<br />_ 1)03882
<br />9. Condemnation. Theproreedsafany awardor claini:for damages direct or conseq~~ah m connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taltia$of ihe:.Praperty, or par( thereof; or for conveyance lolietrofiondemnation,are herehyassigned
<br />and shallbe paid ro Lender. :
<br />r Fn the event of a total taking oPthe PrbpeYy, the proceeds'shali be applied to the sums sect}red by this Deed cifTntst.
<br />It with ,he excess, if any, paid to-Borrower.In the event of a partia? taking of the Property, unless Barrower andLendtr
<br />otherise agree m writing, there-shall be applied to the sums secured bythis Deed ofTtust such'proportionof the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that yroporiion which the amount of the sums secured by This Deed ofTrusi immediately prior to thedate.. of
<br />taking bears to the fzir market. value of [he Froperty'immediateiy'prior Yo the date of taking, with the balance of the pri>Ceed;
<br />paid to Borrower. :.
<br />If the Property ~= abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrawer that the condemner offers to make
<br />an award ar settle a claimfor damages; Borrower fails to 7espond to Lender within~0 days after thedate such notic'z is
<br />maikd, Lender is authorized to collect-and apply the proceeds: at Lender's option; ei[her'ta :restoration'. or repair'bf the
<br />Property er to thestms securedby this Deed of Truss
<br />Uttless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing; any such appitcation of praceeds.to principal hall no[ extend
<br />or postpone the due"'date ofthemonthiy installments. referred toxin paragraphs..) mnd 2 hereof or change the amount of.
<br />such installments.
<br />10. Borrower Nof Released. Pactension of the time for payment br modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Deed'of Trust-granted by Lender tc any,successar in,interest of Borrower'stialLnot operate to retease, in any. rnanner.
<br />the liab7ty of fhe original Borrwc7 and Borrower's successors in interest Lender shall not be required to commence
<br />proceedings against-such successor or refuse ro:extend time for payment or atherwise'modif}• amortization of the sum::
<br />secured by this Peed of'Trust by reason of any demand made tiythe original Borrower and. Borrower s successors in interest
<br />11. Forbearance 6y Lender Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising anyright or remedy hercimder; ar
<br />otherwise afforded` by applicable law, shalt not be- a'waiver bf or preclude'the exarase'of any such -,right ar remedy
<br />Thepivcurementofinsttrance or the payment of'taxes or other liens or charges by, Lender shat) not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />righttoacceleratrthe maturiry,af the;indebtedness'serured`by this Deed of Trust
<br />12. AttmetBaa Cttnehuwe.' Fa,i remedies provided rn this Deed of Trust are distinct and cumulative 4o any other right
<br />or retn;.dy undo this Deed of Truut or atforded by law or equity, and-.may be exercised concurrently, independently or
<br />sucnessivelyy
<br />13. :S~ecearorsaed AtaiRaa Bound:'Joint eadSevenlf.iabUky;.Captions• The covenants and agreements'.herein
<br />contained shots bind; aud'the rights hereunder ,hail inure to: the respective successors and ,signs of Lender and Borrawer.
<br />subjeu to, the provision of paragraph 17 hereof. Alf covenants and agreements of Borrower shalt ire joint and 'several
<br />-I'ttecaplions and.:headingsdf`theparagraphsof thisDeed ofTrust arefor canvenience only .and aretiat io beused<tn
<br />interpret or de5nr the provisions htxeof.
<br />14. ~totke. Except forany notice. required under applicable law io, be geven in another: manner..(a) any notice 'm
<br />Borrower provided: for. in this Deed of "Trust shall be given by mailing-such notice by certified. mail addressed to Borrowerat
<br />d:e PropertyAddtessor at `such arbor. addressas Borrowt5rmay designate hy. nonce to Lender as provided fierein,and
<br />(b i any nopce ro Ltentler shall be given by certified'mail, return receipt requested; to Lender's address-stated herein or to
<br />such outer:.address. as Leadrz may destgaate`by notice to'Sorrower as provided herein; Any `notice: provided for ih this
<br />'Deter oLTrust shall-tie dtxmed to have-been. given m-Borrower or Lender when given in the mat, cr designated hucin.
