<br />'i lS 7a3-A-WAtdRRNTVDEfn ,~~•-..t ~~}~~.$.~ Hci~mar andFlton &WOlf Waltoe. Ne. 586r II
<br />KNOWALL 14rI1J1'3 BY fi.KESEFr'i~SEN1'S: I ~~I
<br />j i
<br />1'}T~#`PIor~e, 31me3 W, Ostermeier and Lvne11 M. Ostermeier, husband i '
<br />'! and wife ~'~
<br />i
<br />I
<br />1 Iil
<br />I ; herein called the grantor whether one oi~ m t F. ' I
<br />:nconsideratianof thirty-Elxousand and No 1100 ($30,000.-00)
<br />~ received from grantee, do herebp grant, bar~ann; sell; cmxvey and confirm unto j ~,
<br />~ 3ack W. Rysavy A single person j
<br />i'
<br />herein Balled ftte grantee w}tether one or more, the fallowin~* dearribed real property in
<br />HaLI _ County Nebraska - '~
<br />LotSix (6), in BlnekOne (3), Dale Roush ~'
<br />' ! Suhd'ivi ion STATEh1ENTATTACHED I
<br />1 ~ -SEP 1 1982
<br />~_
<br />'~ j :-~
<br />~ ~ ~~
<br />To have and to:hold the above tiesrribed premises tagether with all tenements, heredi?ameurs and appur ~ ~.
<br />tenances thereto belonging onto the granaee anti to ~ranzee's heirs tand'assigns forever-
<br />i ?4nd the grantor does hereby t~ovenant with the grantee and 1i~th grantee's heirs and assigus th;u. ~~rantar ~ j
<br />~ is Isivfnlly seised of said premises; that they are free fram enenmbrance ~
<br />r,
<br />except easements and restrictions ctf record
<br />,I
<br />~ thrt grantor has good right andlawfu! suthoritq to ronvep the same, and that grantor warrants artd w`il1 deters' ~ ';
<br />rhr :ittr to said premises against the Iata4vl eCairns of all persons whutnaoever.
<br />'~ j,I
<br />' llatrii ~-~'~ ~ ~ ly ~~..
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<br />I ST.-tTE C3 ~'' ..:.. ~O ~~ x!y ~ss' ~~ tt1¢ u~ su,Tned+ao~ piar~•'Puhlu dui~coarssnrssinnsd andA ~! rr, r.
<br />ed for
<br />j ir. SLLid e.~rnt), ~e'rs~n311y r4me ..f{!yS..r %. '~ 7y:tJ0// ~ __ ~ ,
<br />4r ~GHIERAL kGTU1Y Syh c! NeDrsst~ _ _ ... _ .
<br />_ 1 Ml'COmm `--. 'HB.~ io m0 kew:xz to 6e the Edantseai F~ei ,r, cr ,ttzr .. r.;, ~, ras rkbrc ivvr narn~~ c
<br />- r -
<br />i {SEAL) affixed to the farego:ngxnstrununF~r~- ~c.>r_.,1~4+yai ti; es~~utizns thereof to ~~
<br />$is,; kcr or fiteir Jatuntary act and deed.
<br />[1?ftness nty~hand and r'~'otcrial Sea. the .i-ay and _year lust n'uo~e ~ ,.,!an.
<br />~~~~
<br />t3y Conintiir.'crt exrirrs tT:e
<br />~~
<br />P.l~[F~~. (1 f>[1 ]t 1nl.~r::'a: 11L1r`a and'fllr;d far LeC rJrd in the ~~e~ ter F5{.:. LIB-~d,,t ~~ff1CP. Of ;3Eitd (_~t.ii tli'~ i~l:
<br />_ _ _ _ ..1dk '~t ......... ,'~g.. ~ .. _ a GIoClC and, . - , FB.tntttlSB , ... , if ,
<br />nd n~_r.c3et1 ru 15c.ok. _ ... ....... _af.. .. -,. -atg±a~.e. .. ..
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