<br />r.
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<br />{
<br />~~-- t~0394~ DEED OF g`RUS~
<br />3rd September.
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST is made this . ... day of ,
<br />9F Larry A. Richards and ~rnda M, Richards, husband and »ife
<br />14 . ; _'.. among the Trustot . .............. . ............ T . ...... .. -. .... .
<br />(herein "Borrower '1,~u.~ter Federal Savings, and: , .
<br />...
<br />Loan Association , of , HrokEn, Flow,..N~~~agk~, , , , , , , , , ,, , , ,,, , (herein "Trustee"). and the Beneficiary.
<br />tlia tMDratlra tbrtgaga linaao~ land, Liaaoln, t7ebraska, . d .~QdY• .R~l.~-.~>`. i;nd.. . .
<br />cCrpo~at~ ............................. organized and
<br />e:imas under the laws of ..the . S t:atte . tlf . Nebraska .......................................... .
<br />vr4-bse address is 115 "K" Street, Suite, 1QI,, ,Lircolnr NE. 5fl5~9. , .
<br />......................... . ......................................... Therein "Lender'").
<br />HORtOwER. in consideration of the indebtedness herein recited and the trust herein created, irrevocably grants
<br />and comas ro Trustee, in trust, with purer of s:k, the following described propem• located in the County of
<br />..........Hall..... ........ Stue of Nebraska:
<br />The 4testerly Sixteen (16) Feet of Lot Thzee (3) acrd t~[e rasterIy Thirty-
<br />Four (34) Feet of Fractional Lot Four (4), in Fractional IIlock One (1),
<br />in Ela Place Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />which has the address of ...'-321 'lest 1st Street ;rand Zsland
<br />....fswl .......................
<br />..........^L...........,
<br />~,
<br />Nebraska ...............
<br />68$01............ {herein "Ptnpem Address"):
<br />It+rrel
<br />ToGEitIFJt with all the imFcov'cmeats nor or hereafter tteaed oo-the property. and all easements. rights.
<br />appucuoaoces and [eats Isub~ect however to the rights and authorities Qivea herein to Lender to collect and apply such
<br />teat:). all of which.shatl be deemed to be and remain a part af'the property covered by this Deed of Trust; and a]! of
<br />tha; foregoing, together. with said property (or the leasehold estau if this Decd of Trust is on a Icaschoki) ate
<br />hereinafter ttferred to as the "Property".
<br />- TO SECURE to.Lendet the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by Borrower"s note da[ed.. September. 3
<br />. , . , 1962_. , . _ . _ , _ .. _ . , _ .. , .and cateasioas utd rrnewals [hereof therein "No[e"), in the principal sum of
<br />U.S. S 9, AQ,4..Q4 . . .... . ..... . . . . .... .with inurest thereon, providing for monthly installments of principal and
<br />interltt, with the balance of the indebtedness. if not sooner. paid, due and payabk on ...~eitte~r 1 , 1992
<br />' the payment of all other. sums. with interest thereof,. advanced io accordance herewith to protect the security of this
<br />Dttd of Trust: and tde performance of the covrnairts and agrcemrn[s of Bon-owcr herein ~on:ained.
<br />Borrower crnenants that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate }xreby ~roaveyed and has the right ro grant. and
<br />convey the Property. and [hat the. Property is unent-urubered. ezccpt for encumbrances of rtrord. Borrower covenants
<br />that B~rro+yer wtt[anu and wilF defend ge:[cnlly the title. to the Propnty against all claims and demands, subject to
<br />encumbrances of record.
<br />uNtFORlN COYEY,~.:tiT$. Sorrowrr and Lender covenant and ague as follows:
<br />1. Pay~wt of Prtac-~i aed Ltaeaat. Borrower shall ptvmptly pa} when Sue the Frincipai and inteas[
<br />indtbttdness evidenced by the Note and Tate charges as provided in the Mott.
<br />2. F~da far Tara asd !awltree, Subjet~t to applicable lnw or a written waiver b~. ixnder. Bcrrower shun pay to
<br />Leader .x the day monthly payments of principa) and Interest are par~ab;c under ;he Note, txnrt'• t^c "Tote is paid
<br />in full. a sum Therein °Funds" I egtu3 m one-twelfth niche nearly tszcs and ;cssessmen[s itnciudiny condominium and
<br />planned unit devetopmert, assessments, iF any) which msy att~n priority over this Deed c~t Trus[. and druund rents t:n
<br />the Prnptttw, if any. pEuS one-twelfth of yeat?y premium insta;km4at5 fcr bazars i~suranc~ plus oc.e-rwe!;th of e-car3v
<br />premium i'rst311mcnts for ntortgagt insur3nce_ if ary. a;S ar. rt:~o rah9c cstim~ted iri tzA~, anu r ern tin- .r. ttmr- hs~
<br />t.endcr an the ba3is of as~ssmerts anc", Mils arc} ~uwr.s~.e escirnat s t'rerc '. Bv; re~~.~r .h:,:~ nt 2 _ ~ i irk etl : e rtak~
<br />s:ieh 7atimtnts of Furuds tp ~ rn.:zr to the r~icerr e?~~nt f3oero-a-er rztake- . ,tch pa n ~uts ;: -he ^~oidc a •ri~, i ,n;agc •=r
<br />- deed =ri .nut ifsal:it;t~,tder's zts in;: to.iottai >er.dac, -
<br />r-a-~~-
<br />f Eas1I* «ettt:arfiovftnerer-.6/3~
<br />t- -
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