<br />_~
<br />~.
<br />-;
<br />E~T`F.~~•inh Art~t_t:~:tt:_r~T $2-{}Q3~3~9
<br />- ; n ~orsder anon of :h° extension' of i'~c ' ~~ne of.~ayrnent of the ciriginal promissory note
<br />- hcreinefter d~~ ~:be f, file irrdersirt e<t. .f?df'C2L~ liT~e~1> 0T._~.Cld._~£a_0'°eS ~, Green, _
<br />Husband and_lJifE_ ~I>v rr tx~ant atid~ tr•i,e ti. gay to Tire First
<br />--- -- - - ,
<br />tialicn.a. bank o: Gr~rnd i;r r~;t. C,ra~ici~i~~an. +.' ak.i, ur- ui 1e~_ the i>rir~eipal sUm of
<br />dive Thousand and NU11OG- --- -- -- -- --- ---- ---- -----
<br />~5 5 f)tJ0.00 i , .;: ,erhei ,. ~ ~ ,. ~ rnr-est t}~r ~ eon t Gi r±een &_ One Hd?_tfler ~~ent per
<br />anm-rrn 'rim the Date hereon, -uc;~ s-,rn~, to :.ir~sptible ar Janudr~ 10 1983... interest
<br />sha!I be payable at mate:nit; on_ Januar}^ 1G, 1983_ ~__._ _~
<br />The c•i iGir:c' prr~cii~af .,ot~ in ~c ar~.ount .~f Five ThOUSand end ^10%100------- -- -
<br />.• -------------- ------ - ~~ G,000 00 _ _~1 was executed and Jehir_red ~w
<br />(i,.e _~nuer<;gr.ed under the e.~te ref- ~OC~056P.16, '10!$1 _ to.T:he i=ir~s't t~4~t'.onai
<br />Sank of :,rand is!anci, Graa~d Is{and, ,~ebraska, and xvas due and {aayabte on :he _14t~___
<br />day of_q~~~ cl~$i~ _ toc~etfier wiik7 interest at Njn~~.€n>_ ,per
<br />ti ___ _
<br />cent F;er annum anr' ~r cu: eo by Real E t to `uSorigage to The .Fir ~t i~Jationai u~nh of (,rand
<br />I slarrd, G•-and t,lanc, rebraska; ~~~ as Dgc ~Sl=OG53G7_~. ~xt.~82 OG155~ __ _
<br />in the h'ortgage Records cif -Ha11~_ County,. y~l"d'$kd -__-
<br />- The .~nclersi:fined acsrees to pay-sErciz extended balance of principal of Five Thousand
<br />-- -- --
<br />and NG/10U-------~--------------------- ----= --- -(5 S,OOG'.OC i. to~.ethe~
<br />~xith interest thereon a S~Xteen &One-Nalf_ ~ereent ,~cr annum, ~ucr; princr{jai ar,d
<br />interest to 'oe payable in lawfu+maney of the United-Slates of`Arne:ica at The pi: st tJat-
<br />ionai F3ank of Gran.1 island Grand Island,-iebraska:
<br />Ali of the coy~enants and agreements ir:'such't~riginatnoie and ttze ReaiEStGt ortgac~c r~-
<br />txr~c-describ?d, other than herein6efore modified, s#~ait he end remzain uncha e~i _~r.c: in
<br />full force and effect ~±urinr~ such extended ~ grind. IF c4efault he made In pay~an± ~` any
<br />principal sum, the entire ~rirscipat St4mwith ir~tu:-est tku eon ha€t`become immediately
<br />due and payable at the e~ection'of the iectal itofder ttercut.
<br />(n further consideration of su6h extension of'.rru• ofi hzsynient of tiuctlindcbte~ncss, I f~,ere-
<br />~~y ratify and confirrl such mortgage recorded •.s Qoc.~$]„~Q.~~Q~~t7d? 0015.,6
<br />in Rea3~ Estate,i;~t7rtr,age records of 'Hail --.- ~
<br />County. N t-~c{ta __ _ ~sthe first rhortg~~~~ lie~~ upon
<br />tfie real property Ceseribed tf~i~r~~"n, ;an<I tla~~.i r;lc r>f ihctitlc tf:er~to asriow o~^~ned by ;~c.
<br />T'ic undersir~ned executes ttiisi_Ktensior. r~yr-eenu~nt .viili retereruc to andi~n t}~eFaith nd
<br />. credit of their property, wl'tith tnry rsow own'ar ti~ive apt ~rierest in or hereifterma~ '~~
<br />.,wire; the express inter+tion beinc{ to charge and to conUmre to charge any: and. aV! ct such
<br />i~roq>crty with t'~c. p~~yrnent of'`the iridebtedneys, the.j~ayment cif which is herein~~~:tcnrJec;.
<br />1N 4'ltTNESS P~HEREOF th,e undersic7r~ed txave hea-e4~~?tn set_'this :.and:. this '3tq.
<br />_ ~ __ __
<br />' ~ i
<br />~ r ~ ~ .- ~ l
<br />k _ ~ "e ~-
<br />arold Green, Jr. ;~ Delores A. Green
<br />STATE Or Nebraska ~
<br />- ---
<br />CC}i:NTY JF Hall
<br />Ti>e :`are ,Ding insi:"u~-ent was ackn~;;:ccc ~ ',for e n:e thi5 i ~-s=~~ r~;•,, of . „~ ~~
<br />`_ t~ r32 by Harold Green Jr." aria ~eTor`es ~;::_'`~een, = _-_
<br />~Hustaand aril Wt~e _-_
<br />- ~~wlw-wr.rwr.
<br />cwt ~ wpMC
<br />~!y Comrstissior,' zjtrPs: _._ ~~t _ _ _.
<br />a 'y t U J.I
<br />Legal ~;5~cri;,tio'~: Doti io~;~ ir; t?;dden ;,_ak25 :,t.bdivi; r~r ivurf`~Er Vii;,:° 4af1 Cau~~ty. "Nebraska
<br />