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<br />82-=1 ~j 39&{~ <br />Lender's wrifaen agreement br applicable law. Barrawer shall pav. theamount rof all martgage insurance premiums-in the <br />manner: provided under. paragraph 2 hereof. <br />;1nv amauntc disbursed bV L.ender ptircuanr to this paragraph 7, with interest therean, shall become additional <br />nlJehrednec of Bt>rrower secared`by tfiisMortgage:_Unless Harrower andLenderagrec soother termsof'paymen[, Stich. <br />an^n~mt¢ sho4i be payable upon,rsozice from mender to Bermu~cr:requesting paymentthereaf, anti shad hear interest from. thee: <br />date of dishurca•ment atthe ra2q: payable-from time fotime on outstanding:.principal-under the Note unlesspsyment of <br />interest at such rate-would bermtrary m apphesble taw; in which-event cnch amounts shag bear interest ar the F.ighest rate" <br />permissible ^ndu applicable taw. Nothingeciniained inthis paragraph 7sha1'I requireLc-nder 2a incur anyexpense ortake <br />:my action hereunder. <br />R. Tnsptctipn. Lender map make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. provided <br />than Lender shallgive:Harrowei-. natice prior to anysctch inspeciirn specifying.reasannfilecauseaherefaz related to:Lender's~ <br />in4er+st in thcProperty: <br />9. Coodemaalbn..- The proceeds of anv~ award or claim for or consequentiah in connection wish any <br />'condemnation another takingaf the Pmperto~.. or part thererf: or foYCanveyance in tieiiof condemnatirnare herehe assigned <br />and shalt tttpaid toLender. - <br />In iheevent of atoial taking: of the. Pmpeny, the praceeds steal{ he applied tothe sums secured bythis Mortgage. <br />with the extras. if anV:paid :SO Barrower...In the event of apariiaftaking of thePropern•. artless $nrrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there sb~11 hr apphed t. the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion''-of the prc?creds <br />'as-is equabto thaY.prapartio~ wfiich ;he amaune of the sttmc secured,tic this 54ortgagc immediateic prior-M the. date of " <br />taking bears to the fair marketva3ucrf the Pmpertyimmediatc!yprinr to the. date of taking, with the balance: of the proceeds' <br />paid to 1Sottower. : <br />Tf tlx: Property is abandoned by Harrower. or if:after nrticehy Lender as Borrrwer chat thecondemnoroffers to Snake <br />an awasdar Bettie: a. claim fbr damages, Barrrwer faits to resprnd to Fender within 36 davsafter the date. such notice is <br />rnaited.SLender is authorized io col]!~tt and appiythe proceeds. at Lender's option. either to_restoratian ar repair`of the <br />Propertyorta the sums secured:hy this Mortgage. <br />Unless Lender and.Harrawe[ otherwise agreein writing. an}'such application at proceeds ta-principaS shall oat extend <br />or pastpane 4he due. date af:the monshty~ installments referred tq in paragraphs 9 and. 2 hereof ar change: the. amount of: <br />Bulb installments. <br />10. I`,iM Reletmed." Exxensian nP the. time for payment ar modificationaf amrirtizanan of the sums secured <br />by this Morigagegranted h}•Lcnder tc an7:successarin interest`rf Ba;rower shaflnat operate: to release,:in anymanner: <br />•.the liahiltyof theurigina] Borrower and Borrowers successars;r, interest: Tender shall oar be,required to commence <br />procecdirsgsagainseauch st.tccessor er refuse to extend timefor,paymentar otfitrwise rnadif}c amartizatian .