<br />r _ _.__ ___~._._ _._______ _ _.._. _. _.,... __
<br />' S2-A-REALESTATEMORTGAGE-(With Tax Olause)-Rev ~ ry ~~ ~ ~ 9 ~~-Nuffman and Felton & Wolf Waltnn. No. 6RAF1
<br />! xl~otiv ~r,r: ~iR\ rY rHESE r>~sErs~rs: ri,:rt Donald names Jansen anfl Kathleen
<br />r7 acne Janzen, Hu~ban3 and :jY€~
<br />of , g'1 1 County and State of ~ , is considerafion of thus [m of
<br />~?ebras~a ', '
<br />r~ f y „t,ous~nd end no ~l'JJ ($5~4~10~.00; DoLLart~
<br />j [^ hand pail, do hereby SELL and f'ON~rEY-unto [ s.
<br />3an~c o~ Donz~hanr T,)oni~'han, `:ebra~r.
<br />;~ of :ia~l County;~3tate of j>F E~j T'aS~{a the following descnbed premises situated
<br />! in 'c{atl Count?, an8 State of FjS~jI aSA{2 . t:•-wir.
<br />Lo`. I'en (l:i~} in Leisure 'Valley La`~ce Subdivisi©n, Yn ~l ~_ county,
<br />ebraska~
<br />I The. interetion being-to.convey hereby, an absolute title m-fee simple, including all the. rights ofhomestead and dn~cer.
<br />TO HAVEAND TO'HOLDthe premises above. descrikxd;}vith alt theappurtenancee 3hereunto belonging, m.o> the said ',
<br />mortgagee{s}and to his;.her of their heirs-and assigns£oreve r, ;provided always, and ahese presents'. are upon the express
<br />condition thaFif>the said',mortgagor(s), his,hei•orYheirheirs,exec[ik~rs,:udministratorsor assigns'.shall naY or cause to he ~~I '_
<br />~! paid to the said mortgagee{s}, his,` her or their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns. the peincipal sum of c ~~~ r J~~~ ~ ;~(J=
<br />- Payable-as follows to wit:.. Celle. ~?ecesslber 7y ± `~bG ~.^~':1~~ i.P.Le7'eS• ~ '~.
<br />i i '
<br />t
<br />t
<br />'~ 3 with"interest-according to the tenor and eReCtoC the mortgagors written promissory nnte bearingev~~nda[e with thcsw presen[s
<br />i I and::ahall pay;aL' taxes and asses~menGS levied'ulwn: said real e:ctate and al6other ta><es;.leviesand:assea9ments Ivv~ed ulx~n this I '
<br />-' mortgage or the note 'which this mortgage isgiven to seure, before the same' becomes delinquent; andkeep the buildings un ~~
<br />said premises..instued torthe sumof: $ ~'~~.~~~,~~ )oas; ~: any..payabie 4othe said mortgagee, then thesepresenls
<br />to be: void, otherwise W M~ and remain in full fon^o.
<br />IT IS FRIRTHER AGREED {1) That if the said mortgagor shall fail to pay such taxes ar procure such insuranre, tl:c '
<br />~~- said mortgagee may pay such taxesand procure suchinaurat~ce: :and the sum so advanced, withnterest at l9 - per ~.
<br />~_'~i ~ cent, shall be repaid hy. aid mortgagor. andihis morigsgeshall. stand as security for thesame. '(2) That a faflure to: pay any '', '
<br />of said money, eitherprincipal or'interest, when the: samebecomes due, or'a failureto cronrply-,with any of the-foregoing
<br />"~. agreements, shall cause the whdesum of"money herein secured tobecome`tlue and'rnllectible at on~(`e at the optionor the
<br />;- morlgegre_
<br />' ~ Signed this ~til day of Cj EDGPmb er 19~~ '.
<br />In presetxe of ~ a7. ,,.: } k~ ~._.. ~~ i ~k.:w ,r'2-. r.•+dr _r..,_.
<br />i.
<br />.~: ,- .
<br />STATE OF ....: ~4I'F15tf,2. _ ... _ .. , .County of tifll'_ ............... .
<br />~~ The foregoing inetruroent was acknowledged before me ..~tP . day ..7.i . Se~,tt~nb.er.. _ 2942 ..
<br />'! ~ by....~aizald.J.ane~..Jan2en nd Kathleen '~a:ne fagz~ri, ~'~z~}ian1 _i.~ ~f~
<br />f.. ... ~~.....-. .. ~` .......
<br />autn~u,iatrur-sup. a w.r[„~ Signature o~Yerson Taltitng 4cknowledgcneat
<br />~~ 1` Nfy Carus. Ems. ~w, : $ t 984 " u L 2.I"y ~.
<br />........ ...........
<br />i `_
<br />i'itie
<br />t3'F'AT); OF .._.. .. _.___. __._._ -_-.-._ Enfered on numcnc~. r le. nd £led fear record
<br />"s
<br />: , _,_ ~ is the Regua tF.r ~F Ueed~ 17ffiae of sid County the
<br />County --__..-- ~ --_.__._. _........._.
<br />._...._ . .............day n[ .___._. -___....-.__. _.._ .., 19.. _. __.., at :..._,...... ..... ...:o Clerk :md._-.... .:.minutes _.__. _ .. h1.
<br />~~. i and recorded in P,cwk---..._. _._. _.._ _.(ot`..: _. -._.__.. .:.~..et PaBe-.-.-: ---_.
<br />.. ....:.: ..... :: .:.._.,:..... Rag. oi,` Deexls
<br />8Y . ..:..... .. .. ...::.. .. .. ..:... .......::. .. ... _'..-Deputy.
<br />