<br />SEc'_UND REt~L ESTATE MORTGAGE ~`~' l1(1 ~ `o t7 a}
<br />C7Av'ITa A. 'iLi;TNG`t'f3P3 drei ,UU3SE E. f:LLINGTOV, husband and wife, each in
<br />n~.s and nex owi2 .name and ricT3'tt and as spouse of each otlie.r, Mortgagors, in
<br />r rors~~lr rr*_> >~ vi: F rRiY-v,,, :e?Gt3SA1VD ~©LI,ARS IS41,000.00) received from...
<br />~ PoxL~.aiet~, ~-~ortaa~,e to 1,Y~E EpWARD RSCHARB3 and Si3SAt3 RICHARDS, husband, and
<br />~~i.Ye, as, ;:pint tenants, 'fortgagees, ti:e following described reai estate
<br />situated in E!all ~_.ounta,-tebraska:
<br />~n un3i,~~~ed one.-half..{IJ2) interest is Lots Four (4), Faurteen ;
<br />114), ~izi.een (25) and Sixteen {16), in rarrali Subdivision, a part
<br />of the ~outiz Half: of *~e tlorthwest quarter (&~ iaw~g) of Section
<br />went y-Four f 1~ } , icwnstiap Gieven {li) Nbz-th,-:Range Ten (lei) , ';est
<br />tsf the 6th P.~:., i3ali: t:ounty, tlebrasica, as surveyed, '~l~t.ted anal
<br />recorded.
<br />This- Second Baal Bstdte [;Ortgage is given tc secure tits ;;ay;nent of the
<br />Yr.ncipal su,•n of r^ortz~-t7ne TYzousand ilo1?ars { $42, 0(1U .00) '1?aya~le in the
<br />fa3iowing manner:
<br />1. Interest at eleupn {11.) percent uer annuxst is savable s~erti-annuall~° on
<br />!~+.atch 1 and Septzaher 1 of each year eonmencny°r;arch 1, 1983, and continuir.y
<br />to 5e;atemt~e r 1, •..2001..
<br />2. The princapa.3 of .$41,0OO.U0 ;is sayable in twenty {20) equal annual i.nstall-
<br />rr~ents or_ a2,050.UU each, sayable washout demand on September 1, 1983, and on
<br />the first day of September of each :ear thereafter for nineteen {Lgj consecutive
<br />.,ears; wit+'~ the :final payment of principal; of $2,050.00 due and payable cn
<br />Segtexnr 1, 1001.
<br />Ttse Proma,ssory Mote lsrovides that tare is of the essence of the. Promis-
<br />sory time, aasd if default is made: a.r. the gayrnent of any cu7nthl}• install(rent of
<br />.:interest-or a period of mare than six~y C~0) slays, the n©lder :~f the ?>romis-
<br />snxy ;late may, ~ithaut r.=J~.i~:e '+~r demand, ;ieclare sloe entrF• principal suss thin
<br />ux~aicl, tac~ether witYz accrued int~re'st thereon, irrmediatela• ,.lue and payable.
<br />;lvrtyayr5 a.:ree to pay ,Yr 1 taxes anti ass~ssr:!ents ulx~n r_hc~ r: a1 estate.
<br />and a12 other tane~, :~:vir:~s atia a:si;e~:susents le_vie:i u;,o:t this ~".or~atle :ind the
<br />Fromiss~ry rioce whic~t ttt_s ~u:.rtyagc;. mss- ~;ive;3 ta, secure i~efore pap merit is
<br />dali3'~~liE'.nt. ~~ :`ICJ; C~jaliUr3 !:n +.i 1=0 ;,ay t)1e ti"3X.C'S atlil ~j S:1K ai3lii~rltS ~e,LC)r'e
<br />de ].in«,uenc as re~iuir~~i b}' trig ~7ec:~,r;d R~a1 F.stute :artyayG, _1prr,claye.e~ may
<br />pay the tasca~5 :3 nu ~=s5c.ssmertb ,;~r :•t::<~r. liens and are ;ive~i a lien secu~-_,,3 h}.
<br />tni:s ~ecanu heal i;state Mortgage ~ar thr amounts advas;iei with i.nter.est at
<br />the niyheyt legs: rate...
<br />Mr~rtgagors default in payrsent of the nde~tedness or any.. instailmen!_
<br />o ~:rrr~ciNal or inte.re,st of the Prvnr~sscsrv se.te securlr.c~ this ~inrtgage, ar
<br />fail co cx-r°oz~n any of tho atner uyr~*eme-rts to this ~crr_~gaye for a perivii of
<br />;c~r~a tha.~ sixLV (v;1); days, 4artyagees, Yt -fos-tgayees' election,, may declass
<br />the entire d~krot secured by'thas t>2ort~age ~1ue and payaYsle' at once, and gcre-
<br />clcxse this i3crtyaye iqr the satisfaction of ttie total aunt Sue.
<br />- Thi:; Sc=conci n~~al i•.state '~lorzgage is made subject and subordinate tc a
<br />:::r_cr t~7ortjage ter; the real estate made by Mortgagees and "SOrtgayors ¢~ The
<br />Eauitablc ~urldin.; and scar. association tsf Urand Island, Nebraska, file;i of
<br />record on 4arch 2, 15~ n, rzcor3ed 'as Docume:it- Nr3. 76-000bS i,-: r~!.F ~. f ~.c«• of
<br />the Reyisttr of C~e~ds ~~ 'ia33 County, Nebraska, encurnberiag the real astat:^
<br />deacr,bed i ; this t~u:rtyagr,, g~.ven to secure the paynt~o~ a Pramisspry :ac~r_e
<br />in t=;e ~:~aunc o` S~>,-;;CU.lO and interest, and is rr~de sul3ject an.3 sU'oordinate
<br />to the lied oreatec: by a Trust 13eed made by lstortgacors, as Tritstor, to :;~~iu,
<br />~,. wo1%, Attorney-at-:.aw, as Trustee, and rrst Savings c:vm};an}~, as
<br />6eneLiciar„ cil:.~ ~.~ r~~ozd ara A#ay 12, 1382, recorded as 13ocur:~~nt
<br />~]u_ al-'Jii107a ir. ..e c;tlrce of trie Register of 1~eed~ of ball uoun`~y.,
<br />. ~;e:arasks, ~r.cut~.,~"ring ic;t ~ixte:erE (lb) ir, "c'arrall Sus3di~rision, y 'r~^r: t;
<br />secure aayu,ent of ~i Pro;aissar,- '4cte in ~:: t, ~'tm,bunt ~sf 5157,272.1; ;;.xyur~
<br />~aeor~{rng to the ~..r~s ~f r:as P:ote, _,~,cc~:ir:-; principal-ar!d int~r~:~t t'xerc~~r.
<br />.;ate~a: Sc?p..~<a:r;~r ~ 982
<br />_~~
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<br />rl-IA11R-Fw~I II~Ywr
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