~f the sums <br />seerrredby this Mortgage b}S rcasan of am demand made by the ariginal'Bormwer and Borrower's successrt. iii interest. <br />il.. Forbearance by I.endenl~ol a~l'airer. Any fortxarannby Tender,m exercising any right ar remedy hereunder.. or <br />otherwise atforded by appticable.iaw. slfalF-oat heavvaiver ofar preclude the ezereise of any such.~frght orremedy. <br />TTie procvretnenx ofinsarance~ or the payment of rases: rr rthor'lierss or charges by Lender shallnot he a waiver ofLender's <br />right !o acrderate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Margage_: <br />t2. Resmdbs Camahtne. :All remedies provided in thin ;4lortgage are distincx and cumulative ro any ether right. or <br />remedy.,under this Mortgageor affordedby law nr equity, andmay >x eaercisrd cogcitrrentty.,independently::.orsuccessively.- <br />33.SSaccessoesand AssiRas:[loaad;Join1 and<<Several i.iability; Captiorr,..The covenants and.:agreementsherein <br />contained shall bind, and the rights 4ereunder shall inure ta, the resixrtive ,nccessars and assigns of Lender and HorrPvver, <br />`stibjecrto [hr provisions"of pazagraph 17 hereof. .4i1 covenaat~ ~tnd ,igrer+mcnts of i3orrower shall be joint and several <br />The captions arsdShcadings pf the paragraphs t*F this Martgagc are- f,~r ~-~*n~'~nience only and are not to I+e used to <br />interpret or define the provisions hereof. <br />li.-T~loliee. Except for any police reyt~ired under .,pn!,cahlc la.s m he given'. in another manner, {n) any notice to <br />Hot:owcr provided For ;n this Mortgage hall r,;, g,sen h~ ~:,. ;n_ .,,:•, .. « ~: rcrt'sfied snail addrcsse¢ to Borrrwer at <br />'the Property Addre,a nr :,; ,ttch ether addrts•. „ Bn,r ter a•,.,, ,~gn;,ro by notice to heniier as praviricd herein, and <br />Th) any notice ta-Lcndcr sht<Il Fie gs ~ ,rn fi,J •n o~ "-,~.rn r= ~,t~f r~yuc,rrrl.:k+ (enders address stand herein. or to <br />such other addrty as Lcndcr may dt tir,atc I,. ~.,~~.~ Rorr.. ~ ;,..+dc.f hrr:,in. .~ayr notice pravidcd for in .this <br />iMoriga~eshalT Ez Jccm.d ~r, h:uc b"een p.i,.r .e Fk,c r~uc< ,r I ,~odcr ~. nor, hrver. ire the msmter. designatedherein.. <br />i~. Uni[gra+ MurtHage;.Gorerniug; 4srrabAit.. lhi,. !.•n,; .•I moirgni;•o errnbines uniform covenants far nationa3 <br />,r. <br />'use .tnd non-uniform " tn.,ntwith IimucS i.,!•uns L, ~ ,._, , ;,, c n„ic a r~mform security instrument raJering <br />real properly. This Piortpoge shall ix gsavrrsud h, :h< . i ;: ir.~u~.tfa,u tat Which the Property is'lacated in the <br />.event thatianv pro~.laton rr dac,se: of rhis ,`4lartg;agc .•r ;hc rn;c ~ tiLu~. ••.itb .:nplicahle taw; such rot,fiicx coal! nrt.affea <br />other pravisionc of this Mongagc or the nhicn rc ,_ .~n • Tact xhhc.vt he canflirting:provision. and to this <br />end the prgwsions o] ine Mortgage and the bra a .!. I r uvereble. ' <br />tf. brmwer'sCopy. 8orrawrr chalk.:. f., r,.hcai , ,•-r•, +r,n~d c,~,~v of thrNate and of the Mortgage at the rims; <br />nF esecuiu,n er :niter: rcwrdation`hercof. <br />19. Transter of the Propem; A~.amption l i :. L` .~~ env ^. - of the Property or an mtertst herein is said or tramferred <br />by Barrou•cr w;thout Lendris prior u, rctrn ..mcf,f c, ! d r.g ~..• the creation of s !ten nr cn~~mbrance suhardinatc m <br />the biro gags. !ht the creat,rn of ., pt:r~h.,s :, •, i,, ;,:: r st s:,r }sousehold:irpgti:an~c,. fcj .r tramfcr 6y;dcvisc, <br />dcscer.t o; ht ?p<'r~tion ni l:,w rax~n i`c !carte -, _.ta.f ,- • , ~ the grant of any~ieasehi~ld rzterest ofthta.c ears or 1•=v <br />not .antaining an uprion r ,rchau- tcndc: rnas~, at I. -rk r-, .,~ :on. declare alt She s~•ns sarurcd by iltisMrrtyagcSt,~ oc <br />imrnedi~u.l}~ due and pa:abk (.code; ,hall h~ e ~.._ ,n:.h apt a:n 'ta a[;xleratr if. .ri<ir ir, Hte sale or 1r -r s,`cr- T-ender <br />r ~' <br />and the pcrrm to whom ±he Propert•, h fo he 1:~ , .~trar. ,ter red -eu~h:agreemrnt In '.,r t n- `.nal ihC"cred$ i 'h r_. ;.n <br />i aarisractor. [~ I lodge and :hat tnc :nte ~es~ .. ~. aPle rr. the - _ .. .±-d i^, this- Mortr-. _ehall be at ,urn e.t ;,: Lcndtir <br />, <br />shalt rryuc~~ R t.cnd^_ h - '-~..c~ he ._ , - ._ tf~ ,c; asp ~ graph I ndvt Burn~we or u~ <br />!reel cst bus ext~nxd n a r•ucn .usumptior. _. c. ~ur.z~ . ,.~ .., tad •. r.C. ~ h•: i ceder. lrr •.u t..atl re,easet ilo n,.'_. -run :elf <br />oh.ibatirrs under th s blungage and th oe. <br />I( Len<Scr eYU:: iSCS ,czh opt sr to ., i ~ ~J~ s7ali . . } c - ~.. ..~;Ic,. [t4 r, rta~.-: ti'`Ih <br />paragraph 1- hcrrs~( ;ugh ~nncc h.,J: psa~da a.' . ,... .~ r s. ~•'i ay _. .,; .1: ~-a tc tr n:,iled wnh,r. <br />which 73orro,~er sac pev t`rc ~.r.tu ..e_fa._.: r ur. ,I Bo .r..c• -~ _ ~. ..,ray p .,t_ r ,.. .. i. r~.od. <br />L-cn~r ma}, ithaot turthcr nu i,., r.n ..:~d . fi ... .. . .... . .. ....di:, rat _,. ' ~ ~r r h rw3. <br />tia~-UNtr ort,r Coti"t.'-+~"s He - a., a,.] I cn ice error. .-:. _ _..., ., u -....nn :cr,: <br />i8. Au-rie rafiuu; Rrrnedies. F>_c~pt as prutiidrd in p~reFraph l~ hereof, upon Bur ro.,c r"> itn•ach ni v . ~.. ,vn: or <br />zj(reement a( &,rro~-er in this \U,rtRege, inelndin>; the <~ut mans to pa, „ben due um ,tans <ecured hr this ~~7urtgake.. <br />I-,ends: prior lu arerleration shat[ trail notice ro Rorrr,wer ac provided rte p,rr at; raph id hurt tf .necif, inl;: 111 ttte hnac2r <br />12) [hx ae9 Hen required to cure ctxh breach; !~) a dale, rot Irss than _',[1 day, from the c#atc rho notice- is r,rai!ed lea 1;nrnn.~cr, <br />by wtucn sorb Frrrath morel tx cured; and i~) that Cailurc Se ,-are ,nc6 ten-a<h ..n or tx~.Forc the date ,p: cilicd in the ttutie+~ <br />may result in arcekrrtic,n nE ttte sums secured 6} rttis ~lnrtga~e, furet-tasure b} judicial pro:eadin~ unrl ,ate of lire Per pe rtp,. <br />f~kt notice shat! farther inform Hom,wer of the riy;ht t.~ rcinmtatr a.`n•r aareleratinn an:! the right !n alert in the fon~cirisurc <br />prrn'eedinX 4he ergot x'csteuce <,! a defauFl ur ;an other deFentie ~rf Barer. ..rr to :x~a-te ration ?nd f r.rrfiriurr. (f ifir im ache <br />F ~ t cored nn ..r br (<.re the date ,~~,: ife,i in the rtoti<y. [rrvh-r at F-ender", aptioo m:r t*:<!an• ai( of lift ,ants ,i~curtd t„ <br />tuts tT errt~--yge it, be immcvIialcl} dun. anal pa}whir ,r it farther dentsnd ago-s n y €ore io,e tai yt,dir ial pros rr di~tt;. 1 andrr. <br />+hsti be rn2kled to :o8rct in such prix,,~dlm~ :di rd[m nv f fcrrrlarrc. %ra,-LteEitzt, but no7 tiaa7+cA !r , cyst- Lrc uneroan <br />rrKtince, zharx; tr and filk rrp+~rts. <br />LS. iinrrrrKtz'c Right te. Reinstate. ", --..- ,. 1 ~_i ,.~ ,_..., -, , . ,. , .,. .. ~„~;; ~ - <br />tu r-;.:rr t'.~.f r.,, .,- ct:: tgl',. s - S :_ '')' a."r ~, t f Ise gas-~ 1 • ~. - <br />