<br />~2"'-(~~?~q~l~ r?tft `1SIt~N AC;12rt.tilt,NT
<br />in consideration of the extension of the tii•ec~fpaynrent of t ~: origii-iaf promissory note
<br />hereinafter described, the under-siryr.s?d, >ttrbix, f+ Paw°tnership
<br />hrr rhy c ~,~ r~n.,r t .iirrl nrlrc`e ~to pay tO The Ftrst
<br />Natrona) Bank of Grand Island, Grand eland, !`J<br<s;ka, or ~,u-~1er, th'e nrincipal'sum of
<br />Seventy Thousand and NOI100---------------- .._____..-----____-- -----------------.__--
<br />~~~~~-~- 1, together ~~:ith interesith reon at `'xteen per cent per
<br />annum from the date hereof, ;~,ch sun; to be payaL-Ie on December ~,~19 ~~_ Interest
<br />shall be payable at matur.t~r~ on Crecember 4, 1?E2
<br />The original principa; .,ote in tt,e amount of SEua~ty Tt~~ousand ar,d GO/iD0- --------
<br />------------------ - i570,GOO.DO
<br />__ __) wzs execu;.ed znd delivered ~y
<br />the undersigned under the date of-~ovem er"3, 8 _ '.o The First tiational
<br />Bank of Grand Island, Grand !stand, Nebraska', and w<~s due an~_i pava6le on the 4th,
<br />day of '"ay, 198.1 together with interest at Fourteen (lA? per
<br />Went per annum and secured uy Real CEst t 4lortgage to The -~rst ".ational Bank of Grand
<br />Island, Grand Islam, hehraska, rk~®~~l~~n Doeumen?s ,gn 3062&2, .x81-.002860 & -8'. 006'.37
<br />in the Mortgage Records of kal i ` ~z~unty; <NebPdS a
<br />The undersigned agrees to ray such ex tended balance ~f ;~Yincipal of Sevet 3iaousand am
<br />_00/100---_-_--------- ---------=- -_- ----- --- [ '__0,000.00- ), together
<br />with interest thereon ai -~3xCeet spur cent l,r r a tr ~~rn, such,}~rincipa!>and
<br />interest to be payable in Lawful money. of the'United Statta of «rnerica at Thee First-:Nat-
<br />ianal Bank of Grand. Island, Grand island, Nebraska.
<br />All of the covenants and agreements in'si.,ch or-iginai rote ahd ttte r-'.ez! Estate Mortgage a
<br />txxe-described, other than hereinbefore rnodrfied, shall i,e a,td .reni,~in unchangt:d and ir.
<br />full force and effect! dE~ring such~extenctetl perr,d. _ Ifd~f~,uRFt~e m.;ae in payment of any
<br />principal sum, the entireprineipat 5umwith ir~ter`est .thereon Khali !~ecome immediately
<br />due anal payable at the election of the Izgal balder tt~ereot.
<br />In further consideration of such extension of trine of ;)ayrirent :rf such indebtedness, 1 here-
<br />by ratify and confirm such mortgage recorded`as Dacta,ttents -8~1-00.626.2, #8i-002860 & ~Fsl-1)06137
<br />_~ ih Rcai Estate lylortcgage records of _ }{djl - ~-
<br />County, Nebraska _ ~~s the first mortgage Lien upcn
<br />the real property described therein, ant) ttiewlkalr of the title thereto as now owned try me.
<br />The undersigned executes this Extension Agrterrr.nt +litl, rofc~ enct~ to ar+d on the faith and
<br />credit of their property, which<Lhey nqw own. or have nn irate%est in i~r i~ereaft~,:r may ac
<br />quire; the exprerss intention being to charge ano to continue to charge any an~9 all of such
<br />property with the payment of he indebtedne>s; tic f~.ryment of which is herein extended.
<br />IN WITNESS WH~REflF, .the undersigned have hereunto set this hands this ?th
<br />-- -
<br />day of „une, 19Fi2 '
<br />*.ebix, .'!. Partnerss~;p
<br />__~ 111 of the ?artners
<br />k - ~ i _
<br />riandOl h o i~ ~ ~=;
<br />p D;xer7l~ann, Partner
<br />~_
<br />Theodore-L. Stava. Partner
<br />STATE OF Yah~
<br />t M p~
<br />The foregoing ins ~ owiedge before me this ith _ day of
<br />June_ :;'G`t ~ `•.,2 y Randolph .;- Eixenrrann~~rtn r ~d Theodo~_______ _,
<br />Y-
<br />- A Fartnersh~p_
<br />~' * i. COMP;itEy
<br />~ ,:i2.F'~t ..
<br />y : ' "~ -
<br />•~,,; L ~ Ol h ~ ~~' ~ ~ .
<br />,. ~ ~ ,,
<br />My Corrmissien Ez '•• Tl" ~=- ~'~-- Nc -'~,~ , ~ ~`'"-_-~
<br />~~. ~ ,tar-y I=~ht,c
<br />LE,A~ i?ESCkiPTTUFJ. ! ot. ~1 Block Eresi'..waad Surdtiv;;ion
<br />