<br />~2- t)(~3RS~
<br />Lenders writtenagreemeMor applicabletaw.. Borrowershali pay the amount ofalt mongagc insurance prcnxiximsinthc
<br />snanrtex provided under paragraph 2 trereof:
<br />Any'tunounts-0isburacd by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additiaaal
<br />r indebtedness of Borrower aecutttd by this Mortgage. Unlecc Borrawer and Ceniicr agree ro Helier terms'af pacmcnl, wch
<br />I! amountsshali }x payable uAOn notice from fender toHottowerrequcating Aaymcntthereaf. and shalt hear interes[from the
<br />dateofd{sburxmentat the me payaQle from time ro time on outstanding principal under the Note-unlec< payment of
<br />-. interest attach rah Waitld tie contrary-taapplicablelaw; in which cvcnrsuch'amaunts shallbesr interest"at the highcstrale
<br />permiuible underapplicable iaw: Nothing rnntaiaed in this paragraph 7 shad regairc Lendar to incur any expeme ar take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />R Ttupeeifon. Lender may make 6r cause-ta be made rtasonahic entries upon and inspccticns of the Prnprrry. provide~,i
<br />that Lender sbatPgiYe Borrower aotice prior to any such inspection specifying rcasnnabtacaust therefor related to Lender's
<br />interest itrthe Property.
<br />4. Condemnation. '!he proceeds`af any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential. m conneetioa with any
<br />condemnation or athcr taking of the?raperty. or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shalt 6e paid to Lender.
<br />in the event of atotal taking of the Property: the proceeds shat! be applied-ta the sums secured by this'•iortgage.
<br />.with the. excess, if any. paid to Borrower.. [n"rhe event of a partial taking ofthc .Property.. nnlcss Borrower. and-Lendar
<br />otherwise agree in writing,;therc shot! br applied to the sutra-secured by this Mortgage arch proportion of the proceeds
<br />n is equaF to thar'proportion which the amount of the Gums secured' by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />talon{ bears tothefairmarket vaturoftho-property immediatelvprinrtorhe xtatc oftaking.with the balance ofheprocceds'
<br />paid to &ortowcr_
<br />If the"Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make.
<br />an award: or settfc~ claim for damaQa, Borrower faits to respond to Lender within 30 days after the.-date such noricc'is
<br />mailed, Lender is authotittd to cyiitct and apply the proceeds. at tender's option. cither'to ratontion or repair of the
<br />Property ar to the sums s«ured by this Mortgage:
<br />Unlds lender and Borrower atherwise agree in writing.. any such application of proceeds to principal xhall not extend
<br />orpostpone She duo date ofihe monthly installments referred toin paragnphst and ~ hermforchange the amount:of
<br />such installments. ,
<br />19. ~srrower Net Rekaaed. Extension of the Limo for payment ar modification of amartization of the sums. secured
<br />br stela Mort{a{e granted by'Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not opens to release, i~ any manner,
<br />the Lability of the anginal Borrower and. Borrower's successors in interest. Lendez shelf not be required to commence
<br />proetxdin{a a{airut wch'sttccessor or rcfusr to extend time tor' payment or otherwise modify amortization of: he Gums
<br />secured bq tltisMort{ti{e by-teawn of`-any demandmadr..bythe'original Borrower: and`Horrower'ssuccoswrs in. iietereat.
<br />]ll. ' ler~nnwee #y LesderNoea WNr-er. Any forbearance by Lender intxercising any, right ar remedy hereunder, or
<br />Mhet+riatnffotded:by.:a.ppliuble iaw.:shall notbca waiverof orpredude the~xercise of any such;righto~ 1•emedy.
<br />"Llte procurctnenrof imunnce or the payment of ues or other liens or char=s ¢y Lender shall not ix a waiver of l:cnde~s
<br />.right to aealerate the maturity of the. indebtednea s«uted by this Mortgage.
<br />12. ` Rt~redtes CarnWf~c. At3 remedies provided in [his Mon{age-are d'utinct and cumuttitive to any other right or
<br />remedy under this:Mort{a{e or afforded by {aw or equity. and may be exercixed concurrently, independently or succassively.
<br />13, $nceessars rd'Aat~ris Deaad; feint and..Sevcrri i.iaAiltq; Ctiptloes. The:covenmta and ragreerttents herein
<br />corutaiasd slid! bind, and the righb,txteunder shall inure to, the rap«tive succtasors and assigns of Lender and Bc,:rower,
<br />subject to the provisions of para{nph l'7 hereof: All covenmzs and agrumcnts of Borrower shall be'! joint and uveral. "
<br />'ilea pptions attd_headin{s of"the parafraphr of "this Mortgage are torconvenence only and arc not to br used to-
<br />interpret or de!Ine she provistoas hereof: ` `
<br />11. Notice. Etteept for any notice required under app)icable law to be g+ven in another manner; (al any :notice ro
<br />Borrower ptorided' for in chic Mott~a=e shall lse {irat by matin{ such notice by certified mail addres~ed to'Borrower at
<br />stet Troperty Address or a such otlxr address as Borrawer may dtsi;Hate by Hotta to Lender as provided herein. and
<br />(b) any notick to Lender shall be given try certilkd mail, return .«eipt requested:%to Lender's address rated herein or ra
<br />wcA otheraddew as Lender may deli{rime by nortice to Bprrawer u proved herein any notice provided for in this
<br />Martp{e,ahdl be deemed to havl been given to Borrower or-!.ender when given' in the manner dtsi{Haled herein.
