' 193-B--SV RVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED C?~ ~~ i / ~ C` [.!_~ Hoffman 3nL! FClton & iY0!Y. WdIt04 Ne. r'946J
<br />[i\G~: Ala. ~bl~ ]:_;1"'PHESE FRESEtiTS, That
<br />r
<br />geinsard t rv, iCru ,e an3 steer E. '?truse; hus'nand and . hete;n called the grantor whether oae or more.
<br />...wife.:.
<br />in cursideration o4 Se: eP.'-°en' Thous~snd and v'CjI00 LieiZars
<br />received `ram ~maW.es, does gratit, bargain., sett convey attd cottfirm onto
<br />:~enn~ c ~. .Never and 3rsdy EI?a Meter, husBand and wife,
<br />ns joint tennn?s with right of aarvivorship, snd tint as tenants in common, the foIIowing'd~escribed real prnperty iu
<br />:dal] ComttF.
<br />Fract_ienal Lat 2'wo (Z) in ?ractional Block Five (~%,
<br />_ 'n Bonnie Brae.Additioxi;'and;Fract.ton~ILot9'wo ~2]
<br />i.^ rractiortai Black 'Pwentq_rt+•o (2?1. in WaZ1ic;,'s
<br />;.d3:rior, both being Adrlit<ons to the Citu cf
<br />nand isiar2d„ iia_T3 Courtg, Caebraska.
<br />'to have and to hold tine a'oo:~e described premireri iaQether with sli teozmeois, i~t•reo;tnmeaLs and sppnr-
<br />cenxnces thereto helongim~nuttr thr ~^-anteen et~d'~o thr:rasvir+itr, or Ir, the Lein and assigns a' the survivor of
<br />t}cetu forever.
<br />And Irrantor doesherebr covenant e+~ith tt- ,r~u,:.•r~ ur.: v ~t}. ttceir assi~tt: wind ,cith ih~r'ueira ai:d assigns '
<br />oP the nervtvor r,,. Ehem that ~rasnor ~.; la~.~fullr :-.•osrd of sxid Ztrrnuws: that then are free Prow eurumbrnu
<br />except easements and restri.ctio.^.s of~reccrd.
<br />that grantor has yz~ori right nod lawful nuthoric~ ;., ;~ vr: ~~~~ Ih~- s.utie : atu9 that ersr.tsr ~.rxrrnntn xnd will defend
<br />thr :i[te to said prevuse~ aKa~nYt thr lax~[r~i clnimy ei x11 prrsuny w'homBOevNr
<br />It is the katentit~ii rr° ai1 pxr,irn hrrety that it th~~ ecrnt n? thr ~Irat6 01 rithrr or the grantees, the entire
<br />Pre ntmple []t!e to r,he real ~tatr N}call c.•_st i,r ti:c ,rtn~is~in¢ ~~-vrtea.
<br />Dated Auy-ust ?U, 19 ~?
<br />-- ~/
<br />ST,4T[: ELF 'vA'ura~ka ~ Jr fhu_.. ~'. t~--- da bJ /`~ ~ ~. s-:~ 5 t .. ~ ' -5., nrjora
<br />S,.
<br />Na;1 C'o>rnay # sxt, the an~ersi~rud a Cr.r Yabkr, <hr:V cor>imi -innrd itnd i
<br />' :~:'7 ~• ~ 5.. sitiiFd'd ;er
<br />ae. n'tard.` fv. Kruse an3 ~'~i leers E.
<br />t>, srn;i roun.v. F<'>a~.rahv ix< .. _._.. __ _ _.
<br />- ..ruse, husFx~nd and ;,,: pe eac^ in his or :,er own ri,,ht and as
<br />'. s'~ou5e of t ~e ~ ~.:er.
<br />~~~~~~~~~ t lace knc*;:~n :o -.'~ !;:e ;den;iCal ~e'r,on cr ~~rsnns a.•hosr n~rar i~ ur netnes llrC
<br />~~ o~irtd to ?he ~r -y:in~ insL'u~trn; ap' cc °:no:.. cdg~~ t]_< <.r<<u.d.,r ~.. _ ~..
<br />n{s, rcr or a~exr ru;Kxfar~~ ad anti deed.
<br />`~ ~ ~z. t .~ ~ .:nC~,c;.r ~3s1 ¢,i c ;A. rui t~~n.
<br />°~rl ~[: rib * ~ .nd 3+{Il "V OIGYL31 ._
<br />~:.. j//
<br />_ S'Iw ::arnmisr.-vs es~,~ir; are- ~ Yfl~.day~ o Z _ .~. ~ rv . ':,
<br />STATE <3F. - ....... _ ... _ .. ... ~
<br />(mss.
<br />i ('t~uut} ...... .... .. ......... ... i
<br />F3nt?red on rtttme.-ical indez iitd ts'.d €a~r record to Ehe kYRi~ter o' Jeev t~f ice rf said t;~acat}• tLr
<br />dasef._ ----. _., I9-._-. _,at_.....- u'c;xkand... -_.. minctes -..- _ - IrFi.,
<br />na<i xrrcrr+3r,;.t its l3or,k.. ........ ......... ~.,._.....-~-_--. ...sL„age_. _... ._ ..
<br />E~{5. ta€ c~ ,..
<br />FSJ i
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