<br />MORTGAGE 8°2-~ t:fi:}38'76
<br />THIS IN7)B;vi7U R$ aside chin-_--ISt..__. __.. _. dev of--Sept@Iilb@i". ~: __ IA 82 by and bet=xt_r,
<br />DENNIS 0. h1EYER AND JUDY E. [AEYER, husband and wife
<br />et HALL _ _ County, Frbr2ska, ~= mortgagor S , aed Home Frderat Savmgsand Losn Association of Gran) Island, a corporation
<br />organised arvd czi=zing nrdr the laws of the United ~[a[es of Arteer.ca with us prim~lpal office and plac< of business a[ Crand Island, Nebraska, s<
<br />mor[gapee;
<br />wITtiESSETH: Thatsa5dn:ortgagors_.___,furandimm~siderationotmcsumo[TEN THOUSAND A.ND NO~I00_----_-_-
<br />________.._________ _____ ___ _ ___ __________________- 10 000.00
<br />_ -_._ .__- ~_ .__~~ Golla[a{S-~_T- -_1.
<br />the rcccipt of which is h_icby acknowiedeeC, do. ___._hti chest presenuirrortgag,e and warrant unro~uid mortpabe: iCitfao[asors and assigns.
<br />forever, silt ttie following ducr;Led seat estate .dtuareu .n the Coumy of HALL _ ___._ ~ ~ ~ ,__ _ __
<br />and State ~f Februka, to-wit
<br />Together with all heating, air conditioninit. lighting,and.:.plnndaityR equipment andfixtures, including screens. ;iwningv ,« arm winJows .ind
<br />doors. and window shades or blinds, used nn or in crynnbCtlnq nrith said property, whether the aemearc rww ;oca[ed on said propene nr heruifte:
<br />placid thereon.
<br />, TO HATE ANU TO HOLU THE DAME, cogetlwr wsthall amt srnqufar the tenements, heredrtantenU+ar,d appurtenan r ehcr«unto :~~~~
<br />tinging, or in anyrise appertaining. forever, Had warrant ttte title w the aa.tr e. Said morge~ot ~. __,hereby co.~er~~mt with nn~t.
<br />mortgagee Clot ._ .the _.>y. dfe _.. , at the delivery hennf,the-lnwiulawmr S. of the prernisea nb .~. once eci end dexri!ns1.
<br />Viral _. -dl~ seixod of a good and indeleaaihle estateof inheritance clrereui, lreea nu c!t~,r of ell encumbr n es, :sett that t hr }!... .sil!
<br />-ararrant and defend the title Lherets, !orever ag~insc the c::laitr:saMl demandtnf al. priwnv xhorn soaves.
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and this instrument i.+uxa[uted and delivered tu.vecurr the payment ofLhesum of.TEN THODS'QND.AND.
<br />N41.100----- ----_--------- ----------------------------~tsnuera/s_:1n..QOO_00_ _ ,.
<br />.with inttreai (.}isms, togatkter with such charges and :vie nece•+ sin may be due and pvyait4e iq snid:mnrcgagee. r d : he to r nt. rnr lit sus
<br />.- of the promixwry note of avan dace heeewlth and ~xxur.d hereby. executed bya>ud mortgagor 5_. co saSd m~ tKagre, pa 1 I, us sap ~ s. ,
<br />in earl rate. and to wives tba gr(nrrnance o[ all the e<_rmv and uuxiitiona cnnthin(d tk:erein. The ~r2ns o[ seed nou arc ne .v im.or[ ..~d
<br />herein by this refetaoce.
<br />it is the intention and ~siermnc of chr partiav }kreto :_hac the mortgrhse shall atso xcuro any future edvar:ecn nwde u. s ~ murtgagor_ _..
<br />by said to ~tgaget, and any and dl indeb[cdnus tr, ar3d;tion ;o the amount aboti® prated whirl. said more gagers, sir env cf them, n we to
<br />per n
<br />mid mot [gages, hoxever eaidenczti, xhetber by note..titwk aecoant o, otbe; wee. This -.on{gage shall rcmaia a ;ei fnrco and e[fc.:, Lucy, e.~n
<br />the parties hereW end tlwu heirs, per-sorest rcpresenwt4ves, succe~ors and assigra, anti= alt anuwnis vecurcq hereunder, indudint; fu±u:.~
<br />advanma, ere paid in EuL' with miens[.
<br />Cho ^tortg~rr_S_-_ }xwby assign ____. co said mo^gagar al. rents and income arising a. sad all Limes Isom ;a.+d per t.nd
<br />hereby authorise said rrwrtgaYee or its ager.4 at icy option, upon deiau!c, w cake :ha.•ge o. said proprry sad co!]ret a.. rents :md incomr~
<br />[h.-•n:Erom and appl}' the same Co the payment of interrSt, prxnc:pa!, insurance pruniam: ~ raxe,, as,es5men:.a, reya:a , ua pr<w u.:zcr, Ls
<br />rtet~eaary rv hasp said pmyerty rn rr>vnubie ootYiitfoa. or w othcx chrrges or psynunL provided for },erein or u, +_he nece 7~u. by secured. 9 e,is
<br />rent. assigrunenc a}uil continue :n force unto the uopeid balance of said note is fully paid. The ta4wtg of pessesslno hereunder seal! in no in.vnner
<br />p:even[r, retard srid :mrtgagee ;~ the collec[iuc of sa5d suet by foreilosure er otticrw ise.
<br />rho failure of the mortgagee to e~serf say o[ its rig?it4 hereunaer at any time shn1l not be cenM,raeC a_ e uai~.er u! its right to assert th!~
<br />sane st any later ivre, and w insert upon and en.*c '~ ; act compliance vr(rh all the cerrus and pr< ~~ ,_ rs o[ suiu us nnr ,: the no- tgct;r.
<br />1f ~d mortgagor S shalt cease to be paid tt saSd mortgagee the entire amovnt due is hemuade~r, and +.~nde: the m-^nc. enc pru~; itiiuas
<br />of sad rate hereby se~st»d, including fu Wee advan<cs, anti any ezl.enai7.u or renewals tfiereot in accorthrr,.c wiCr ins :errs and p r. ,..n _.
<br />therao F, ud it said mortga~or_ S _ shall ::oce:ply with aC the orovivions of said note ant o? tEv~ m>-c~. 6:, t.e th-1„ pn.rs.,nt-: :,;Jl h_ .- ._~,
<br />ct}rerst+e W remain is full lone and e(feet, and said mortgagee shalt lx entitled to the ~>sessiur, of a:J oC said property, earl m ~L i,.v L;r;r.
<br />dedan the whole of said nece s_nd alt indebtadni~e represc.nced [hereby to hE: imrned iate!y duz and paysble, sac, . y fcm~': !ose this, ;r.ehg:~,r;~,
<br />nr Cake say' o[her legal actsnn to protect itR right, nppraisen~it -«aived.
<br />'I'bis motcg=~e shalt be 6md~ t:pon and ,vhali enure to the benefit of the heirs, ex -ewes. adt •. .-irzwr°. . u,.. ao_ .5_~ibns sl rho
<br />re~pcctive parties hz-eta.
<br />Iti bV iT;ti F,SS WHEREOF, said Mert{tagor 5.. ha Y2. hereunto sr[ _~~l.L h 5 _ t
<br />~ct~- ..n~.r
<br />wriLLt'f~. - - 1-
<br />, -r
<br />Dennis ~. f+teyer ' '`~ __ _ _ _ _ Judi ~~ +1eyNr _; ,_. ~''-'_
<br />