<br />~~~f~~l~?$3
<br />LE'ONAAI~ L. 't7ICt?ER:i and LZr+UA SUF, WICHER2T husband and +•fife,
<br />herein called the Grantors, fore and in consideration. of the sum
<br />of rnrty-three Thousand One hundred Twenty-two and 50;100 Hollers
<br />($+43,122.50) received frown Grantee, dci grant, bargain, sell, convey
<br />an3 confirm ante P'FTEESEN FAP.MS INC., a riehraska corporation;
<br />the following de,.crt~~ rea3 estate situated in HaII County, Nebraska-:
<br />i,ot "'wo (2} r~7ichern SubdicFison, in the East'
<br />Half of the Southwest rtuartcr of the`Southeast
<br />Quarter {F,1%2SL41/4SEli4) of Seeton Thirty-four
<br />(34) , Towns~air~ icvelve !l2~ Narth., Range ~1ine
<br />(9} west of the 6t: P.~i., Rall County, '~e'~raska.
<br />TO HAVE lrJP. '"^ F?CJ?,i] the premises above described, together
<br />with all the tenements, hereaitamonts and appurtenan~:es thereunto
<br />belonging, unto tie said Grantee and to Grantee's successors and
<br />assigns forever. Ana we `Iereby covenant with the said Grantee
<br />and wit.': Grantee's successors ard-assiy^zls, that ~~e are lawfully
<br />seized ~zf sai3 ~remisea, t:Iat they are €ree tro*n e.ncumhrance and
<br />that we have good right and lawful authority to sell tie same;
<br />and we hereby covenant to warrant and deferd the title to said
<br />premises' against t*Ie: Ia.rfui claims. of all` Persons whc^.ISOever.
<br />and the said Grantors hersk~v relinquish all rigtlt,; title, claim
<br />anal interest in and to the above described ~aremises.
<br />Signed this lst`day of 5egtember,'l9??,
<br /><.,% _ s
<br />~eonar~ T, , *.° %c ern
<br />.:~-,~i-
<br />~:n a yue wrc err.
<br />ST<1T~ ©I7 NESItAS7CA p
<br />(ss•
<br />COUNTY Uk` < HALL ' .
<br />On this 1st day of September, 1977, `r;eforn me, the undersiq,e~3,
<br />a votary Public, duly ~~ommissior.~-^ci and dual*_fied for in said Ccunty,
<br />personally Dame Zeonard ',. wichern and Linda Sue S,+chzrn, husband
<br />and wi€e, to me known to be the identical perso~IS ~w~hose .^.as;1~s
<br />are. affixed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged tlie,
<br />execution thereof to be their vo7.untary act anc', deed,
<br />Witness my hand and ~iotarial Seal the day and year last 3bcae
<br />written.
<br />MFW4 Y3fAII' C'.t~ d tls-.~tY~
<br />t,iiAR~ - YVlPiKLeii _
<br />h_ 'am Sp. Jan. ib. ?379 ~~JOtar} PU..,'_C ,-
<br />'~Sy commission expires:
<br />L`
<br />STATEMc~'uT A7TAChED
<br />STAMP 1AX
<br />;~ ~ ~,~-
<br />