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(i <br />82 -(~ (l ~ 7€3'7 <br />Lcndu; written n¢recment or applicable. low, Borrower short puy~ahe amount ~,f ,II mortgage: insurance prrmurms is the <br />maom:r grnvided tinder paragraph ~ hcreOf_ <br />Hoy amotrnta disbursed by Lender pnsuant to thu panigraph ? wRh intercar thercor,shall become additignat <br />indebtedness of IIorrou-er secured h} this !,Soagape. Unless Barfo'~cr and LerJer agree to other terms of _pa}'ment, such <br />ir- amounts shall bepayable upan notice `.rom lender to Rom.~we: reyu~.un~, pn~ment tFcro~ t ~ni shall beariniercat trom the <br />!t date of disbursemenk at the rate payahl¢ from time to time on nots[andin, p papal he ` ate antes. payment of <br />inttrtst at such rate would be contrary• ro applrcabh =aw, in wh~ch e,ent .uch am~wnts ehali .,ear in erect : t the highest rate <br />permissible under appiicahle',aw_ Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 :hall rcGcire [_ender to incur anY expense or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />8, 6rPrcliew. Lender may make or cause to be made r'.~sonabfe tn[ries upan and insT,ections of ti,e Property. provided <br />that Linder shall give Barrewer notice priar to amp scch insptetion :cxcifving rcasonahte cause therefor related to Lender's <br />- interest in the Property. <br />4. Coademnaflon. The pr«eedc of :mt• award or c1alm for damages. d:rea otconcequential, in connution with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Yrnpe:rty, or part thereof, or for comecanez imlieu af:eondem;tation, ar e hereby assigned <br />and shat{ be paid to Lender_ <br />In the event of a total taking of [he Progeny, the proceeds shall be appiicU lathe sums secured h}' :hie btortgage, <br />u•itb, the excess, if any. paid to Eiorow¢r. T» the evert of a partial tek;ne ct the Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />nthtr+Hise agree in waiting, there sh:d:-6tappled .o ;he sum, securedhy this Mortgage such proportion of the prrx:ceds <br />tie is equal to that proportion whim the amtopntof the sums~securedhy4his il4nrtgagt immediately prior t. the date of <br />raking beam to the fair market value .,f the Awpcrty ;mmadiatel}'.prior tatlx date of-taking,.with The balance of the proceeds <br />paid ro Borrower. - <br />1f the Property is.abandened by Harrower. ar if, after. notice by LenderRn Borrower that thr.enndemnor otTers to make <br />art award or tittle a claim for damages.~Bearrowtr:fails to res (>nnd to i,ender within +6 days rater the date such notice is <br />mailed, bender is authorized to collMt.-andapplyzheproctetls, at lenders. options, eithtcto resturation or repair of the <br />Property ~ctd the surtts scraped by this Mortgage. <br />Unless.I.ender and-Borrower_othtrwiseagree in writing, anc s.tch 1ppl+cation of proceeds taprincipal shall not extend <br />or pos[po~F-tha duedare of3hs monthty'installmentsreferred to:in ^ara,g7aphs land 2:hcreof'o~ change the amount of <br />such ,rsstaliments. <br />IO_ Eorrower ~TofReleasrd. £xtehsinn of the time for payment pr m~diticannnnf amortization nft'.tc ~ums.Secured <br />by this 'sfnrtgagt granted by Lender io any succeccrsr in irtterest ~rf 8nrrowar shall rcpt operate t~~ release. i :any manner. <br />the tiahiiin~ of theorgnalBoaower andBorrower'~ cuccesst,rsin interrst5 1.endcr<hall priers reyuired m commence <br />pr«cedings against Stich successor ear refuse ';, cxten.i timt for garment f,r ixhrn~ise modify amnrtizatidn of the 'sums <br />secuccd hp. shis.:Nattgage by.reaser +t :nc ;!ematxi.:made by {heoriganal Bnrrowcr :cod Bcurnwer s s:tcccssnrs in interest. <br />ll. J?orbe~~rtccbyLetticr \ot a K`siser. day fiYrheararrceby Le..^.dcr in icrr:i~ +,: ans~ right n; comedy hcrcundcr: nr <br />rxiherwise aNnrded"hv :rppli[ablc law. .hall not he a; waiver of .oe prei:lude: the csrrctse of am such right or..rcmcdy. <br />The prncureinent <,!' insuraxe or the ; aymen4 ~,f taxt~ or ocher liens or share •e by i..cnde: ~hult r.ct ht ., waiver of i~cndcr's <br />right to aceclerate thematuntyof the +ntlctatadrttss.secured by this ~4oneagt. <br />I2. ResweJics CtrsarWl~e. All remedies provided an this Mtirt¢age >rc distinct and cumutatrve to any other right or <br />remedy under this J1Sortgagr or atidrded hc• taw nr ecjuity. and ma}' hr •scrc:sad , mcur~cntly, indepcndtntly or successively. <br />13. Srcrraaora' art Assigns bound; Taint tiled Sterol f laM'hry; captions. "The covenants and agreements ?screin <br />contained shah hind, and the tights hereunder shad inztre to. the rc pact - • ccc~~or5 and assigns of i,endt>• and Horr. •~er. <br />,ubjtct to the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof.. All covenants any ag~ct ncntc of ling rawer shall t*c j~>int and "set-eral. <br />Ttxr:captioru and' hcadtngs ciE :the paragraphs cif :this Mnrgagc are :~•r ~~+n:~cnrenct only and are not to tit used to <br />internee/ or tle6t~ thrprtavisitmshcr+xtf, - <br />1~. Ntllke. Exceptfpr say: notice required under applicahk taw t~~ he ri,cn ir+ anothcrmanncr, fat tiny notice to <br />Bonciwer providtrl this. Martga~shalt lac ytvtn: h?` mailing loch ntxice nq certified msi1 ~ddresxd t fi~rrot~~er at <br />the Pniperty lddtcss or At 3ttcht When addrees ss HnrCOwer may+ dc~v gn:rte by noose to I-ender s p+nv:dcd herein. and <br />fb) any notice to [,ender shail`be: gsven 6y ~crvficd nial rtt n-n r pt ~cyt tcd .~+ I.cnd•_rA au i rsc ~,tcd herein n' to <br />such tv het address as l.,endermay,design~tc he notlc» tr Barr; °.~cr as ,+n rv. lc r! hercln Arv n. nee pro'.~ided for ~~r this <br />~lor+.Fogc shat! he-deemcdto have t!e~en geven to &'rrnwcr or Icndcr ~..hcn ~-~-cn in ti,e planner acv~natCd '"rcir.. <br />IS. UaMur~,Mwt~c; $evcrrbiNtp. Tht, t+ , of r,<•.~:ru,;c cou,birwasttulormcuvtneM for r:J~ional <br />use and non-unifisraii ceivenaim with limited var,ations ht - .+xiit~+m t:- ccartul++tc;a untierm,:yecuray,uRMnimulAt c~'d'crinc <br />.real :*repem~ "TTt+s. Mortgage .hat be governed hyihc d rha ..,~. 'ia -, rwn,eh tt..F;:. i?rgpt,r}y,; is; iaelsrr0..r.-[n ,he <br />evtnr that tins pr x•isnq ar rla:ru t`thit:;fdrtga$t i?r the ti ie : nt i t .;i n t Iieahtr t•ret" Stich c~rrfttc't sf+-rlPtniYa T~et <br />ixher provisianc of this AlOrtgage ar the vote which. sere ..c greet- c +ea ,+i.M,r.t Ihv _t ntlkn y , •usisit n -ici !a this <br />'end the pnsv~ o v of ;hc lrtcrtgage ^n.k the Sete arc-<lee{arcd .+~ rt crate c. <br />li. 6Mruwei s.Cory^,.:BOrmwer shall Ix frtrnxshtd a c. r,torrnrd .npy ,[ h;. V;?•~ nl n, ~:; A1eatg^t;c ::~ the time <br />of execution or .+ker rceordatian6 scot`: <br />17. Traasier of tbtTtoperty Assuatptio~. Tf ali¢ran} pe;t ; , rtes Prnoern r r nu ~t:rcct ;ht:c n i- s,ld nr it:+n,ierreJ <br />o <br />by- Borrow-cr without Lender's priar writttn consetsLrxduding r i .hc coati.