<br />REAL E'STA'TE LLEN £7~°" S)(1.
<br />WHEREAS Leo and Helen Hineline, husband and wife{hereina .`ter
<br />usually referred to as "Homeowner" whethar one or more) has
<br />entered into a _.tain written HOUSING REHABILITATION GRANT
<br />AGREEMENT dated. theP 12th da}' of _August_ __ 1952 with the City
<br />of Grand Islsnd, Nebraska, a municipal corporation (hereinafter
<br />usually referred to as °City'~) acting through its Community
<br />Development Agency, fur rehabilitation of a duelling oa premises
<br />owned by Homeowner which are hereinafter described, and for the
<br />granting by City to Homeowner of Federal funds in the amount of
<br />Your Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty and QOJ700 Dollars i$~770.00)
<br />to he applied in payment of the cos[ of suer rehabilitation, and
<br />WHERE95, Homeowner is such AGREEl4ENT has, among a[her
<br />things, agreed (a) to repay such amount or, as the case say be, a
<br />part thereof to City in certain circumstances described in the
<br />AGRE£MENT, and Cb) to execute and deliver to City an instrument
<br />in recordable farm granxing t'a City a lien on the premises to
<br />secure such repayment„
<br />NOW, THF.°,EFORE<, in'consideration of such' AGt~EEMENT with
<br />City, Leo and Helen Hineline, husband and wife does hereby grant
<br />to CITY OF CRAND ISLAND,-NEBRASKA, A Municipal::Corasation, its
<br />successors sad assigns, a lien upan'the Following'"described real
<br />estate situated in Ha11 Coun y, Nebraska:
<br />North One-calf CN i12) of Lot One (i),
<br />Block Twenty-Sis (26), Russell Wheeler Additiin
<br />an addition to the C p of Grxud island, Nebraska,
<br />according to the record elat thereof,
<br />to secure repayment to the City of Grand Islaad,.tiebraska, its
<br />successors and assigns, of tite'amount of the ,v,ran't hereinabove
<br />referred to or, as the case may be, a Hart thereof in accordance
<br />with the terms and conditions set forth ih'-[he ROl}~ING
<br />REHABILITATION GRANT AGREEriENT to which reference. is made
<br />herr_inaDovr..
<br />The lien herein granted shall run with the. premises for a
<br />period of three (3) years from this deco, and shall also bind the
<br />succeasozs and assigns and, ex~^ept as providied 'in such AGREEMENT,
<br />the peraonsl representatiues, hr_irs, deviseees. and legatees of
<br />Homeowner.
<br />Dated this 12th_ day of August _ 19E2.
<br />L-----
<br />ss
<br />CounCV of 6x11 )
<br />On this 12th day of _August ___ 1982, before me, the
<br />uitdersiyned, duly commissioned and acting n and for succ county,
<br />personally appeared. Lao and Heieu Hineline, husband and wife
<br />known to me to be the identical persons whose ignacares are
<br />affixed to the foregoing iasr,r.~mt-nt, and they ackncwiedg?d the
<br />execution of such instrument to be thei-_ vaiur.tary act (s) and
<br />detd~{s).
<br />In witness whereof, have hereunto set my n~fici.al hand and
<br />seal fhQ date last above writtec.
<br />~,,,, ~rtua~Ebff A. ~SYNwi3t a4 N o. g r y ~P u b 1 i. c---- --__~-_~~--._-._._.
<br />~ ~~ ~ ost I2 tM7
<br />