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<br />57--REAL £BTATE 2dOHTGAGE-(WISh Tex Clense) ri~~-i[uttn;na pcno~~ s„4.n~r :'-.aFa _..~~~a,,, ~~c.
<br />g~=: ~-t)393~
<br />a nonprofit corporation, ------------------------------------------ f t
<br />of Hall Coun3y~, and State of Nebraska in or,'ds~rattion n the un~ o`
<br />'. FIF1~N THOTJSANll AND NO/100 ($15,000,00) ---------------------------°----------- ri0i LriR.S
<br />'~ ix band paid, ao 1~erel y S~,'_L and CO_N[rEJ' :unto nOBERT L. ?lAZIId and LiANCEhINDA iiAZEN, husband
<br />and wife, -------__ -----------------------------------------------------------
<br />of Hell Corcn;y, Statg of Nebraska tke tollo<cxn_q as r;'ued prcnii;es ~~itunted
<br />to H81i Cosrnti, and State of '~ebraeka `o .et:
<br />T,ot 1bo (2) and the Norther7.y One-Half (N}) of :,ot Four (Q )
<br />in Block '~enty-Eight (28) in "Highland Park" Addition to
<br />the City of Ginnu Island, Nebraska.
<br />The intendinn bring to conrey hereby an absolute title in fee simpla, i»ciuding ail tl*.a riyiiSs of /tornrstesd end dcsver.
<br />TO f~7_A[/E r4.'JD TO HOITJ the premises above- described, euith ai: t;ze ::ppurtenancas thcrruntc Ge:o>xainy,
<br />into lF.c said onortyageejs~ and to his, her or their Geis and assigns forever, pro~~ided al~c~¢ys, and those presents ure
<br />upon tha e.rpress conditimr titiat if llee saLJ mortgagor(s), his he- or their i~~~ns, caecutors, admirirtratnrs or as.ngns
<br />shall pay or rouse !o be paid to the said mort9agaejs/, hie, her or their heirs, cxzeutors, adntiriislrators rir assigns, the
<br />prtiwcipal s>rru of $ 15,000.0() _---fiayable as foUoms, to unit; at 13.5 percent per annum with the
<br />p~YSenta to be teade quarterly from Jams 1, 1982- Prepayment of this instrument can be
<br />node dthout penalty for interest.
<br />uith in:arast according to t{ce tenor and effect of the mortgagors e:,7itten prosni,sory not„ bearing even date a*:ih the,e
<br />Pte ~~~ Ali+d/+vr~ard-,,asscsssnents levied upon slid real estate, and ail ether taxes, iavies and as_res.nae7ots
<br />1P23 ~~ ~ ~e ~;daidi tnu mortuage is given to secure, before !ire same became.; dclingaent_ artd
<br />kae tl _ ~ `insured rnr thz sam c
<br />I f ~ tas, i a~iti, pa}amble to t,z, said
<br />~ r-4~^6~ avid, othr true So be and remain in S~utl forte.
<br />IT IS FURTI?ER AC;RFE;? (1) That if doe said marfgaq~r sizah` jai' ,o ,ay s~aci~ taxes er procure su.h :rs-
<br />surcnce, ihr~ s%iid mortgagee may pug _ntch lases aad procure suck ixsuranre; ar.~ Uae siren sc sdvan_ced, zAan iruterrst
<br />at per cent, shall be repaid b}' saaL ~rrortgagor, and tttsr +nercyag s.tr:.1 et nd~ ,is ecxrit} =cr :=zz .acne.
<br />!zj That a faidurr to patio ary of _ra.3 mare}, eilFner prncip~ or interest, ,ui_~. t!ae ,.uric 1 eeonzes arwe, rir a faiimre to
<br />comply e.dth an}~ of 1Ga ioregoiwg agreements, shah cause the ze.~hole sz:rn of recne;~ hrre:n sacured to become dose ;:rid
<br />caliectibie rzt ontz at the oplios of the ruvrtgagez.
<br />Siy'red this 1 st da}' 'qt J1II1@ TC~ °~
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<br />!h rir f5,'nCe of -_. - ~,/ ~~~ t ~%~.{,~.~,,.,:~
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