<br />_ ...._..
<br />_. :ntil:-RELF.I,SE OF MOR'SGAGE--Carporetior p~ ~' r~ ~ t~ i7 ~ ~ Huffman and Felton & Wol+. svalt. n, ur. nN~61
<br />ZN C(A SLPPhATION of tFie no mend of the Debt nan+~~ therein, the Commercial NationalBank
<br />& Trust Co. , Grand Island, Uehras ka hereby releases the ncortgage mrde to
<br />Commercial national Bank-5 Trust-Co., Grand lsland, Nebraska
<br />`bv Ear1,J. Hardy and Zinda R. Hardy, husband
<br />- and Wife
<br />_ on the foUcneang de,ccrib<°d real estate, fv-wif: Lots Nine (9) , Ten (10) and Eleven {l.l) , Nottii~ghan
<br />' Estates Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />_ of Section , do Tou:u:~h ,Range of the P:'Sf., Hall
<br />County, State of 'Nebraska r~hich is serorded ~}~( - oP a6 s>t lfortrtages, page ,
<br />o the records a said Count ~: as Document. ff's 81-002131,: ~rl-~--g~0,
<br />f ~ y and 81-002129
<br />I.N Tl~J'TIIYiCJr'YY YVHER~OF, the said `Commercial National Bank & 'gust C'o. has caused
<br />' these present; to be esecnted by a s resident and ots G'orporaz~ Seal to be affixed +,~-r~.a ^Jir~ tith
<br />day of September , 1982
<br />Gb,tn%ss: Commer~cial_ National 3ank', & Trus Co
<br />f;~Ll,'.~s,f-~~.{.~.I.~C Lt_,_r '. l~..i~S:-f?° LiX~ ~~ ~~ By ~ .3` r ~:~ ~7.Xf1ce- President
<br />_ . ~ °- ..... ... .... ...... i'ttest ' .... ~fY Cashier, Secretor y
<br />_,,_ A ,
<br />-: _
<br />STATE OF ,.-.I~7G ~ - ~ On this.._$tb.....::day o£:.:._ September.....:_ , 19°~.- .
<br />~ c ~ ss.
<br />._ ueT L.. _-_. ._._County before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public m srd for
<br />..
<br />! said-Cdunfq, perron~y oarue, ...:.Anhert..Il...PlaczstC ...._.::. ..__...:. ._. Vice...., President of the
<br />Comme,~clal- Nat~on~~riank_,6. Trust:.Co .._ .... .... a Corporatign
<br />to me ~ooni!lyiLnowa.Lo he ~e President and identical person whose name is :affixed to the abovere~ease and
<br />acknowle~getEthsfrie~utfon thereof o.be his: voluntary aci and deed as uch officer, and'the voluntary :act and
<br />deed of.said Corporation; and that its,corporate`seai was thereto affixed by its authority. ;
<br />Witness my hand and Notarial'Seal at _ Grand Island _:. in Cou y the day and rear
<br />.....
<br />Iast above written,
<br />' '( ~ ---_: ,Notary Public
<br />~~ ... _.._ . ~.3 . _. ,9. g .. ~....~'_ ~'~ ,.........
<br />{.+,~.rra~o.~an:~ ,._...._.._._ ~~
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />