<br />rio:~37 R:E, MORTGfiGE. roou.ua<a,art+re - ^~ ~'••
<br />- MORTGAGE $z-- ~~c}~ao4 -
<br />~~~ ~lttbettture, Made sad Ezecuted 4hie_.: w+. ____. ._...._dey of_r~~"i...'I: . .__ . ...A. D....._~.`..e,. .._.._ `I
<br />by and between ... v ~ •---••--
<br />:.::._.. ....__...._ 1 ..__.:..:..T:.:~.r...,y...:,.ti..~..:uT37?.S~_.,,.Er.-'3..i'S+.t.~y._.r.t',.;7T a~c`3,.S:.`_`~..t__ ...:......._:.........party-of tht first part,.li.
<br />. nntl_._......._,.__.. :_ .. ,.1??z".`Lx- i.~~. y? .~"~'ii:.~.~~4?L.?....1 ~G8?'~1...,. "`Ei+=i.....li~~"'.:.. _ ..::.. .. ... __... ..v.._._ .....:_.. _.._ I ~~
<br />w `- n
<br />: ~q.~i:.~"•ilL..lTl,:y...;.r.L....t.-..:.+13:._~.,y.s.,?-~-..~,~,..r"s.z.._~ •r85~. +~~1.__ _: partye; tF aeaond part. '~~
<br />~~
<br />IYIT\ESSETH, that the estd party of the fist part, for and in eoneideeation of_.r....1~~.~..t.....,.L'r£.:..+..lt3x~ ~._O.i......-._
<br />,n- r~itar.-Pli.dk£F.'.aa37+"SST:si._-~.`..I1L*:..f2trSi.~._.if~.%.. °- -.- .._. _..._._::~OLLAR9;.pai~3 t,y enid t,azty;af thn '.
<br />E - ~ad~part, the receipt whereof ie berebyuknowledged hes gzanted; lisrgained,'eoid~nd conveyed, and by these proaents, dose grant, bar
<br />Gain, X11 emd eoavep, unto said party of Eheeecond part,the following deecrihtd real propartyeituate ee theCouaty of:;".. .._ ..: ......._._
<br />- and9tsteof Nebraska;-to-wit:
<br />.: , .. ..
<br />_ , .:.:.,.~ ....c~:.._as,. ~.~:.":~ec~:.:;'::.,:.:-.~;~_ ,.M=i.~.;r.~.n _:.J.~a~d.,..::.ate' 1.,_itu;u?'~,~ r ..._..... :.:.:.,.._...- '
<br />.. ._tsi.@.~.:.a''.hv-~.ust2~i'.1.~:,ts.i;.:y._,~-.T'~~;.~K.:.«3:~':~v~.~.r..._t~zr..v.~~ta:.,~.~.~'Cr s-. ~:~C, 2~k5_2..
<br />i
<br />I .
<br />1 tagethcr with elltba iertements, hareditsmmt. sad appartmenaes to the same belobging, andsll. the ester,., title dawar zglst nEhomoxtesd,
<br />k elsimsand demands whateaevar of the said party of. the SraL part of, in or to said premises or snypsri, thereof, and saidpar y of the t3rsc
<br />part dose hereby aocenant, tihsL said part? of the Stet part ie latrfnlly stzaed of acid premtsca that enid premises art free iron r ,.um brerce
<br />7f E:X.GCU'C ;`~. ,y _ ___ _...__.__.~..and ibai said party of th _.~.._. ..._ ~~
<br />C warrant awl daferid the tztlr to sad pramuea sgaiaat the Iawfal. claims oral demands+o[ all persons wbomaoever. ..... ... ~~_.. arc Kil!
<br />_.__
<br />fVPROVIDED ALWAYS, and these presents are uprm these oonditoeu:
<br />,4{ WHEREAS,. sad Darty of the 5ret part hae:eseauted sad delivtrad to the saidpartyuf the seen^d part .._ _. _..
<br />prarnissory riott..._..~... t'a' » x«,~,,.,:5._...~;S±:r1c^~^.YL=,+.it', ~rri .•,> v ,.:;~,yyt.;'LaF__._~~.... ..I .. ~i ~ ~ ~ N.
<br />LS:j~1-.S1S~..1i`1.v~1....3)C::-t h.-..~.w~t..^.1 ~ r+r,$.c.....LA~..,_='dGt ,xinr ~~~;,._.-`uk:*3';.. .. .....I~:zL
<br />1:1C~9tn,..._,~r*,rr.,~...'i_+_*LLfSf::,:.'_-~-2~.-:0:1._:L.f1G. ..Tt4-~.`-. ,: r..~ ~, ,- .. ....^. _. a^- ~. r~T' 1'-,Lt:...~ v.....,, S"t':_
<br />,~
<br />I 3;;.aCZtf.•-::a:~e-:,:::,~:t:-_GU.::eg.+t4::k:d:F_'s. ...... ~:.,:. ,..:..L..:;; .._,,_. __ ~';n::eat ~.?_=~..:~:iui::_t _
<br />::_ *~. _,s.,~th..,c~c~yt..:~:j:..~..:emu t~~ "'-er .:.::L~'~ ..:1.._ ~~?._ v.:i:l::.t,_..'1':~.,1i~~.n~1. _ seer.
<br />wd w~liestas, thsputy otthc first Fut•hra asreed to lcaep the 6vildu,ga, .i say, u[an said premises, insurediu sown company or rompauiee i
<br />appro,, .) by soil {' r attbe aeaond ps;t, fox the sum net less ch-a. - '+t~...~Ca.._.~::c. t:.CUii,Ci..:I1I'.~.~,i3.C4 _.,...; ..... ,_DULLAR9, i,,
<br />and de: rter to said + t ' of tfa etcond part Che policy oz poluies eontainiaR a elavsowith tlta lobs payable ta,sat ppaarty of the aeaond pert I,
<br />oracsizna.andhena~r~•~..?topay~lftawsandafee~pmautaagatastcnid~rtmtstabefn:ethesamo,.6lrlaw,becomadalmquant,and.hasn,res~
<br />thec if said party of the fizai ,mart does not provide such Lz~aruice. or fa' -~ to payalt taxes as atoresaad, then said party: at the eeeond pa r t, or ,'.,
<br />Go:der hecno!, mac p•y ato}i ianurance sad taywa, ozeithertifthem,sad all emarmta so paid byesid gsrtyol the aecondpart shall bearia- I'~
<br />tare t r.c t he rote a4 Wise per sent per annum fsam Lhsdstt of psymeat, and. this mortgage shaliatiand se eeaurity therefor, and said ewn may
<br />he adlc~l to the amount Of the mortaaytdebt,.sad #Bze same recaveredua part thereat. Now;. if Lhe said party of the first partshal, n•a(1 ~'.,
<br />and troy' { ayorcetuae to bepaid the sad suet of mosey in said nata.._ _ mtattoned, with interest thtrecm acabrdmg to the tauor and uf(er c i ~,
<br />o.au_'nnte_.:..andshaliktrpnitlbnildin~inevrtdmaaforasaid;aadahui3keepail'taxeaandasseaemantspaid,andaksalldul_vkeep,ar.d!i!
<br />i perfocm atl the other rovenante sad s;reementahezeiu eontainad~ then theetpraaeata to be nuIi and void.: But S sardeum of money or auv; ~~
<br />,art cheese[, o-any inttreat;tbarean,. is net paid when she saint to due,or ii sad but.dtngs ahaYlmoi be kept insured sealarasaid,:or d the ~'i
<br />tatcs xnd nasesements against said premises areaatpaid at orbefora the Lute thecame betoma,by law:detinquent, os:if avid party of the
<br />first Bart shall fall to keep and pestorm.any coveonats 6ercirt roataiatd, the holder hereof shalt have the option La declare the whale. o. nail j ~
<br />~' indebtedness due and payable at any time titer aunh isilure oz default, sad may maiatnin an action at law: or equity to recover the same, i I
<br />and the commencemtnt o! cosh aetioa shall be theoaly notiet of the extreiae of uid-op.ioe required.
<br />ATP IT IS FtJIiTHER PROVIDED AIiD AC7REED, Th-L Lbe said Mottga8or shall and will tiny s]! texas levied upon this more- ~~
<br />i sasecrtt:edebtaecuredthereb~ tosetltarwithanyothertasasaraaawrmmtewLsahmaybeleriedvndertheLawaotNebraaka,against the '~,
<br />acid 3lorcastce or the Iepl 6o.der ottha sad prmeipa2 note_..:_ on accauot o[ this indtbtedaess;
<br />~ 3tt ~t~kittlottp ~fjrreots .__-=z:-.-.-_:_.._~htrt~mia aet~. 1.~ ~ ,,r Lhe data above wrirten.
<br />IY PRESShTCE O2' ~ ~ 1 ~- - -- I
<br />dTATE OF tiF,ARASIiA, j
<br />1} r.
<br />;, . ,
<br />- CamtY d._.._._"... ..... Ou thu...._.. '.yl'......_-._:.__._._..._,.._.Pd y of.....:.btt~....:..._. .. .. , ....., .... A.. br:.. ,~_ .
<br />betoromt, a Notary Public is and for the said Conntyppraonatly came L6e about named .__
<br />;... n _
<br />__ _ 'who ,a'.' ' . person lly inawn : n,.
<br />tote tun .-featica: irrerru;~., whoa ~ame_.a._._...._... etTixai to the abr r. irxtt.l nt
<br />1~L3WtfUfFZ~n't arR;v~'-or.,Y..snd. „:..... .scknowErd edaeidnatn„-sent"ob>_.~.,..;.
<br />~ }af?TAR4AL .._. A , ~, ~ ...
<br />set and ctced-
<br />~~ W, l Z .i x;- ~ ra; ha.. +ryet- 3t isl 9<. 4ite dust st;,ifesr. i
<br />_ ~t
<br />.~: ~._
<br />;:. 1!2- .au rsnirr. ow tb. .fit • ~ ~ ' •. ~ _. .. _.. •~
<br />