
<br />ment with a lien which Has priority rn•ez ibis I?eed of Trust.
<br />10. Baerower iVot Rekasedt Foebeartmec'By Larder tiro a Weer. Eztcn,tor.:±S the tirue "ar Qay'm<er or
<br />mr~di6caiion of amottization of the sums +~curatby the Jeed o; Trust granted bt Let.&rr to ,t:cec-s~r~r in ir,rercu cif
<br />Borra+rer shall not operate to release, m an} manner: the Iiabrh i the cn- ? 3 r .. er u t s~rc~hr u _ss s i;r
<br />m[eresr. Lender steak! not be regmred to commence'prr~cecdinti-s at,a,n~t s ~h succeaor -r ,e;~s v sic c~ nmr '~ . t a~~-
<br />ment ar athc'twtse m:rlify amor~zalion of [he stuns sectwred by [hu L'ezd .?f Trust b mason n _n~ rier*; + ~+ made "r ! he
<br />original Barrrxrer and $arr,-aer ; succzssurs ir, interest.:~rc torbrarar, h; (.<m..zr .,i cc.r i~tc ar.; ~ht „ . _. Ord}
<br />hereunre, r. or ottrenvisr offorritd h}~ applicahiz law. shalt ;rut ne ; ._ __ -.v or nrcc~r -it ~htt c ~-~~tie tf -,r , u,::~~ rr,;,,r _,r
<br />rr_rrred Y.
<br />li. Suec+xa:oa sad .4»igns Bou.ndc 3oint and 5eeasaJ Liah9tice, Ca->;~,-s_e r.. Thr c _ ..r... , t r _ art; -
<br />4irr~ea cenrai Wed shalt b,r:d_ z.-,.t t4r. ^Kh+.~ :._rc~ncu. ,ha. ~ ,. e r~.,. *6r ~ -_ ,.. .r .r, ~ ~ _. - ~_d.
<br />:k;-moue- .,Eyre' to c „ ar ~n t liar r. r;,,-, 'r: ~rur . .; ._n _. ~ -.... , , r ...-~ :r.ird .
<br />r. ,.:
<br />~ekr r:al Ar.. 4 r, ,d-z , .-,~.~. ins ills C. _ , ` , _. ~ . . a.r , ., c.,. •,. ~., , u--...: ., .. ,.:' lh~. ., -,tr tv ~az
<br />n.F. z: yra- ,, ~d ~yte,.iha: {> r,- r.r l r,, ~ use.
<br />