<br />Loan No. So758-1-18
<br />1
<br />~ ~. DEEP OF TRUST 82-~ s,(_~38,g2
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST is' made i~is........~~}t. day oC _ ~°ptember
<br />19.x?., among the Trustor,.Ffl~r?-r't- ~, iIinzs_ ~,rd..`~+~i,GhElle, w~3eP,. j3~rle.s, .k~usP~.nd .ajld.z~~~°.,_
<br />„oirrtly anc: each ~r ~neir, o -n rig;;t, ... (hcr~~in "Bor*nwcr"; .................... .... .. ... .
<br />..
<br />.Toseph. H. Badami I: herein `Tnutee"J, and the Beneficia*ti.
<br />FIRST FEDERAL, SAVINGS _AND_ LEAN, _A_SSQCZk1T.I0iy ,pF, LZ\,COL:I .. .... - .. a corperration or¢anized and
<br />.......
<br />existing under the laws of _the . S CaLe..ot .Nebraska .. ..... ..... ,whose address is.. 123$ ~~~+"... .
<br />StT@et,. kinCOlII,. Nelttaska. b85f1H ............................... (herein `L.cndi.r"?.
<br />&attttowER, in consideration of the ind:hicdness hi rein n:,t~d and the tru_t herein created, lrrevocab~~~ ~_rant,l
<br />and conveys to Trestee, i^ tnv.t, with power of sale the Following de~crioed propertc lc~tired in the Cor:nt~~ ui
<br />HaJ.3. ........................... ... State oC \ebraska.
<br />The Westerly Sixty (t-'?..?) f2e* o° Lct Fo*ir (41 an3 part of Lot Five
<br />(5) all ir. Block Two (2), Seccnd Addition `o Holccmmb's F,i~kway Homes
<br />Subdivision, Grand. Island, Tall Co?znty, Nebraska, more particularly
<br />described as follo.s: Hegiru!ing at a point cII the North line of said
<br />Lot Five j), said point being Fourteen and Nine '_"enths il!,'~.9) :eet
<br />zest of the Northeast corner of said I,otFive (,l: ther.~e easterly
<br />along the North lzne o_` said Block T•ao(21, o distance of Seventy
<br />four and nice tenths (711.9) feet, t.o a point ten {1C .0) feet :.pest of
<br />the Aorthesst corner of sail Lot Feur (4); thence southerly parallel
<br />to the east line of said Lot Fottr (a), a distance o£ One hundred
<br />Eleven and Seventy-four hundredths (171.74] feet, to the south li._°
<br />of said Lot Fow (4); thence northvester7~y alo.^_g the scutherly line
<br />of sail hot Four (4), s distance of Sixty one and thirty seven
<br />hundredths (b1.37j feet, to the southwest corner of said Lot Foutr (4)
<br />thence westerly alonFZ the saute line of s:~id Lot Five (5}, a distance
<br />of seventeen and eighty three hundredths (17.83) feet; thence northerly
<br />a listance of Gne Htutared snl '?~+o ~Iundredths ;100.02) feet to the :?lace
<br />of beginning.
<br />which h:ts the addrus oF.....~2'. Ho~,ccmmk.... ...........urard Island
<br />tsaae.l f~~b:
<br />Rebrask?~.. _ , 6881, . _ .. _ (herein `-Property Address";t:
<br />[squ ,tw Zip Caw?
<br />TOGF_TltER with all the improvement, now ar hereaitcr erected en the propcrry. anu ail vescmcnt~~. rights_
<br />appurtenances, rents (subject howaver to the rg1~r and authari5es given herein to Lender to cu;lea and apply such
<br />rent5), royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights anu profies, water. wa.c r rights, and water stock. and all hTturs r,ow or
<br />hereaflc[ attached Co the properly, x31 of which, including replacements and additions thereto, shall be dcemcil ro he
<br />anti remain a pan of the propery covered by this 1?ced of "Frusr, and ail of the foregoing, rogcthcr with szir.! propcr?~
<br />(or the leasehold estate if this Deed of "T'rast is nn n leasehold) arc hcrnn referred to as t; e `P;opcrty";
<br />To SECUae m Lender (a} the repati~men[ of the irdebtcdnes. eeideaecd by' Borro~h~cc's n~„ 7ateu -50pt~SUb,Fr 1~2
<br />. ('here'in "'Note"). ro the principal sum of k'1tY~ 2'h`o~-~S at1G. $t~=, ~'~"~:aT~a. ?R~~ .~7~~~.. - . .
<br />...... ... . ................. . .. . .Dollan, with tat°_rest tycrcan. prc.~iding Cor mcmthly 1^9allmcn;s
<br />of principal and interest, wJth the balance. of the indcbtednees. if not sooner paid, dm. anu parable on ... . - -
<br />..ti~pt3e]C1leT.ls- ~~~ ~ - • - ~ ~ pa;:ment of all other wms_ with ~nlereat ~herci,n. advance;k
<br />_....._..._.tre
<br />in eecordanec herewith to protect the sccttr~ty of this wed of Trust and the pcrfar;nance i>C th~_ covenant: anei
<br />agreentente of $orrower herein cnnla~nau; ant; (h) thz r paF-hen _i any futAr i i ~ar~ c . •.t~~th i~~t~rca ±hc ~:,n_ m<<d~
<br />mAcirrowcr by l.rnder pursaantto ~zr,¢raph ?I hereof (hcrcm 1 .:cure ~~rt a
<br />~orrawtr covenants Ihsr Borszswec is taw~3ul3y.:tlscd of the s[- to hcr~bv lenccr r' :~.:I bpi; t i rich; rn l_~;~n~ .ire
<br />eon vi the T~rotxny. lhat the Fropert} is an-.nc~rn t~~rcc~, .,nd chat &~rrew ES wit? w.,,cac:.i~d c..c ~ r r-i!~, ,tip
<br />Ei[le f<±thc Pr.^~pcry ;z~:eine? all cle~itns and dcraaac4~, su`ri ,t in ,.~:e ~irdara jai .._~, r.._ s ar , ~,.r u~:m ,~. «. ,,
<br />eGhctla'c n: CxiCptii'i~Ia m c,~ia4r'sge =st ,it_! H:, nsu.u;~c E~lacr- ~~ : r+ng ._., ~.a ti r. ~.~ ..ar t>tc t i`k-; t,.
<br />MEB~ttSKA-~, _3~Nd;=atrc ;xwrrtt~r tk5T7t97ASKF
<br />