_.__ __
<br />i~FZ Loan No. !+6084-1-18
<br />82--~ i)~?3fi?..5
<br />assuF~TlQia ac~rr
<br />1 n ~
<br />..This Agreeaent:entered into this ~~! ~!' ..day of ;~~.r.~={.`v`%~-['u:~_~ 1982
<br />between FIRST FEIIF:RAL SAVINGS -44'`ID I0I~'3 i~SSOCT:~T'IQ'v OF LIt3COLti, hereinafter referred to
<br />as "Calder'', and'IL~1ETri [~. 52a<aB ROSE ihAY STF~AB hereinafter. referred to as
<br />`Transferees"
<br />LE(,AL DESCRIPI'I~I: IAtS:One (1) , Tt~ro (2) , and.: Three :(3) , Setag 5~divisian,
<br />in the City of Grand-Island, Ha11:County, Nebraska.
<br />aTT~SSETFi
<br />1. Zn connectia~ with:the aaiuisition by Transferees of title to the real
<br />prape~-•ty described in that certain 'Deed of iYvst dated January 2 ,1981 a1d recorded
<br />as Doc~zit No. 81-0018 ir, :he P.egister of Deeds Office of `Hall County, Nebraska an
<br />January 2, 1981,: said Deed of Trust and other security instrunents'securix~g'a Note o£
<br />e .en date thereGri:th in the origina.i amota~t of $725 , OOO.OO , now payable to Lender having
<br />an unpaid principal balance: after appLicatior. of the August 1, 19$2. payment of $719,767.90,
<br />and in consideration of Lender's forbearing to exercise its: right pursuant to the terns
<br />and conditions of said'IJeer3 of Trust to accelerate payment_of the. principal balance owing
<br />to i.cteder by reason of the transfer af..:saidreal property to TYansferees,.Transferees
<br />hereby tnaonditionally, jointly and severally, assure acid a~iree to pay said dote in
<br />accordance with its texzrs, and all renewals, extensions and prior modifications (zf any)
<br />thereto, and ail-other obli gatipns due, to Lender under this. loan, and to perform and
<br />observe all Basxr)wer's obligations contained in and in accordance with the.:provisarus
<br />of said Deed of Trust and of,her secazr;i.ty i,r~stnrt~ts wfii.ch may Katie been executed by Borraver.
<br />2• The real Property and the whole-.thereof, described in said Deed of Trust
<br />shall regain subject to`the:Lien. charge, or encaambranc~ of said Deed of Trust, and nothing
<br />herein c~tained or done pursuant here~a shall affect or be construed to affect the tier,,
<br />dtarge, or en~ubra-~ce of said Deed or Trvst, ' or the priority thereof over' other liens ,
<br />charges , or encw»raaces'
<br />3. The provisions of said Note and`Deed of Trust and other-security instreaiients
<br />shall remain in full force and... effect. and shall remain uicl~~ed, except (a) effective
<br />September 1, 1982 the interest rate shall be increased to ~7 ?ND ONE-HAIL' PEiC~1I'
<br />(14.50/) per annun; (b) .nterest only payments shall be paid on said Note in consecutive
<br />monthly installrnerits of EIQ~PT THOIaA23D, SIK HLI3DRED `~INEIY-TFiRFE DQI3 ARS AND i8/.100
<br />($8,b93:18), or _~120833'times the outstandirn principal balance as of the first day of
<br />October, 1982 and cantinuu~ until the ::first, day of September, 1987, on which date r_he
<br />r3ltire resainin~ iazpt+i.d principal balance plus a.ccnled interest shall be due and pavai~ie
<br />in fu11; (c) the default rate of interest s'nall be =ncreased effective Septe~er 1, 1982
<br />to seventeen anti cne-half percent 117_.70°!) ; and (d}: t~'ie prepa~ent orawisian ctmtanr~~ in
<br />said Note shall ?~e ~rfnded tc3 -lead as fallc~~:
<br />Harrower shall have tine :-i~xt to prepay ;principal balance autstandi*~:in
<br />:male cr in part a= ar.~ ti^tie, pr©vided *hiz-t!r !'3c~i days oror written rs~tice
<br />of t=`~e intcaztion tc ~_~.e s;:c-~ pav^.~ent ~o the a<nacazt to be paid is first giver:
<br />tc Calder. Any prepay'*_ of ?rncipal thde :turi,*t~; uht four (4} loan years
<br />cc~mtalcing Cr_-tober 1, 19&2 shall include a c+ne ~erc4tt (lf) prepayu~rrLt pre¢uuo:.
<br />Nc~ prepayrment prfrv.~aa shall. be c~ dari.:~, tine fifth loam year. The balance due
<br />at s~turity sha:.l be payable at par.
<br />~:, '
<br />