<br />the sudrs si ~;' by the D~cd-o T ~haR coniin6r ^nimpaired. t: pin such payment andcure by Borrower, tM1i~ Deed of
<br />Teustnnd ihi ohllgan,: m scccrcd rc ~b~~: sha{frcmuin to ftiilYorce and`etFect as rf no aceeletatien had occi:irred.
<br />r - 20 ,t crpnment of Rcnt.- appe intment of Rereiser- Lender in Possession. As add t onal SAcunty hereunder. Borrower
<br />herehp as,ic , 1 -ou ~- ~- s i d~c F' ty. pro tdedthat Borr~_-wcr shall. prior to secelcration undo pa rig raph fa
<br />heresy o~ .~h.ndcn^icn, ..[ _hc Pr,~rr;_ ['a.c the ,Sh, to etai(ect and retain .uchrent.., they become`-dui and payable.
<br />l_Ipon :. cela~at-on ,order p<ra~raph IR he rc.rf rat a6andonmcrnt of the Prbpe r[y. Lender. to pe rSOrt. bs agent or by
<br />c
<br />udlc-~all~~ ^ppo~otcd r. - ; ~r_ sn_ I o_ cn;itled '.~ i-ricr ippn;. tike posses,ion ut and r~i~nntc the Prop¢rty and to collect the
<br />-rents of the ['mpr its mc!i:ding i,c.c p:;st der -V1 rerh :o11ec[Ci' b~: Lender ,~r the rcciscr shai{ beapplied first to pavmer.t
<br />of the cost t n:m r..: rent of - t type r,•' and col;e~von of re',ts, ioclud~n u. but no: lira ited. to, [CCelyei's feet, premiums
<br />er: rcre ~~~•~ a+ond. n,d r ~:uo~anl. aor r,ev. !re~,. and ;hen to the s.;ms secured ts~ this Deed nfTrust- Lender and the
<br />rcr~ct~cr shad he huhic [:- acccum _ rl: is r ,ho.cu ann uctualivrtccived.
<br />21. Future Advances. Upon -yce~.t of $crrower Lenzler ai Lc nticr~s ~punn. pror ro tcI! reeantiecance of the Props ty
<br />_ b, lrustce io H~~rr~wcr. ma~; make Te~wre Advances to Borrnwe:: Such F'~~nnc Ad.anss. with interest ;herein Khali be
<br />ccrerctl he ;ha Ihed of Ir~_is~ •.. h n ev,de raced by ptom~ssorynva2es statingthat .aid note. are secured herebs~. At ao lime shall
<br />-'xhe princapal amcunt of the indchtcdr:en ,ecured bythis. [?eedcrf Trust. not includ;rag sums ad-.umrd m zc ce rslance heres lth
<br />7o protecrthc sccterity of tl,s Decd of-foist, eYCeedthe erigtnaiamonrst of the Noe plot L~S j 212,125.01
<br />_ 22.'Recoa~eymce. Upon rsrment o~ raft stuns secured by tht5 Ileedof 7rtisL Leader shalt yea ues? Tnistee to recon ses
<br />'-the !'niperty and'shall,surrender r .:, Deed rsf`Trust and alt notes evidencing inJebtedne„s secured by this Uced of Trust
<br />~m Tnn-tee Trustee°shraH rcumscy tnc Proper: withoutwairanty andwitFYOUt chsrge to the arson or perncns lcgall~
<br />~.enrirfedtherctr, Suchpersen or rxr.vx shall pas aRcovts of recordatinn.iC.itt;~:
<br />23. S>tibstit Wt Truslee_ Lender. :~t tender= option- maytram timet~ 'lore rt-rrr ~• Tnrtce Ind appoint s successor
<br />trustee taany_Tn;siec appomtcd hereunder h. an iraarrimenirecordcd inthc :.oetmc in which chic Deed of Trust is recorded.
<br />Wuhout eon.~es :,race of :hc Propcr<-. the si c: c~~:•rit-ustee +halt siieceed-ta ail the ;it!c. mower u,d due~es conferred up,~n
<br />the trustee hewn and b~ applicable law
<br />24. Requtsf (nr tinders. Borrower requrcrrtFiai coptesofthe notiee;?f. Sefauh and nnue of sale be .,ens to Borrower's
<br />attdress which ~c the Property Address.