-. ~ ::r ~:nu n~hr.,: c .hc+nh r,a to t <br />tAis Mortgage. ?h} she a! a pur..hxe mane} s -teriiV mt~res. -~ r n.'. inr;hu~d ppi,-+ns,~. '_. z transr~• by devise. <br />descent err by a,pera;ion of law upon the death (i }Dint xcr nt <~r <br />L.tndei m,.y a:Lends s t,pi'on. dart:. r. a,l rtes tun., ~:c::t ~ :' t^:+s tie atga[<c t+> be <br />immad,ately due and payable. Lender aa;l ha~~e carved cu,h op;in;: r .receta rue ef, prior r~ Rx ~•eic +.r .runs(cr. Lender <br />:~ <br />nnJ the person ro whom the Ympc t}~ is fu .`xe sold ur tsansicrr.drrach .t~ce_rtn~ r x ~ teal ~+,c .redo or - .ci: ter-,<~.n <br />:c satlsfacWry to '.xndcr and that ;hc intcrr>t T~~y stale acs the s,r^nc u~~urcc: Ft~ chit \T c: b-, gc..~}iall h }_ic, ;alt :a Lcadcr <br />shaft regae:L 1f t coder has waived the cpY:an tt, atx`tleralepro~laed .n this I. ra Craph ,. end it 73orrow~ : ~aceesscr in <br />!n[era[ 6ax executed a ur.nen assumpnona~eementaceepiedinwriting dy i.ender- LcnJs: shall re+case Ac;ro~.+rr from all <br />ebFit}auors ender rtes `tortgagc and rtes Vero. <br />I( Tender caercis~ scch optson o+acsxYtrate. Linder shalF +naiL.Rcrroscr ^cncc cf aaclcration !e .: -+, rdanpe wish <br />narag raph 14 hcrccf. Sit: rot;:.e :hall aravide a period of n_ntlei< than ?L` r rc ?« tr.•: the dale tht nc[iee „mailed within <br />~+~hich &arrower attic p>.y the ntms c't:+:?aced due. lf-Borrower.$ailst~_~ pas a a;m5 pen r u>.tha exptra::cr of such p.:riod. <br />E_endcr ma,'. n~ithoui fi,rthr. ..ucc : r ,3cmarw on: Borrower insake tray rep, .dies ; erm•rte~ by;{+aragrapli 18 heretyf. <br />tips-TjNrr-Oai,t Caveva~7s. 6r, r,~ewor ;; r.S Lender iu rthzrco o -~:a :+nJ :. grc.c .+- f+ G+,ws: <br />I8. Acceleration: Remedies. $scept as prm-idcd io paragraph 17 hereof, upan Borrow er'S $reach n$a~ty covCC.Wtur <br />»greement et Burrower in this ~JnnQage, itx lading rtes covenaut> to par when due any vrars secured by this Mortgage. <br />l.endcr prier to acceieratien .hall rt,ail rwtice to Borrower v pro,iAed in pirx>vrayh i1 hereof 5pecffyio(C: tT2 itu brexb; <br />x21 the xtiun rcgdtred to cure such brrxh: {9s a date. not less than }0 tin's front the date the nclice i. mated to BorroN~c r, <br />tip eshkh .cad, bleach nwmt be cured; and fdl that fafWre to cure such breath wt or hero re the bale sµev`itie et in the notecc <br />maz' result in tie.-Aera:ion of the ;erns secured by this 1lnrrgeYe, forecl.riurc 1 yrdiiiat p c -redinq s d sale set the Propertp. <br />f1e >sotrec vlratl Jtcrther inform borrower of the right to teinsl sle after acca~irra[ica and the ri;;ht to o-pert i^ t4r Grreclo,.ure <br />prt~tcding tl~~ rwa-ctistenct o(a default or any other drfcnu of Boru,wcr m acceler~tnan send f.rrrcltnon, if the breach <br />3s n¢.t ~'urtd tie ur lrefure the 9atc specified ur tix notice, Lender sit Lender's e,pti .a mar declare till of the sums veeeired b}. <br />tt+is }fortgage tea hr immedsatcly due aril payable s.ithout turthcr titn~wnd and ns&i force tote by judicial yrteeresii[t~,. f coder <br />ebslt #tr entitled [o s~a41ecE $n each proceedirry; all rxpe psis of fnredosnrc, inctudtaK, teat ao[ lirrufeQ w, ro~L of eirxermen iary. <br />rr }i'ie,sce. ahstrarh anQ tilts rrtnt rx.. <br />19. lloernve ar'. Rig41 in ke3naale. ~., .. r 1.,+~ { c- ._. c.r + -. ...... .... b,. '4tr+rt~,agCr. <br />;k .,. ..u ~.R,l 't:+=r r?; iwa! ~. .. ~. +n¢. r•t~l ~_. . -se t:: .. .. ~a t, taKrc <br />