<br />~~:.~. t}~1?i84
<br />WHEREAS, the withir. named Grantor is the Tr:ste'e under cY~e
<br />terms of a Certain Trust Deed dated Decembe 23, 141, _~nd ~°iled
<br />fur reccird in"the Office of `'theRegister oP.;~eeds of ?-tall Ccunty,
<br />Nebraska, as Jocurient' Number 82-00G219 ~n :iant_.r,.~ '?l, 198?,
<br />wherein': William T. Garry,..a single person, was .isor;
<br />WHEREAS, said Trustee nas upo^, default of'the '?'rustor of the
<br />obligations Contained is such Trust deed caused'sucn Notice of
<br />Default and Notice of Sale to be filed', giver, and pu'aiishc_>d as
<br />required by Ne'araska Trust Reeds ACt cantai:ned in Chapter ,~ ,
<br />Article 10 of the Nebras;ta Trust Deeds'Act.
<br />WHEREAS, a public sale of the real estate hereinafter
<br />described was,oondueted on the date and at the tiSCi~ and place
<br />designated in the Notice of Salt; and
<br />WHEREAS, ..the within *:amed Grantee was the beneficiar}~ under
<br />' the aforede.scrbed Trust Deed by reason of the death of Anna tF.
<br />Scheffel.-and offered the highest bid at such public auction.
<br />NOW; TSEkEFORE, Z, AREND R.,,BAACIC, `,Trustee under a certain
<br />.-ust Deets dated December 23, 1981, filed for Yecord.'wit;: the
<br />Hall County ReGister of Deeds as'Document No. $2-OOQ219, herein
<br />- rallea the Gzantor, for and in consideration o>f tike sum o`
<br />tS28,350.OQ} received warn ~~rantee, do grant, bargain, sell,
<br />coxivev and c~nfzrm usito THE ;~S'S`ATnv'F ANNA `7. SCHEE'Fi~, `~ere.n
<br />4alled the Grantee, the following-~3escrbed real ~st:~te ir, 1i.~11
<br />County, :vebraska:
<br />Part of .shat was farntal:itir Black Six" (6? , ar
<br />Soutn grand Island, of E'u:t of the Nart;tsaest
<br />Quart+er.o*_' the Nartnwest Quarter '(Nw~NW~aI of
<br />Section Twenty-Two 1?2}, Township Elevea~ (il),
<br />:North, Range Nine::t9), West of the'-5th Prima
<br />Meridian, riare particularly described as
<br />fo32ows:
<br />Beg~kning at a po5.nt Siscty-5Y ts6'I feet.
<br />North of the Southwest Carner'csf said Block
<br />SiK (6), Sodth Grand _T>land, ftunnnq ti~ence
<br />c,gst. :xnd parallel with ±he North 2 ir.<+ <;
<br />said rac'~ nor 3 distance of sSne Hui~~3reci
<br />`"Y:irty-io:o (i~2} E'eet, *_hence turning.
<br />riq_ht ang__ and running '~+orth for a' distar,ci;
<br />Sixt-Sig: to6jFeet,.th~~nce t~~rning
<br />riu.t arci_ ~nd running tdest ~r a 3itancc
<br />One iun rid ?`bitty-Twc (: ~2) 'eet Vic, the
<br />Sliest ;i1:C o` said ;llaekp thence _urning
<br />. ,-ir,1t angle ..r<<'. -unninq Sc~t'r irr a distance
<br />of Si::t,-Six 15b3 Feet to *_he _ lace
<br />beginnir.y. 'xhc- sa3n¢':~eirq ~_ r<_ct:r.guLar
<br />wiere grouzz3 having t_ _^n`_ac~ ..~ ::t•.*-
<br />Six (6hj Ree oa LociiSt ~r_at ik ~:~ .. .eirtkk
<br />:>Y ~~nc fiurdre~t ~:'~-«rty-'?~no t 1 3 u) :eel , =tall
<br />_ County , '~'~k;::3s~a.
<br />c, Ott-~ . -,.aS T~, cFG~~ ~:~~' ~~er:~ ~_~ ~~ _-~,c~urbed, agett-cer~ -
<br />th 11 i `~~ *_<~r~r nen ~ .~rec' ~ _,:r,~c. ~ . ,., _ app;a: `er:anCes `hercun ci
<br />! ilelo g na, nt, `~t~ ~ z rri -e < t~ ~ 3n ~ `s ha r~w b7E d .
<br />- j ~llCCL`- t>L .~ ci `. F.I th ~ ~,~:s -> ~~ ~ 'cJ2t~ ~".}k@ u:, 'A '~
<br />~rar._~~ ._...J +11rr5 '•ra:u__ ~ i,c~rs a,~ su: __~,,,.s, Jthat Grat7tpr '
<br />