<br />IS_Undotrm')thole)ofTtat:.t;werninR.f~w;.Severability.Thisfot'm of deedbf trust combines uniform covenants for
<br />nauo»al'use and non-uniform'covenants with Limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument
<br />covering real property. This Beed of Trust sha1P lx: governed by the law-of the jurisdiction in which the Proptriy is' located.
<br />In the event that any provision or clause of tl.is Deed of Trust or the :Note conflicts with applicable law, such conftici shall
<br />not affect other pprovisions of'this Deed'of Trust ar the Note which can ,l+e given effect without the conflicting prc~•isii~o.
<br />and to this'end the provisfaoaof the IJ.eed of Trust :and the Note aredeclared to' be: severable:
<br />F6. )orrower's Cody. Borrower shall be furnished a conformed ropy of the Note and of t3tis Dced of Trustat tSte time
<br />' of execution or aftec recq hletsof.
<br />17. : Tra~afer of the ~ t~py; Astttnptioo. IE alt or any part of theProptrty or an interesttherein isaold or transferred
<br />by Borrower without Lender`s prior written consent, excluding ta) .the Creation of a lien pr encumbrance subordinate ut
<br />1hisDecdof:Trust, (b). thdcreation of,aptuchase motrey security interest#or househoidappiiances, tc) a:transfer bydevise.
<br />descent or by operation of law: upon the dtath of a joint tenant or f d) the grant of any leasehold interrstof three years or less
<br />' not contaning;an option. to purchase, ).ender may,:at Lender's option; declgre all the sums secured by [his peed of Trust tip be
<br />rimmediately due and, payable. Lender'shalt have waived such opoan`to accelerate if, prior to-the sale or transfer, ..Lender
<br />and the person to whom the Property is ro be sold ar tratuferred reach:agreerticnt in wnnng that the credit of such person
<br />is satisfactory to Lettder and that the interest payable an thesums secured by thin Deed'af Trust shall'he at Bach :rate a>,
<br />k.endershaBrequest.- If Lender has waivedaheapton to accelerate'providedinahisparagraph77; and if Dorrower's successor
<br />'-in intiitesthas execuieda:writtenassumptionagreementacrepted inwriting by.: Lender, Lendershall release Borrawer front
<br />all obligations under this Deedbf Trust and the Note.
<br />tf Lender exerceses such option to accelerate, lxrtdtr shalt mail Barwwer notice of acceleration in accordance x4th
<br />paragraph 4 hereof. Such troticeshall provide a period of rialtos, than iG days coin the'date the notice is mailed within
<br />which Borrower may pay the sums doctored due. 1f 8orrower tails tq pay such sums prior to the expiration of suchi period,
<br />Lender tray, without further notice or demand on:Borrower: im'olve an}' remedies. permitted 6y "paragraph I B hereof;
<br />Not+-Llnttotttat (:awENAVTS. Borrower and Lender further eovrnant and agr~ as follosys_
<br />Ig. Acceleratan; Remedies. Except as prodded in ptuagrapb 17 hereof, upon Borrowerts brexh of any covenantor
<br />agreement"of Borrower in thsDeed >tf Trust, inctwtittg Ihe..covenantsto pay: when due anysums,secured by this Deed
<br />of Trust, Leodu prior to accmkrafion shall mail notice to Borrower as providedin paragraph. ]4 hereof specifyingc, (1) trio
<br />breacb;.f2)the action rcquiredao coresttch breatrh;"(3) a daty:twt lessthpn 30~days from the date the notice is mailed to
<br />Borrawer,:.by which such 6reacb must. be cured; and (4l that-fat7ore toy:cure such:breach onor before!the date:s-pecified
<br />in thrnolicr may result in acceler3tiaa of the wins securedhy this:Iked of Trustand'saleof. Uie.Properiy. The". notice
<br />shall fertber inform Borrower of the right to rcinsla[e after acceleration and the-rigbltobring a court actionto assert
<br />the rwu-exuteuce of a deAalt orauy other defense of Borrower ro accelentioa-and. sales 7f the. breach is snot cured
<br />on or before the dsle specified in the rwtice, Lander at Leadtr's optaatnay declareall ofthesunu secured by,this Deed
<br />of Trtut to be immediately due and pa}able without further demand and may invoke: fhe power of sale and any othe[.remtdir.;
<br />permiUed by applicable law. I.cndcr shall be entifkd to collect ail reasonable cosls..and expenses incurred in pursuin;; the
<br />remedies provided in this paragnp6 18, incladi~, but not limited to,:reasottab-e attumey's fees.