<br />1{.-,UnKwwi,Mert~ti{e; ('.arenliwe~Jw; Strers6fir]-This formof mortgage combinesunifotm covenants fornational
<br />tare and nonuniform covenants with limited variations py jutisd+ction to conrtitutra uniform security instnrmenFCOvering
<br />teat property. This Mort{a{e: shalt lre governed bythe law.af the jurisdiction in :which the Propcrtyis located:-'. in the
<br />event that any provision ar ciause of this Mort{aee or the Nate conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall not affect
<br />other'pravisions of this Morya{e or the: Note which aq.tx given etf«t wi[hoxrt the conAictin` provision: and to this
<br />end the pa!ovaions'of the Mort~ye and the Nots are destarod to be revertible.
<br />lf. "Mraowcr's Cn/y. Borrower ahali be furnished a confortrted ropy of the-.Note and of this Mortgage at the time
<br />of ex«ution or after<rccotdadon hermf.'
<br />11. Tearfar of 1k !'opealy; Aswwpiow. If alt ar any part o[ the Properly or an interest therein is sold or tranxfcrrcd
<br />by Borrawer withourLeoder's prior written consent; crtcludin{ (at tht creation of-a lien at'rncumbnc+ce subordinate to :
<br />this Mnrt~age. (bl the ctcation of a purchase ~Y securiey intcresl for household :appliances, (c) a transfer by devise.
<br />deaupt or by operation o1 Lw upon tlx death of a joint tcnaat or (d) the {rant o[ any leasehold intercat of thru years or less
<br />not containing an option to pucchaae. Lander may, at Lender's option, declare aB the stems aecurcd by this Mortgage to be
<br />immediately due and payable. leoder'ahalt have waived such option to arxelerate if, prior to the sak'or transfer: Lender
<br />and the person to whom the iNropstty it to be sold of transferred teach. a{rumens in writ'rnf that the credit of such person
<br />is satisfactory w Lends awdthat theintarcst payzble on thr. wms secured by this: Mortgateshall be at .such rate. axLender -
<br />shall raqunt. if Lender bati waived rtes option ta'accelerate ptavided in this paragrap4 (7: and if Borrowers suuessor in
<br />interest hu ex«utcd a written aastttaptiao a{ramcrit accepted in writin{ by Lert~, Lsnikr'shdl release tlorrowcr; from all
<br />oW iptiooa under this M.ortgstse and the Note.
<br />If Lender exucises such option to accelerue. lender shaft mail :Borrower naticc of acCeleraiion in accordance with
<br />paragraph 11 hermf. Such noticesbali:proride aperiod oftsotkss tlsaa:30 daysfrom [Sedate the notice is mailedwixhin
<br />which Borrower may pay the sums declatsd due. If Borrawer fa+1s to pay. such svms prior- w the expiation of such period.
<br />Lcndu may. without furtlxr natioe or.teatarxd art Borrowernvake anyremediespcrarsitted,byparagnph. 1$hereof.
<br />Nor+-UtviFOttrt Cov>'.~,syn. Plarrmrcr irtd Lrnder fuaher covenant and agree ss foBavs:
<br />IL Accelerattor; Reasedites. Facc{t as prnridd is p+ra~rap# t7.#ereo[, apus.Errrorer's brtat# o[ say eortaant ar
<br />stgnrstsrv! rf Bwrower b teats Mortgge, i.clc+diw{ the covenants fo pay wtsew dre am sanw recessed by t#is tortgage,
<br />I.ewisr trier W acceleratiow s#ag wxsrll notice w 19rrravrer >s pxo~ided,iw para~rap6 14.#erao[ specifying: (t) t#c6reack;
<br />(~ /#e actlaw tegrkel lr rtire sac# lrreac#; (31 a date, not leas these 3ti days fro+ri 1#e dsle rAe natlce $ maBcrt to't)orro+vcr,
<br />6y vrYk# ssrf- (IresKA wsast k cxaark rd (~) rMtl fa0avc to cure suc- breac- oa or b~efwe 1#c data a}scifitd is ilia natter
<br />assq reaaM i^ arceMvarlnr o[ eke srss secar+rd h testa M1txxt{st{c, Iorrclosure by jrlicial pr«r:ediwg awd atilt o[ t#t }'ropcrty.
<br />Y#~t relt[e f#rN Eart#tr lstfotar Borrower of ttsr rfgM to reiatittilr after sccekrNSaa awl the rig#1 ra sssrert iw Ms fare<Iosucc
<br />pwceaiis{ tree row-saiidto[t a! a drfaah or ry etUer elr[enio o} Dwro+rer to aculeration awd fotetloavte. tf t#t brtaclr
<br />lit tier rued a,r or befrrt Use late srcrdsel k t#e sxntite, 6,taWet d Leaxles's optic n may daiart d! of the same secured by
<br />ells Ka+!{a{e Io iK lwaseditittty du tiwd pyabk xitboat further denrend rsd may torer4rse by jadkW proceedigl, Lcad+er
<br />stsail 4 trsdtlol fir caitct m aar# ~rotttdhrg all trt}tfasu eg toeeetosarGim:taQlrg, but no3.6wt)fedtee Duns o[ docsimaMary
<br />rvidawa<. aAshrcrs sad tksr nfrrM..
<br />!1'. Barttrdr+"s Rk#t to RttRSrase. Notwithstanding L.tnx3er's a~ekrat+an of rtre exams sectrrrrd tr9' thrx Mortgage:
<br />!'tOttower ati~tt bavc nc~ rfglt:.?e have asxpprorxedaxigs tatg+m:h; I.tr>T6crzo cnftrrce alias M+sstgage dis[air..tinued at any tinix;.:
<br />