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<br />~~ 42!-a-SEC0IVD REAL E8TATE MORTGAGE-RY i:h Ta< clau.e Hut#man and fettan 3 Wolf. Walton, Ne F "h' ',
<br />Kt~TOW ALi. ?!'~:N BY :'HESE PRESENTS:
<br />F;L3T I or iY'E, Lila A. Srsra~,an
<br />of !3ai1 Co:rnty ~tntl Slats of Nebraska yr conridc^ratrun of :ne s~urti ~'
<br />:9153.50 DO£.L 9P5
<br />in hcn•i pc;d, d%~ berehy S&I_L and CC?~ l'~'Y' :~xta PatesetLer Products
<br />-, lmortgay~ri.
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<br />,the o2lo'ccneq dcsci~bcd rnrr ups
<br />of IIouglaa l .xn!;, and Jtate cj Nebraska f
<br />sitvatea~ in Gall Cou.ty ariep $Sa#r afNetsraska !n-sz~t:
<br />Tne Northerly 1:6.3 Eeet of Lot 6'Slack 4b Russel Wheeler
<br />Addition to-the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
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<br />TIFC iwtrRtic~wDaiwg to runt~ry hcrrcy ¢x absolnlr !itle rn ir.e ,nrnpi< sncluti7n~ all the rvyints of /;amcsltua nnri d w~,~.
<br />T~ flrti~E .4tV'I~ iO HOtD the ,?rmwuts a6vve uuoi.5cd, :cwtia aJ! the ap~rtenances iharrunEO bclungirg unHi ~,.
<br />tht raid xrortgaget or rwrlgagres owd tc h?s, her ar their heirs au! asszyns, larevar, prtnridrd rlluxt,',r onc( These pra.,~- ~
<br />~- ~3s are rpow the exprtss roru~fific-n that i~ the s~n+a eavrtgagar or morrgag:~rs, h>s, $cr ar th¢ar lta.rs, esrculors, a+lmzn-
<br />istralors or cusiujns shall pays ~?r carast to bz paid to tl~c airi ~+<ortgaq«c err mortt7c;7crb ~:st$ In kis, Hry~ err tnr~r Ji°~ s i
<br />rcwtnrs, ctd~wiwirtratorr or assigwt, the swwc cf /V%rUG ~o.~SAP:' 42x' h4~vvfl~l ,fif9'~y._7hf¢k Alu6 6 ~,~ --
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<br />o~ Zti% S 7~(Il~~~ rs o¢ 1 sa. s~, P~ ~/n~o
<br />. earth {wares! thcrcow at 18 per Genf per cwwa~, bayabitrr~nt`,ly annua~it~, acrord~ng fu the tcxor and rf~ac. of I
<br />the ero.w+ssory wo:a Frith in:rrest coupons attached aj said 3fortgagorx, bearing =~Px dutc walk 'it~~se Ares- ,
<br />rwts, awd sFw13 pay cli tis?s mad any isio-tz.rt cx, or xr~:unng i+istali~nexts of ,p rira-s;+ral, due on any price rnorEUwp • u,iu
<br />assessrwrw# levied apox .raid tea: rs:ata snd ci! otazr tomes, izYiCS cwd cssessrnzn!s l_~zzed upcn :;ns roe yugr the '~,
<br />xcte u~hicrt Ibis naartga~a ~s oeveA tv settee, brjore :he ;cme 5ecoxa.°s aelixquzn; a«d .`•cep thz 7~u:<dingc as ',
<br />i prrweixss iw,txrtd Tar tkt sxn~ $ , ,rase. ~if an}~, Payablz to soon firs: srtc>~ ~:gdrs ur :Ls r:wr!~°ycc, t i.
<br />- 4 tlsew these presets bt ~u+.d, othcra.-isa to be and revn:.in in 'all Jcr,e_
<br />' TT 15 FCATffER BGREED frJ <hat it tiva° said m~rtgrtgor shall f,:al !~~ p~_y ~-~«h :..xes ana si .~:e s ->~
<br />~. ? ar »~itu>iwy insiadtw+xts of L'rintt~l our <x any prior r.:artgwje 5nd procure :uch insursnre, then tier »~rtr;.ill r riro~~. ~,
<br />- ? ~,e such torts u4ici sack aiterest an, or rnatrrs~g i~talfmznts c( b x~ipal ~Iut ~sr r_r h prwr n~. lya, rtl gr~rw,
<br />ay'~ty iwSfdraxC nl tY.c' SuYG So Rd'Jartct.: u-SLR 1lSLC'rC it .^.v nine r.r c"tt1 nal' Jc hr~1 51u ) ~~~ C)C vrlS ter rr
<br />;;ale sna:d stu~ui ,z_ s.x an for tk~ aarrsa. z~ .•!~a. a faiixr. t F . an c r tii re F. inter r r :, re n ~.
<br />t$sr or ox~r prat m~.rt~ay., :ytriex tnc s~mc Fa:c>we's dY ~r ¢ ~astar. : ~ c m 1 ~Yth r.n r,~ 1 c z ry zrrv rr_'r~ r _.
<br />gi1911 :ilii.lii the .btlCrgC .t.t Mr aJ nttitt~Y i[a'ri to siCUr.: t{ t. ;~ZCOtn, 6L< lf:~ r<<l~~tw~'.t t,. on{C u. tf'e ~i t~~H G li". ~i~>!-
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<br />5 r~=ttlriEft .^euRE@:i That scid nnc~r!galJre„ psnding (reaost+re t,! this o+cortgulJa exit i~, <
<br />p~°+adixf slat- hcrr„r~ o. xph~ rlarra;rom mna prxdan~ t~rle of ++rntses rxortp,:ga~' tr¢y pay tr 3 trt. r ntn n-7
<br />ixti?,~st ur tr~~r%4~ey^ ittFL,c,m1`xa cj firinc-¢ta>, as hr::r rr.artytu~es, pi a.urc` swots +n,srrrru, vrz~ .i.rs na
<br />a,.ii~ to fife rxc un ux- -u ue; r ad. uw~n - n^o ti~tx u1 sid hT 19~s c trl ~ ~ rFi tJil n ut -! t e u`<: e...
<br />tin' rf ,,U, E't#L?'A .•r,~»~" L" ~i S+pGa?I ~?r Sf:1C, k.. h urn„un . shut V ,^.ae ~;.-~ Ir., ;, „r., : S tr:~~ r . art
<br />` fp ara"r~.u.-
<br />`.Zpf :~''i'~,_sr-z.:. ¢ !1 fir r~.:.a ~ _ ~ t _ ~~ :`~
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