<br />if the power of sak is invoked, Trustee shall record a notice of defaull in eacbcounty in which the Pmperty. or sotnc
<br />part thereof is heated and shaD mail copies. of such notice in ilie~ manner,pcescrtbed by applicable law to Borrower and to the
<br />other person pr%scribed by appliraWe law. After the lapse of such time as may be;reyuired byapplicaWe law, Trustee ,)tall
<br />Rive public twtice of sale to the penaas`andin the manner prescribedhy. appScable Iaw...Trrrstee, 'a'ilhoul demand on
<br />Eortower, shall seR the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at. the time and place and.under the terms desil;natcd
<br />iu the notice of sale in one or more parcels and in such order as Trustee may determine. Trustee ..may postpone sale. of sit
<br />or any parcel of [hc Property by public announcement at fhe time and place of ang previously ecbcduted sale. Lender or
<br />Gender's d¢sr~,nee may purchae the Property at any safe.
<br />upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shall deliver fu tbcpurchaser Trustee's deed con.ecin{: the Property
<br />soW. The recitals in ibe 'Crustec's deed shall tk prim facie e. idence of the tenth of the.5lDtcinents made therein. Trustee
<br />shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the followit~ order. (a) to all reasonable costs and expenses of the sale, inclndini;, but
<br />not IimHed to, Trustee ~ Fees o[ not more than _; O~ 1 "~ of the grosssaleprlce, reasonable attorney's fees and costs of
<br />title evidenec; ;b} to ti. sums seeured 6y thic DeeA of Trant; and Ic) tbt caeess, ifany, So fhe person or peoons IegaU~ entiiled
<br />tlerdu.
<br />I4. Burro er s Right to Rem sari Nc w i hs - rtdint L ranee s acceleratOn t.,.hr r rm ~ :. n '~ c .; ! r,.. .
<br />f3rtrmwer sh tai have t!t_ right t~ i ~ P an, P i>t, rJinss h g,rr f y ender to cnferc tFis J<cJ t n-:: I t:n
<br />- ,rny Lime pc~ rto the e: tiler io cx~,ir i t („ tee tifPt day le ~ c the Ic ~: the Pic pcri~r pt r. im, ti. ~- i r~trcr . ~: . in .
<br />in [his heed of Tntst nr,;i) .,~:r y of ;t judgn;c. t cn(nr~_:r~ tl.is Deed of Trust f: (5) floret. ~~ is r'~ L t tc; .~ . , ~~ t ,~.I,xt. ~,r d,~i
<br />be then due under this (h.~r"u of Tri'St, the Note and n. 1c viceur -g ,:,_,r~ tarn r:.c~, i Y.~1•.ad r. :+c;i:1 ;,,1
<br />(bj Borrower :,,- '•; brc-lobes ~>I an,: s,h~r cc?':ei. _,_s .. ..c,u ra; 9urr.?ar~ a- „rn.v •r i,i~ i~_! -,. Trra_
<br />t c, ;
<br />tiS Airraw~ rs ail rya :onabh ~ ...t~e~ r~ur_~d 6y f_G r,dcr a d "Trusty-_ ~ ~ .~cr . - .. -~ - .~
<br />Rgrru~xcr c aCtinn~ i.. •hi: Da,v -, i'r¢st nod 6. cr L. e 1_e .=.;d "f u.i ~~'s nr ci~~.. s
<br />hrr,~nf i:t~ I- 1inC- hat net 1i~,aca to. reasnr obit set rein ~ t ,ccs: :. it ,il Bur _ , ?: _.
<br />r~.ire t:*a+:, ~c t>~,~. .hu lice of chic L~ec<i of Tr-lst. ltd^ t s•ct ~+ t F,ot.~ ~ d s3 t, ,.~,r~= .~I ~_ ~.rn ^.,y
<br />