<br />the sums secured by this deed of 't`rust sivadt c,~ntinue u~impaircd Upon such payment and cure' by Borrower, this Deed of
<br />Trust and the obligations secured hereby shall remain in till tome and e[Tect ss it no :accettration had :-catered.
<br />2A. A%3Rttmcnt oI Re MS; .l ppointrnent of Rtcei.~er; Letsdec in Possession. As add'etional security hereunder, Borrower
<br />hereby assigns to Ltnd& the rants of the Property, provided that Aorrawer shall, prior to acceterauor. under paragraph l8
<br />hettrof or abandonment of the Property, have the nght to collttt and retain such rents as they becomedue and payable.
<br />Upon acccieration '.ender paragraph i8 hereof or abandonment of the Propeny, L~ndei,. in persan, by agent of by
<br />;udicielly appointed receiver, shall be entltled ro enter upon, take possession of and manage the Property and to collect the
<br />rents of the Property including those past due. All rents collected by Lender ar Hre receiver shall be applied first to yayment
<br />of the costs of management of the Prepeny and callcction of rents, inc]uding, but no[ limited to, receiver's tots, premiums
<br />an receiver's Mods and reasonable attorney's fees, and then rn the sums secured by this Uted of Trust. Lender arid the
<br />receiver shall be liable to accwnt colt' for thou rents acmaliv revived. ripe to (uU rccooveyance of the Property
<br />21. Fvttrre Advances. Upon request of Borrower, Lender. at Lender's option, p
<br />6yTrmtee to Aorrawcr, may make Future Advances to Borrower. Such Future Advances. with interest thereon, shall be
<br />secured by this Deed of Trust when a'idenctd oy prcmissory rotes stating that said notes are <ecurcd hereby. At no tittrashall
<br />the principal. amount of the indebtedness ucured by this Deed of Trust, net inciudingsums advan~e¢ n ac erdanct herewith
<br />to protect the securty of this Deed of Trust, zxceed the origin»l amount of the Note plus US S_~.b..0.~_._._..._.-.
<br />22. Recoeveyr+race. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Deed of Trust, Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey
<br />the Property and shall surrender the: Dot? cF Trust and all notes evidencing indebtedness ucurcd by this :Deed of rtvst
<br />ro Tnrsteo Trustee shall rtconvey the Praper.y without warranty and without charge to the person or persons legally
<br />tntitkd thercro. Such person or persons shall pay all costs of rccordarion. if: any.
<br />23. Sv4tMrMe TraAee. Lender, at Lender's option, may Tram time to tint remove Trustee and appoint a successar
<br />:rustle to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrvment recorded in the county in which~trsanDd dunes ctonferredaupon
<br />Without convn'ance of the Property, doe mccessor rmstee shall succeed to all the title. Pa
<br />the Tnlstee tiercin and by applicable law.
<br />21. Re~ra•M for Netlces. Borrower m~ests char copies of the notice of default and notice of sale be sent to Borrowers
<br />address which is the Property Address.
<br />~S. as long as tni. [red of 'crust r• D•ld Dy t~• dw Dr.aka lY.rtg•q• Pinanc• Fund, the :.ertdar may, ac Lender's
<br />oocion, d•clarw all s .secured by rhea teed o[ Truac to D• imrdia ca ly dw and payable if Borrowr rent t• or wl•-
<br />representa a fart to ~appl icatrcrz tur ante D••d of Trvt, includlnq, without lint to cion, anything contained in the
<br />tUrtgaryur'.v a[fidevic and C•rtlfica UUn •a•cuud by aorrowr in cV nJYnction with thl• need of Trn9t.
<br />It't WITNESS WHEREOF, Borro9ru has eztcuted this Deed of Trust. ,\
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<br />~7O~j7 CFlP AI.E~ f~ ~~ ~Y~ ~f -aortw.«
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<br />COlMI'Y O? ~~ ~i
<br />The foregoing lnstrvmant vas acknos.ledged oefore rae this 3£d day of.,.
<br />82 Jotul Charles Hunan and Renee Sue Hertoan, FSUSband and Wife
<br />taitness my hand and no rarest seal at. Gra}tu}.7s.,ard~ Nebraska ,
<br />in said County, the date afcresa:d.
<br />ors ~~ % s
<br />~iAl1El lr ~ ~
<br />M/ Gomm £ap. MK. 1. I9l1 ~,> c-..~.-~~ ti~l~_-~--?~` .
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<br />TO TRO S'PE.E:
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<br />The undersigned is tae hoide_ o> t~:e acre nr hates secured bg cats 3ee3 c° Tt-us t. ~~-~~ .
<br />Su.d nb to or note, toga t.`.~t ~.~.- aL ~taer indebtedness secured .-..is Geed _. Tz¢st, '~ '
<br />have boon said in felt. You are hereby directed m caagel said ac'e. or rtes and this 't ~"n
<br />Deed of ..rust, rhich a_e delivered nere~}°, a^d _., rec~nvey, with:iut aarrar.~ ~~~ the
<br />estate aov held L:y you azder cis ~<<e3 ~_ Ttiust'~~.o the -o.s~a or __ rams 'egal it' e.=.titled
<br />LhSret~.
<br />