<br />$~=~ ~(13fi6~ ExrENSro~: oc;i~EL^,,E=N~-
<br />rin consideration of the extsr,srori of ti,e t4i)e of pavme ,r of tS,eorir~~ nal pi-omissoi-y note
<br />t~c.e.•1a`irr c;cs:•'bed; tF~ utidersicditrc~, Jamer D: Goodwin and colleen M: Geddtvin,
<br />- __ _ __ _
<br />- --
<br />NUSbaFld and ~;lfe fierPhy cbve ~v~t- n~ i r~:-ee ici pa} t0 ~._ ~ irtit
<br />.l,:nai .,".k.-- _ ,-~r~.~, .,land, t„ an.i siarui, ~~et~r~r-,}e,~, or or<ie~-, the. principal suiYi o`
<br />TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND A~dD NO%100------------ ----- ------ --- ----- ----
<br />- --
<br />~S,QQ~ U~ nr cU~Pr Weitr~ ~ .ierr t~te~ r. aKlr.~2Zn._~~ Of!~-Hdlf Tier Cent pe.r
<br />v:u^7 - r i ti~.e aye '.irr -~_~`, ~ ic"~ sum to "c yah'Fr on ~emt? C 9,] _1 2 Interest
<br />~r.ali be e,ayab~,. ,t rra' frit~° on December.27~ 1932.,_- _
<br />__._ _ __
<br />irn ~,r~,t~na! r ,~ pa? c ~~!n the a~teutttcat TWENTY'.FIYE 7HOt1SAND-$ND NQ/3OD ------- ----
<br />------------------------- j 6 25,000:00 -- -~- -- } was executed an~i^delivei ed by
<br />- c ~n~E~is J`:eJ rr~cr t' t!aie o; ,J~~_1~ i9$1 ,~to The i-Irst National
<br />E,anR o` ;'~~nd Iskand, Craracs I~iand, ye;,raska, algid was due andpayabte on the 28th _
<br />coy of December, 198' tocJetl,er witt, intc'r~st at `Sixteen & One=Half per
<br />cent per annum ar,d sectrred_ ~y #~eai Qs,~att.4lor-tcJi~e to'7he EirsC National I,ank~ of ~ grand
<br />island', Grand'Istand, 'Jebraskar~d~ as Doc. ~$1-003445 & Extension''82-000168
<br />in 1Ate'1`Aortgage Records of Hal? Cbua,ty_- ,~Ne~s~ _-- ~-
<br />'The untlersi~hed atJr•ees to pay such Pxteraded ba?once of ;principal of TWE?1TY FIVE
<br />THOUSAND AND NO TDO-- ----- -_ - ------ ly 2500©.00 i, tn~~ther-
<br />with inEerpst thereon at ~Sxt_een4& One-Hal~f~per cent ~icr~ennum, such ,rr,ic;r~al and
<br />:nterest to be payable rnfiawfu; cru>r'te} o*-ttie United Sttates of F~snerica at-T tie Fir .t 'at-
<br />ionai>f3ank of ,rangy lsiand; Grand lstarid, Near~ask~.
<br />All of the covenants and agreements in sue t oridinai ;irte ar,d ttie f:eai Estafe ~lortg.le r
<br />tx~~~~ described', other than hereinbGforc irn,dificd, shall E3e and rem,rin unchanged and in
<br />tul! farce and effect during such extended },e rind. i f eG>fault tie rttade in payment ~` any
<br />rin<_ipa" sum, the es,trre ;~rinci}}at Burn with rniorest thereon ~hai1 become immediately
<br />due and payable at'ttre election of'the Segal holder tf;;ereof.
<br />>tn further considerdtian of-such extensicin of timr: of },ayt=rent of'such indebtedness, I .tiere-
<br />by ratify and confirm svth mort~ac7e recorded as Doc `~81.-OD3445 and Ext. 82-000168
<br />ir~Reui ESta[P M+a:-icsac~e~~recor~ds-of _ Nall ,_._.-' --
<br />C~unty,_ Nebraska as the firstrinor-tgage lien u{~, ~,
<br />the real property descriiaed~therc•~{~.~~r~,s;tt,c~ ~roifr>4e of~thc: title-therett>as +tow,i~wr~ed Uv me.
<br />' Ttie ~nders+;gner~ executes !ttis Extr'nsioci F~:~rc~i=ntrnt with refer=ericu to and on tine faith and
<br />credit of their proi~ercy ...which the} t'.uw owci o4- havrz an.mterest in tire. hereafter may <c
<br />quire; the express rttterrtiori belay to charge grid to coati»ue to charc3e; any aclts al'. of such
<br />pr~pcrty with t're payirteret of the inciel~tec`ineys; the. }~~ryinent of wEyich i<~ herciti extt:ndec!.
<br />IN WITNESS lrtiEl2ECJt`, .rti• undersir~ned i,ave het'currtq set this hands'tiiis __~_24th-------
<br />d a y r? f ___.1unE.._ I482._ _
<br />/~y
<br />{ ~i/ ~ ~j
<br />es D. Goodwin Co1]een M: Goodwin
<br />STATE OF Nebraska ~
<br />CGUNTY OF Hall ^~
<br />The foregcinc instrv ~ -~? xa~ sckno,c:edye before: me this 29t:h ray of
<br />-- June ~~~-_..:02 by y_Jai~es D. Goodwi. n anc~o fTeen-F1~i?oo;3w7 n, FT"ti~-ri8
<br />and Wife - ~~t+ ' r* ` _~ - - - -
<br />~' ~"
<br />-, v ,' <;
<br />My C,u„xrissian tai '„J {=l _ _ ~__ --__ __.- _- - -
<br />/:. °+otary Put51r~~
<br />r_eya i 'ic. ,cr i r:t ~, r, ,_c;t 5i x ;5? , Block Foilr t4} in t3earGe Loan `s Sub, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />