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<br />MORTGAGE C~~"'~...~~39,J~
<br />- ~ - ---- MORTGAGE LOAN NO._L 24.058` _
<br />- KNOW ALL MEN BY THFSE PRFSENCS: That Richard C. Batson 'and Diane Batson, each in his and Y ~r
<br />IXJI7 r"lght-. and: dS: S,[JC~itse.Of each Oth2T, Mortgagor.; yvhetherone qr mort;in considerationof thesnm of
<br />Thirty-Five Thousand and no/100------------------------------_---------------------DOLLARS
<br />IvarrtdtosaidmortgagorbyTheF".quitableBaitdi;tgand.Lvan:AssnciationuFGrandlslandNebraska,tloitgagee;upon 350 stisresofstorkof
<br />said ASSOCIAITON, Certifir~te No. L 24,058 , do SterebY giant, rpnvey and mortgageunto the said ASSOCIATIONthe follow-:ng
<br />described realesiate, sjtoated in Hall-Cour,iy,.Nebraska:
<br />-. Lot Ten (10), in Block Itao-(2), in Southern Acres
<br />.Addition to the Gity of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska
<br />trgether with' all the ienemenis,..heretl[taments and appur[enaaces. theretmto: belonging, including attached floe ;bvexiags, all window se~eena,
<br />window shades,blirrds,storm. windows, awnings,tteacuig, airconditionmg, and pltambmg and water equipn[ertt and ar:cessories tlteeeto pumps, stoves,
<br />refrigerators, and: ether frittuccs antl equipment rx,w:orhereafter attached is ortnedin wnneciion with saidrea7 estatc_
<br />- And whereas the saidmortgagor.hu agrecdand doesherchy agreethat thernortgagor strati and will' pay all taxes and assessments levied or
<br />emceed upon sail premixes and upon thrs mortgage arut the bon$ secured' thereby before the same shah. bemrne delinquent; to fursush.. approved
<br />ittwnrra upon the htxildings on said premixs sittiated in the sum of S 35 , 000. fi0 payable to said ASSOCIATION and to tl ?'.vt:t to said
<br />ASSOCIATION'the poheies;for said insurance;amim,t to cummxrorpemtit anywastoon ur about said premises;
<br />. In ease of default in. the perfor[itance of anyvt the terms and conditions cif. this trn,r[gage ur ttk bomi secured hereby the mortgagee stall,
<br />oodemand,beentitkdtoimmediatepasscssinnofChemortgagedpremives andthemurtgagor herebyassipts,,tramfersandsets over ui the
<br />mortgagee-all the rents, reventks and: incometo be derived from tfte rtrortgageti premises dorutg such tirrxas the [rwrtgage.indebtedness:shallremain
<br />-unpaid;.and thcntortgagee:shalt bare the power tti, apptriniany agem uragents d'rnaydesrrefurthe purpose of. repairing sai$.:prerttises and ranting
<br />the settle and twllecltng the renu, revenues arui income; and it rmy prey'oui of said. inrorne aU expenses of repaving said pricniires and ne«snty
<br />armmissans..and expenses'incurredin ientmgandmanagingthe same. a[ui oF. colkcxing rrntals therefrom:. the haiatia:renwining,if any,.tohe
<br />applied trwraudthe discdiarge of said nrortgageindebtednexs; these riglttsnf tm moragagee may be exercised at any time:during the existenecof such
<br />defeat[, irrespeeUVe of any temporary waver of the same.
