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<br />- 82--~~38~8
<br />r ThP grantor American-Gharter'Federal Savings and Loan Association
<br />s enrneration nr~autaed and e_xist;ig under and by cirtr,e of fhe late of tbe~Bni,ted States of America
<br />,,: ;~,,ncid ors*on of One Dollar ($1.00) and .other valuable considerations
<br />cP. ~ cd . nc_ -rantee, does grau~t, bargain; sell eauve„° and eonfirm unto
<br />Blake Scott and noreen Friedeman, each a'single person
<br />herein coiled the grantee K-hetlrer one or more, tlZe following desezibed rent property-in
<br />,.. .., ::Ha21 .:::... ..... ..:..... .... ::..... ...:. County.: ebras3ca ;
<br />-' Lot Thirty.-four (34), in Sass Second Subdivision- ocated',in Section Fourteen (1~+),
<br />Township Eleven (11) Nozth, Range Nine (9) West of the-6th F.M., Grand Island,
<br />in Hail County, ~]ebraska, according-to the recorded plat thereof.
<br />E P 2 198?
<br />A
<br />~.~~
<br />Toha~e and to Biold the ab~°'~ err-criLrd pr,r r:.;ev Edgether with all tenements, hereditameuts and
<br />r,ypvrtenaneee theraty belonging ussc r „- ,,-..n:~~ a;r 1 ~u gragtee s heirs and asaignn Forever.
<br />:end the grantor far itssetf and :is';., cra5Ori+ ctuPa hereby covenant with the grantee and Frith
<br />;~r.wte~'s heirs arr~l a+,goA rhaL e*~..n nr .v :' xH fall} a aeil Uzi said premises; that they are'free from ena~m-
<br />'~-anr~rr except for easements acid restrictions '
<br />- that grantor has good right and lawful anthnrity Loc avey the sarna, xnd thsi grantor :~:arrants and will
<br />dafend the title to said pr~,u.iS~ r~,an,at the la-r~ful rs~ims o` all »ersnns ~.~~lioaoe~~er.
<br />[~t witness v;hereo:, erautor tray hereunto _,i.e,? .. .,,rpot~•ste ~~ul be affixed and !L~,~e
<br />?rc~~t~Rtbw'E~~`%itsAsat./ Yr~ident-
<br />Vice
<br />:L)atal - #,1•igust 25 ]9 $2 American Chaztex Federal Savings and Loan
<br />- ~ ,~ Association; Lincoln, ]a'ebraska b85C2
<br />. -
<br />~_ ,..
<br />r,
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<br />- By ,:-' ~ ~: ~? ;;./
<br />4`i, i> -
<br />_.. ... F're . ent
<br />_... x•d
<br />'• J s 0. Lonezgan, Assistant Vice
<br />.TA1F_ Rlf 1i':}3hASli.i; t'~ u,t~,rotbancaster
<br />Before n,~., a nof,a:c k,=.tblic ~gualdfe*1 in said r ;:;;~; }:~~scnally x;~t;ne'.]ames 0. Lonergan
<br />Assistant Vice President ^~
<br />' t,._ A~ecican Charter Federal Savings and Loan Assn- a ~<or;~rt~i~:,
<br />_ Rr.rc„ to me ?o >° -=ae Prt.,,c.,,a ,i,td ; le:~ilieal prr.on ,c1ty <.-ign:~~d iha =ei;~rng in».n.;r,+.nt, ,::ri ti .:rn,:
<br />~l~r, i,.~. .p, t'i _, 3-. ~,w~rE tq he T,~ ;Rln .nr? ,--. .t 3 ,. - .i-~ ,,._', ,,., .. -~i' ~2t•: .,ary a:u,l
<br />- ~"? v: ..rt r.,;, ors rr :, n ~ha~i. , ~. ~: ir,~ra s._:. '~...,. ~ a';1~., ,..~. to orS°ti-. -
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