F3. Er,SI!~^. AC';REEA,?E<~IT O~""~~Oi~,~~8
<br />In cons.de°afion of the extension of the ti~,,e of pa~;~ment o'` the original ~prnmissory note
<br />hereinafter' described, U,e under-sig e• ,Harold Green,_~r. and OeTores :A. Green;
<br />husband and Wife _ her t y co~r•n,iri r i,t-v;roe to pay to'Tt,r~ First
<br />Na?ior,al Bank of Grand .land, Gra u; Islam "Jetrr ,;ka, .n order, the poi -spar sum of
<br />Eighty Thousand and NC/100-------- --- ---- --- ----- ----- ----- ---
<br />(580,000.00 ), toc7ethFr- ,~i.r i,t[rr~7t th_ .on atS~xteen & One-Hdl~rer rent per
<br />annum from the date Hereof, s~;ctr scm•~ to be payable on -Jdnuary__10 _1983 _ _ Interest
<br />shall he payable at maturity on_Janud~_10,~_19_83_
<br />The original principal note in the ~~m.r~unt u` E~hty_ThouSand dnd h10f100-- ---- --- -
<br />- -- - - - --
<br />---------------------- (S 80,000.00 __ __) ras exe.c~,td a detiverec7 b~.~
<br />the undersigned under the date of _$ept°mber 23z 1950 ____ to The First f~!ar!onai
<br />dank of Grand Island, Grand Island Nebraska, and wars due and payable pn the 23r'd
<br />day of Mdreh, 1981 _ together .4~ith intere~' at Fourteen (14.001_ _ seer
<br />cent oer annum and secured b~ R -.I Est to "Ylortgage to The First FJation3l Bank of Grand
<br />Islam , Grand Island, Nebraska, ~ as Doc. X80-005261 & Ext.="Bl-OGZQ60 &~81-005331 &
<br />in the ~.\lortgage Records of Hall Co~_nYy, Nebrdskd s'$~5~a
<br />The undersigned agrees to pay such extended balance of p~ inrip~I af_E''ghtY Thousand
<br />---- -
<br />_aIId_L`l01]DO--------- -- °---°---- ------- ----------° 1$~-$D~S10C 00 __i, together
<br />with rnterest thereon atT Sixteen $ One-Half per cent !der annum, such principal and
<br />interest to be payab}e in JawfuY money of the ltnrted States of •°.merica at The F:~ st tiat-
<br />iona! E3ank of Grand Island.; Grand tsand, Nebraska.
<br />Ail of the covenants and agreements rn such original note and the t; eat Estate :~ or[ga<;e ~-
<br />!xrve described, other than-hereinbefore modifred`, shat! tie and remain unchanged t:nd in
<br />ful! forr_e and effect durih~~ rueh`extended period.' 1f :'Irafault he made in payment cf any'
<br />principai sum, the entire principai, sum with interest t!rerepn ^hasl d~eeome imn~ediate!y
<br />due and payable at the e}cotton of the fcrral holder ti~ereof.
<br />In further tonsiderahon of such extension of tune of payneestLOf :,uch-indebtedness, I here-
<br />by ratify and confirm such mortgage rr~cor ic.i ,,s Doc__#80-005261 & Ext. 81-D02060 & 81-005331
<br />_R 82-001555 in.tZtal Estate P~?nrtc~atJe records ~f _H---d~-~^_ _ _
<br />County,-_-_-_~Re~s~ __ as the first mortgage I~en ur,on
<br />the r2irl property desCribeC3 therein, ~~,nt1 the wt;ole of the title. thereto as nOw owned by me.
<br />Tt,e undarrsigned executes.thi k_xtensior. !\yreemrr,t with rcfci'cncc to:andon L~.e f~iith and
<br />credit of their property,' which they now own or have ar. interest in oi- here:~fter- may ac-
<br />quire; the express intention 6eingtocharge ar~d to continueto charge any and all of such
<br />property with t',e>paymertit of the-indebtedness, i!ic pavme~r.t of whickt i5 herein extended.
<br />I4 WITNESS WtiERfOF, the undersignedlhave hereunto set this :-sands this 13th.- ______ __
<br />day of July, 14$2' _ _ ~ --
<br />i
<br />Harold Green, Jr.- ~ ;~ Delores R. Green
<br />ST.~ITE OF Nebraska
<br />~"= -- _-
<br />COUNTY OF Hdll
<br />The foregoing instrument w s aCic~oc;(edge before me this /~~ c:ay of~~/~~-
<br />?9 ~2 by Harold Green, Jr. and~7ore3~S-:-green, Hu~ild~
<br />and Wtfe --- - --- ---- __ _ ------- ---- --- _ _
<br />~MOt'1M~d~YA~ u. ..
<br />611~Rif~ 6 LYOIIi , <
<br />#ty Co[IIi115570 9^"^-tar..lawq.Hp -- s,o*.ery Public -- - ---
<br />Legal 6escription: i.et 4 in Hidden Lakrrs Subdivision 'VumSer i=pur, Ha11 C9un±t~, ?lebrdskd
<br />