<br />~n _..
<br />Sd~ ~ t~ i.! it l7 ~ ~ Hoifmaa and te+2nrt$ Wali,.Wattun Na 6~.d47
<br />' 53=A-REA[_. ESTATE MORTGAGE-With?ax taaute
<br />-~__
<br />f{~ypW-ALL nfr^N SY TF~ES)r f'RES'E?~~C&: THAT Glenn: ty. Haubold and Annie M.
<br />Haubold, husband` and 'wife. _ (hs r -, ~ r s l
<br />of Hall Cauntu, andStake of Nebraska- . in considers do?r f r'~. sum rrf j
<br />1)Ol.LARS
<br />~ Fifty Five Thousand and- no/100
<br />:n hanJ {raid, do t,e .b... =I 1- airrl CONVEY unto The Citizens Bank & Trust Company , ~
<br />f St. P~au1, _Iebraska taortn4t;e~ i
<br />1 the follgwing descritkd premises
<br />' of Howard Coanty; and state of Nebraska to-wiz:
<br />I situated i^ ~~Ha1Z Co•snty, srnd State of ..Nebraska. j ,
<br />A Tract of land comprsi^.c apart of the South half of the .Northeast
<br />quarter of the Southeast quarter (S,NE7r,SE;) af. Section Three (3},
<br />Township Ten (10) North, Range Nine (~} [dest of the 6tti I'. M., in Ha11 j
<br />.;County Nebraska, more'n4rticularly described as foilowsc ~
<br />~' Beginning at a point on the south line of said northeast Quarter af',
<br />the Southeast Quarter (NEaSE,) said point being Two Htuxdred Forty One anc~
<br />Seventy One Hundredths (241.71) feet west of the Southeast-corner of said
<br />!; Nor beast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NEaSEe); thence westerly aloliq
<br />the south line ~f said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE;SEr~);
<br />a distance of 9ne Thousand-Eighty Nine and Fifty Six Hundredths (].,089.70
<br />feet, to 'the Southwest corner of'sad Northeast Quarter of the Southeast
<br />Quarter (NE SE a); t~~ience northerly along the west line of said ~?ortheast!
<br />Quarter of the Southeast Quarter ,(NE<SE4) a distance of Three :3unc.rec I
<br />5_xty Sc•~~er: anc Fifteen Hundrefltahs (3.57.15) feet;. thence_ easterly paral'•el:
<br />(continued on reverse side)
<br />t
<br />'r The intendon F~CinP to rntivey hereiry an atasoivte' title rn fee simple-inrtading a17 the rigiifv of homestend .md <low rr
<br />:TO tt<S~rF: A\D TOHOLD.the premiscw-abovedec¢nbed..R'SLh alt theappvrtenances thereuntrrbelonu:g unw ti+e i,
<br />;,ardmarigagee and to..gtr5.:5tiESQE+e~9s'6iis,'forever;pro.•ided always, and. these presents a'•' ++~ion Chr +raprc~;s ~
<br />~~' cvnditian That if the aforesaidmortArtaor `t<il.eir heirs, executor's,. admiuu-trators or assigns iaha2l fray or cav9H. to tr^
<br />paid'to-the said wort a re' [. tare. adrninistratars ur assigns, thrsum of - -,
<br />g R l.t 3 S I.iC~~S~f~ .:
<br />.Dollars,payable as follows, to-wife '
<br />Fifty Five That:send and no/100
<br />an the 3 7 day a€ December . Ss g ~
<br />Fifty: Five `:Thous and andNo/ fy j
<br />L~r>Ilan ort the clay of
<br />DoiUrn on the. day of !9'
<br />fkillarsnn:he daS.nf 19.- .
<br />Dollars on the ' daY. of. ly..
<br />w;th interest iherwxn7ilCXXXXX}{tY)C341i4[~QX%dd5(fi`{piQ/AEOtlCXXXXY_XS.xarkri[1a31S'.1ttl.acearding to the tenor and efFect of ?~
<br />accrtstin t:ramiw[rry note ofsaid Glenn E.. Hdtlbpid and ,~ri.nle M. HdUbtl ld..
<br />bearing even <tate wLLh the:'ce presenU, anJ ,:hall pay ati taxes andaa;+aissment8.levietf upon said reaF estate, ani all utherta ems. ',
<br />levies and assessments levied upon tt:io marigage ar the note which this murfga6e rx given to secure, Fefore the same hr+cum, y ~~
<br />d, titWUent, and kc~p the haildtngs r n seat premises insured tar khe sum of S N/A love, if `xny, payable a '
<br />the said mortgagee. thcnthe.e presents to be votd. othrrw[s[: Ui be ana remain in fullforre.
<br />~({ IT f3 FL1R'1'NER.AGRHE[) {ij'f'hat rfihr: saidtrx/rtgagor shall failto pay suchtaxes or. pxxuce such insurance the.;
<br />! said mortgagecnray f~ysuch tasesand 'pr<x+rre.• such insuran ce: and the r;um w advanced, with interest at 15 S+Er cent
<br />~ st+ali: bepaid try sand mortgagor, and this mortgage shali'stancl as-sc'<:unty fair thr some. {2j 'rhata fadvre to pay any of said. '~,
<br />y maneY:: eitherprincipal or interastwtren the ame Mtrarnex clue, nra failurr t:. rnmpky with any ofthe foregarng agreements. I
<br />~~ shalt +~nuse rhewbole sumo{ money hercitrserured to bttwme due rind Callcti:;rhie at once at the oFizion afthe mortgagee.
<br />SiKned ttna' 3 day of ` September is $2
<br />do Presencraf> .._ .: ... ,. .:..
<br />~ ~
<br />.., r.~ ,; ~,~ ' ..
<br />;r
<br />{ s'rwrt; or' _ _ Debraska ._ .. ...::.. f;onnaY of_: Fiow~d...:
<br />+ ~. { rs onatl rams
<br />'+ 3 Before me, a notes ~uhlic <uaii$e3 for said county, pe y .(;lei n 1;. Haubold and i
<br />Arin~.e K. Haubold, husbar,ti and wife ~
<br />kn+>wn to mr tr. tw th{-~dent[cal nc•-son or perms who sign ed .the far+goyfig--r.rstru~tie:nt ac owledgud the ezecuti+; r.,
<br />~ [Y .revs to M m h vti ~ Irv as et~~r~~i
<br />i ct,~c }. d 3 ~ tuber r' -.~vy~~~
<br />1 n+ y__ .__ ~ q ,r'
<br />7 ~ ~ >AR - ,~~L 1. 17 cnrV E'ublzC
<br />• A4++ .rrrnrrtiarloo t'z JirC;v~ _ _ -~- ,v ,
<br />--
<br />1 SfiT.TC C, i•' _ _.__ ____ _-._ 1 F`rtierec~ ZI ." rt nCl) 7t7u<x 'I nlj h~ :i 1 °I
<br />:.w. r,f ,.. .err. t t~~.
<br />,» the k=,QG?. tr,.-~~. t)2<<,
<br />d-+v of __ ig_ .:. _:. ai... , :. .... o'rt6t'~ an~ .. ... _. _. ]II7 U=1?H . ;~ :...
<br />' ur rr, <•rcir+S m 73tw' -_~. ~..~ ,. . .._: _ .... ._.:.at gage .:.... . .... .... .. . .....
<br />xky. ...._.._,. ...._ ...._ _.. _..T3 .xen=.
<br />