<br />21'-n-RELEASE OF READ EST,~7E'MORTGAGE {Rev ised7962) Tnc xve vvn Ccaerntsuprb• Har:.n,, r..o.~+t:,. ~:.,~~.
<br />82-(4~E,'3~~'~1
<br />I\ !'ON~IDERA'1 IO?v of the payment of tlae debt named therein; I or we, hereby release-the mortgage o,
<br />on the folloazng described property, to-wit:
<br />j A tr. act of land in the SauthwesC Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW-1/4 SW-1/43 '
<br />of Section Twenty-One (Zll, Township Eleven (li) North', Range.; Nine ~9)'West oP Che
<br />6th P.~t. in Ha 11 County, tebraska, more garticularly,described,as €ollows: Beginning
<br />at a point nn the West line of County Road as laid ou[ by '.:uunty`Surve,.or Baldwin in
<br />1890, said road running along the'Sast sideoi ;aid W-lj2 SW-I/4 oT said Section Z1,
<br />said point being locatedl720.9 feet South and 3~.0 Meet :des! of the Nort`:2ast
<br />corner (as used since 1890) of. the NW'l./4 SW-'1j4:ot said Section 21, running thence
<br />West at a right angle a distance"of 300.0 feet, :running_thence 5auth parallel to
<br />i the said Felt line of sa3 County Road a distance of 200,0 feet, running thence
<br />East a distance of 300.0 feet_to a paint an ehe`said West line of said County Road,
<br />running thence North alohg and upon the said West line: of said County Road ~c distance
<br />I of 200.6 Feet ±o the poi n[ of beginning, containing 1..377 acres more-or less
<br />i
<br />'~
<br />as Document $81-00380?
<br />which is recorded i~>d~i[ ° , of'taI eetate mortgages,;piss of the Records of the County of
<br />i Hail ,and State a( Nebraska
<br />Dared this 1Qth day of Se;>t~mh~•- 'A `~>
<br />In preeenoe of
<br />'i ii ....Car,-L+G.4..,~- _.~ ~_ ~~-sr~GG_.. _~c.,.~._..---
<br />s STATE OF....-... .MlssouRl
<br />sr . LOi; I s `s'
<br />' _....._.._ .............__............_...-....._..-..-._.. ..County i
<br />~.~ On thia._ .-20th da of.._._....-. septewbe;_ : ~.2., before me, a Nctarq Public, d:Ly commissioned '
<br />,- ~ G1enn rl Hoffman and Wendy L. Ho[sman,
<br />s and qualified for said count}•, personally came.__.__ ...-.. ___
<br />f hµstrand and vile _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
<br />,~ 1 ~ _.
<br />~ - _.. _ _
<br />__
<br />to me~x,txu.o4llv known. t~ `~: the idepiiiat pe~or: or person. wno csecuted the abu~ release anu xci:nowiedged
<br />__ ~~~t t,~e~sa~d-inststimrnt to ix: his, her or iheu ~olwriary a[t anti deed.
<br />`'~ fr .~ me hauZd and sea: ai -. .._-- in ~.d coin y ,i:e lay and t.i r~et a:~+wa written
<br />. ~ - ~~- . i
<br />tr t'. n, ~ - _-~~ ~kC~~=S 4 `~..~=94i[I~b1C~~'~'ublic.
<br />• .'tit comrnts.Niun ezptrr~< the.. _. . - ----- day or. _
<br />r 3*I'ATD OF-. - - ..
<br />_; .a~ rt e. z>v-Fi r - r ~ ~ di t 3n ~ Sle 1 far n~::,~ru
<br />{;auntg of_ - _ -- - in :ne Ilel,r 5rr ,:` I)e.:i. C}3 << +;P rk;d ~~rtunty the
<br />`' _ _ eiey of.. _- ....._ __ , 29. ttt. __c'c~o 'a and __ - _ :u;tt~!es._ __ ___~4.,
<br />and rreord~i in I3ooic. _ __ __ of . _ . a;;
<br />>;_~ ,_rta,;,.,,
<br />