<br />82.o.i0~391b
<br />This morteage made and enre:ed into this _. __ 8th __ day oL_ Se~tember_ _ ,
<br />f9-- 82, by and hc:n°`-~" Earl J. Hardy and Linda R...Hardy, husband and wife
<br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) sr.~f t ommercial,f+tationat BanlC ar.d Trust Company
<br />Ihereinafrer refereed ?o as
<br />mr~rtg2.gee1, who maintains an office and:place of business aY' 424 West 31d ;trees in Grand Iaand,
<br />Nall l.oun[?~, 'Vebrask.a.
<br />Wt-rr1ESSErH, that for the consider>ttrm fiereinaiter Mated; receipt. ofwhich is hereby 2ckno:pledged, the mortgagor
<br />does hereby mortgag., sett, grant, assign and convey .unto the mortgagee, its successors and assigns, all of the fol-
<br />iowtng described pro~rty situated and being in the'Couniy-of Hall':
<br />State of Nebraska.
<br />Lots One (1), ~`wo (2), Three ,3), Nottng;tam Estates Subdivision,
<br />City of Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska
<br />together with al! iht tenements rind appurtenances !herein belonging, al( the rcma, is,ucn and pru(it; thercoi, and ail
<br />easen~nts, rights, rpyaipes, mincrraE, oil ae~d gas rights and , rofirs, .eater, water rights, and water sipCk, 2nd including
<br />all heating, plumbing, reCrigecation lighting, atuip:nens ;end all 4ixturrs c•,f e~-crv de,cripiior, hclong~ng ti> tt-.e
<br />mortgagor now er hereafter a[t3Che~i thcrro or astd in :ionnanon wish the premi,es herein de,ctibcd and in addition
<br />thereto the lolfowing dcxrificd {~rppcrtics ~.+hich a:c anci =hall he dcc;nad to pe !`ixtun:; aria a part ol- the reap,:, and
<br />arc a riortion of the secur'ty for size ir3deb?ednrss hereto ,tared- il( none, ;tare "nwte"1 Hone
<br />To ha~c and to hold the same unto me Mortgagee, as herein provided:
<br />The mortgagor is lawlutly seized and posscw,ed of and has fine right !v sell sod convey said pro pert}: that the
<br />same is free from all except as hcreinaboue recited: and that Mor?gacor covenants [o warrant and
<br />defend the tide afor~caid [hereto and e~e;}~ part thereof against ?he iaims of alt persons :vhi>mscKUer-
<br />Thu instrument is gi:~en to se.^ure the payment of a gomissvey note dated Se~teR~ r -$ , 1 g B~__.____ _
<br />in tM principal sum of S__~39a_~_24_.-7.2_ __. signed b~. -Ea>7 ~ Li~1~a -Hardy
<br />themselves
<br />m behalf of _--- - -- --- ----- - - - - ----- - - - --_ _ _ _- -- _--- - ---- - - - _
<br />also, a5 such note or notes may from time to time be modified, renewed o; c>aended in writine.
<br />In the n~ent the title to sa}d real estate is transferred. or contracted to he transfer rec, front iha undersSgatrd fine any
<br />reason or t5y any method whatso.°+~er, ih~_ ensue prirkrpal stun and accrued ietcres: shall at once becor,~re die and
<br />payable at *,he clecdon of the holder iercef. Fei!ure to :xercisc this option because of transfer o. ti!lc as above <~tsud
<br />in one instance shalt no[ consti?u[e a .valuer of the :fight to escnise the sarne sn the even; of any >ubsoqucnt tranat:r-
<br />1. The mortgagor :ovenarts and agrees as io;fows:
<br />a, To promptly pay the sridebtednt-ss es°e;lencei; k'y said prvma.ors n„is a; fine rinses and 'n t3.c a~a:;nr~
<br />therei?r pep-+ider}.
<br />- b, ,' ?Zav „ti t:tars, asses`>m;nt°:. °a~ater tt- and ;the- s'::~_.c.._:~,n+~ o' n,~m~i,af ~hu._ ,..~~te., ~..
<br />inljxt4itiGn t`or witieh proA~~dt~n Etas n.zt he en r,.t?, ,1~re. m~~f;rr_°°- sr' ~,.-!s l--r~;t~pttr ,:rli~cr .hr J.~ia; - rra~.;
<br />=.hersfar t~=the ~a:d tt;a;[gaeee.
<br />~ - .. -
<br />. -f3 ~2~. vxt C,. _.iK. :uv :,~ '.nn~ ,~ _~; .. ~... .~ ..,.. i, err ~ ..t+rr, cx:: ~ ..
<br />at.v!,ttif;rg tltr ies c t : ~~: au~ •rc~ e,rt4 ~u~rJ ; Lc n,__-'c; ~,_~ -.. , s tit __,;. .-„ , ,.. ci ., r,L~.,~- .
<br />_r ~ . ... ..~ -~...- err, r. a. .i c, -.~. ...- .~~ a .. ., _
<br />,~.~
<br />