<br />Thearol'resenta, however, areupon the Conditwn,That tf the saidMortgagor shall repaysaid loan onartretore thernaturity ofsarJsttares6y
<br />payment, paymonthly to said ASSOClATIONuf thesumfiedinthe Bt+ndsecorcd tieretiyasinterest xnd principalonsaid loan,voorbeforc
<br />thc.Twentieth day of eacFtand every month, unii3said loanis fully.paid; pay ail taxes and asseatmtentslevied against saidprentiscs and on this Moagage
<br />attd':the Bondsettrred thereby, lkfore-delraquency; turritsdt approved rnsueanc~c upon the bmldings therwn in t3~e wm of 5 35, 000.00 FmYalik
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to saidASSOClATIO'~ upon demand all money by it pard for such taxes, assessments and ,insuuance with interest at
<br />i~kntaximumkgalratethere~nfromdale$tpayine..oral[ofwhidiMortgagtirherebyagrees'ropey;Permitriowasteonsaidpremiaes;keepandoomply
<br />- with all the agreements andcondnions of the Bond for S 35 , Q0O.00 this day given by [he said Mortgagor. to said ASSl7C1ATlON, andcomply
<br />withaUtAert+quirementsoftheConstitutionandBy-Laws of saidASSO:IA7`ION:ztunthesepre~enushallbecomenullandvoid.;othervvisethey
<br />shall ren[aia itr. tuU farce and may:-be foarrlcisedat the:. option of thesaid ASSaC1ATtON.afzer failure frir. throe monEhs Comatte any-of Bald
<br />prytaertts ur be truce rnontlu ;,: arrears mrnaxirrgsaidntonUriy payments,or tv ketpaad complywrth the:,agreenrentsand conditions ofsaidBorid;
<br />anilMnrtgagot;tgrazstohavearrxiver'.appointe~iforthwith"in sai;h.forerSnsursproceedings.
<br />- If there is arty Change m ownership o: thcreal saute mortgaged herein, by sate or otherwise, then the setae rsmairring indebtedness hereby
<br />_ secured s}uQ, at the optioool The Cqui[abieBiii[dingand.Loan:AssocrationofCrarrdlalartd,Nebraska, btcomeitmnediateydueandpayatikwilhont
<br />furilxr notice, and the anu~wtt remaining dot under said bOrrd, and any otiterbond for any:additional advancexmade. tltereimder, shall, Crete [hc
<br />date of excreta of slid option, heu interest at the ril37tjrnitrrr )tg~tatL, and tl:~ mortgage nny, 4lten be foredpsed to satisfy the-amount due on said
<br />bond, and any otikr bond Gx addi:icnai advancci, together wiiF aBstuns paid by.:nid T'f+cFgtdtable Bui,nvrg and Loan i'!ssncis:3on of Grand 151nrtd,
<br />Nebraska for insurance, taxes arxd av~-ssments, and ebsttacting cxteMion esarges, with mterestihnreon, from date ul payment at the maximwn
<br />kg:[f rats-
<br />As prondcd in tlrc 13ood ~curcd hrrcby-, whrie ihs mortgage reanins. in effacC. elk nufrtgagee may hereafter advancx additional sums to the
<br />- makers of ;aid 13cmd_ their av5gns :a succev~urs in inmrsi, which saint shaiYbe with rnihe seetrrity pf this mortgage the scene as tlufo ids originaify
<br />secures thctrby, Ute total amount otpnncipai debt vot roexccedatany;tirue theoriginaiamomttofthismorfgage
<br />Duttt tiro 8th ~ Lay ~>f SePtt3t1)7eT' A. t)., L9. 82
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<br />J~~(Ci1~.,uA r,.r/ _ r~~'f ~Jz. ~ y-L..,
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<br />B31=SGili
<br />-. STA`FL OF N68R.lS Ke1, ~ r $~ day of SE tErSE'~L'Y 3 82 . beCor? n-,€,
<br />4, }n tf i'+ V
<br />cat:nTV of wAt ~ ; P
<br />__ ~ ~ tL u~:eier:.:gnc_I a Nuta Public in and for said Cnunty, personalty r.,mc
<br />Rich~d C. Liitsoa and Diane Eatsol_, each ir. tits a>Zd er aan `r~ght and cYS souse of ach
<br />othnr~ sr'Ma art,, pezs~way i:nuwn to
<br />ma :u to the rdcn iu ~ p_;y~n g -,rb a na:;- G ~~ d:i.c.-,d ir!„c u6~vrinsttumenF~ rttnrlgd~`~r ~ and i~?2y vevcrally
<br />a;,k.:+ >`dg<~ ti ~ ~n trcr nt }_, t~lE r .I •i, t , a <?,~, t
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<br />yx C7nm. fay tbs, it, I!•t
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