<br />Iv W':r.ES> wtiEr+FO; Borrower has executed thri Ueed of Trust
<br />JJ~k `fJ. Greenwood -Sr. -9o.row«
<br />Ethel M- Gr eentivod -eo•.owe•
<br />$7 ATF OF NEBRASKA.. . Ffall . .. ... . ; .COUnIY SS:
<br />On this 30th dac of august fq 92 before me ti7c un ersi ned.:~Notary Public
<br />del) commisstoncti-and qualifiai for ,wd . aunt, rsanaliy raise Sack U Green S~ . an
<br />..
<br />Ethel M,, GXeenvood, Son •and Mot ez , , , : , , _ , . , ; y, to me known to ~.~ the
<br />identical peroa(s) whose namt{54 are sutr,cribcd to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the ezccutton
<br />thereof to he -' ~?e1i..:..vluntary act and deed.
<br />Witne±s my hand and notarial seai'at Grand SsLand in said county. th,:
<br />date aforev7id
<br />My Commission czptre. ~, t~, (~E55 ~,~~;~~ `_
<br />.:Parry L, RoS ~. riaurv aunr.r
<br />ti(ytKlt MO7aRl $:r.a ~I M~Ur14
<br />rl fi~a fy, Ilin. lf, ltd
<br />?uTRUS7EE:
<br />The undcrsignrd is the huteler of the note qr notes secured by this Uced of Trust. Said npte or note. together
<br />with aR other tndtt+tedness seuved by this Uerd of Trust, have hcen paid m fully You arr herefi~ directed to cancel
<br />to id orate qr nMcs and this Decd of `i'ciest, which arc uc[ivered hereby, and to_reconvey, withput wrarranty, ail the :~
<br />estate now heW by you antler th,s Decd of Trust. u~ tltr person or p,.'rwns legally cnhtled theretq,
<br />n u
<br />? ,.11
<br />~ „
<br />Date:.. .. H ~
<br />~ n, ~
<br />N ? _ T ~
<br />~ _ -'
<br />'~ Z
<br />~ tv~ - ~ ~- „ ~~ l~' ~~ o
<br />,~ t>~a,< a- -. rn.. ; ,. es"•:"a ro i emeoa a ke roe~i ~ O
<br />n (CONTIN6ED FkOM PAGE ONE ) 1,;. "~ r~ia ~.::',~
<br />_ .~ Trtct ZIZ-(CoistiUUad)
<br />thence 5L6° 27' 40" E a distance cf Fo:sr Hundr~ Ninety-Seven and Six Tenths (497,E,)
<br />£eet; th~tce S 76° 47" E a distance of :'hree Hundred ZWenty Three and Fotu Tenths (.123.4)
<br />feet to a point °n the East line of said N'd:NE',; thehce Southerl,~ lS C°42''50"Wj~
<br />along and upon the East line of said NLdk2~B~ a distance o' Seven Eiundte°3`E1gt4ty Nlr=e :and
<br />Forty SEVen Hundredths (789.47) Feet tc? the Sfi corner of said tiLvah"Y::; thence Gv'e:teri
<br />L [N 88° 33` 33" W} ;,lcng and ur~on the South line or =aid hZJ~ t. a di Lance o£ one thousand
<br />tyro hundr:rd eiohty five <nd four tenths (7.285.4) feet to +-rc -cn*.r.+c ,*. '.~orner-of said..
<br />Nw~NCk thence N°rther2y (Due ?aorth? along an3 wponthe, Wew 'in_ f 3aiii NhktNE# a distance..
<br />o. right Hi.-tdrmd Forty Four an.'. Sed•~n Tenths ($44:7) lest to tho r~ozrt o£ ber~xnninq.
<br />fraot Z- (Cantinusd)
<br />tract o° land tt~ora partiauZarlg dsacribad 3.n-Sur~ivarship Warranty T~aed
<br />r,acordfd as .act~s~:t ivo. 7~-t~t~Y9~6.
<br />