BTP.TF.; i1F' \k;BR?.tiiZ~, Co,.~uty' of _.:... ...:.;..:... ...:.~ ....,..:.
<br />Ei1ed fnr r..~,;.~;1 un ._...__...... .. ...-__.. 19........ xt ..:..._ .. .......:...o'clock .:...::..........:~5.
<br />and reaorv3ed in tie I3e-d Record ........ ....._____. 1'.ige.._.... -.. ......... ~~~~~~~~~
<br />Fregister ~.. Deg-•ir, ?)~r~u? 3=-~istar of weeds
<br />Edxard R, Caudill rsnd Anna-~. Caudill! each in his or her oxn right
<br />and as soou~e of .he' other
<br />herein called the grantor c-hether one or more,
<br />in con:;;deraticn of Eleven Thousar~" Five Htmdred and 00/1G0 - Dollars
<br />..^ereived fronx grantees. does gzant, batgain, sell`eonca3~ itnd •c::f:rm unto
<br />,U.ton i2, tkskert aad 1]3me D, Ueckert~ husband and xife
<br />as joict tenants wit&'right~afanrci~orshig, andnot astenan: iseommon. t>>e iolio~ring described real
<br />property ir: .. .......:........FTa17. ..:..::.. ......_ Gounty. \ebraska:
<br />Lot Eight (a)~ in Fractioaxl Aloek Seventeen (17),
<br />in ~irvier York Addition to the City of Gxaad Zsland~ Nebras3n.
<br />STATEMENT ATTACHED S7 it `s ~g8~
<br />ff/~JJ BY
<br />To hate and to itok! the above descriF.csi prsr.;sry Coaet6er ;vith a1ztenen,c^, G,, he.editaments
<br />:tad appurtenances thereto be!o;a;in~, unto Pite granter-s an,. eo their xssigu ; or to tike 1:cirs and .,,=siyr~a
<br />of the siu'sit•cr of tl:r,n, frnaerr.
<br />And grantor c,:e:+ r:crebp co~~euant frith the _rantees and wi*h their assigns and wi*h the heirs
<br />and asyi~s of tt:c s~~'ri~~~ir of them thai gra~nor ;s s G ' .liy c .e,i ,:. sai3 pn~rnise:,: 2iiat 1~_ey are 'rc.e from
<br />encumbrance
<br />i
<br />that ~n•xntor has t,oo, r qla ;na,i laufn; antnorit}~ `i~ , rn<<•~ i le ~nn,c: <i mi that grsu;t,:~r ~ :rra.a; e~;,, ~liil
<br />defend [he tiCle to said ,,turscs ,rainst the iaufal eiairn; r c ;;;I p,~r ~~~.: ~.clio: :~- r~,.
<br />It s tl.e intention of aIl pa pies hereto that m the event n: the ueati, of ~ ither of the ~~ranteos,
<br />the entire fee tiL1e to this resit prot,rrGa ~iriil ... Ir. rile surc;viug grar~ter_.
<br />Dated Septeaber 12 19 73 ~ ~,
<br />_, ~; ~,
<br />ST3TE OF Neb _ Coimav of .__._...._._ .
<br />_..._....._......._..~4........._...... _......f~,l .............._..._..:
<br />. Before me, a notary public qualified fvr said _o_vit}~, p~rsonrtll,~; caiee
<br />Nfirard H, Caudi'_1 and Anna ;~, Caudillo each in his ar her am right
<br />and as spouse of the othsr
<br />kan~+.[c to *a. e. to [~c to>. i eta;cul ~ _r<on ~,r persrzn v ; , "gr,r - ~ -<: fr.s:: min, in5tnamen; azd r~~knc.l.led ged
<br />the ~•zr i.ti~.•: tl er,tr.,f to be f~,is. her or Their ~~o:ncr.: ~ ra ..rd <ierd.
<br />. ~ ~ctot~r 16
<br />,4 itn~~-s rnti~ hand and itotarfa{ q¢~; ~ o:: _._._.. .. _._... ....-._._. _..__ _~' ... 19 .~~.~
<br />MY C. ML7STON ` ~• /
<br />1O~IIL M6YARY ~ ~ .~ ~ - r .:. `-. ± <- C.. 've2arv 1'utihc
<br />OphK .d ~: ;~ i ~`;;-i,',I ~ ,. 2..; ~~C1'~°4 4'r...L~.. ..., ~n ~...;.,.
<br />~14M lj 14T3 - -
<br />