' 82-- t)tl'i779
<br />ai-'I'}iat the ?ttcrtsi:~ter ~:iil kee. ,F, y...iid~~ ~s ..;wn ~:+id prtmi,~ ~ ~n g~*.~d t'epttir..anci neitBeY~: ~nmit uztr permit:Rr>te
<br />ufx ~id?aca nr..trfC-~Iti id^. ms ,hear i~rn to u!i prrp~.~
<br />I. '<ha! .f ,h. nr~rux nr, p. r, thereof h~ ~ ~,.r n .~ ._n~ ~ ne po ,~f-eminent Jonr.~in _ ;'.nr ,6iic
<br />asr. the damsti~ ., :-d. ~.~ ~ ..^noc_... _cr t~ inc ~_ ,r' t.. i _ _, ~u~~~t for Such aCgHlSitign .he r~. t~ nt ~uli
<br />am ant of fade titedn<. ~~~ n ~~ ~. rner[t< e ,ai h to w i h i , ~,is ~ it tninp irp ~ ,<r I I v : s i ud by the
<br />-1cr ¢aeor to the '~1i ~E ae nd _,h i i tie p~~a t tu~i-h ~ ,._ n ;etc tr, c~ r . > >niiz~ t^ h ~u~ r ~ ~,,i 1[ ~,~ re=~e~t
<br />mt,tunnc mstailm~u.; :,f .uc}~ tr c7ehtrdnr-~.
<br />13. The :A4ctirt~tagnr ?urther aeree~ :h-a .h~^; ?d thi, mi-?c~t:~ ~.nd ;hr ~ote ,ccu-<~d F.~ereh~ eor :. Ii~:Lic `;~r in-
<br />ntramce under the Naii~m,d i-lousint a.cr w![hfn p0 days `~~,~m ttie d.~i: hereof t~~rin• r t ,-inert .nv ott?car
<br />of the Depxttment oY No,~s ng and L'rban !'rre aprterti .>r aU4h r rd ~e , the ti t. eta r. r rlcu~; rtr sod UUrban
<br />Deveiopmenl doted ~uhsce t.en~'n ,he 6G days itnc . , t r '~ !e o± !ct- mOrlBag. doe Gain t~, insure said
<br />note end this morls;age xin dremed cooclu,icc prttoY iif surh inel~2i'r+h~ ~. the ~1 ei~gage~ i h:,Ne~ ,d t;ie n~ue
<br />map. at its opb- n antler = l .ums securrec hereby i:~.nt~diaaeJy. due rd p, ~ :bin.
<br />13. Thet iF the 11or+~i¢ur ~3itc ,,, n;: ke , nc ~oavment< oC rnRricy when tits 3trnz ncc,~mt dui,. e i:Yii~.?.~ ~ v~fncn n' t:nd
<br />:omDly with any of ttte c ~ji~ion> ursgr^esents cuntainad imthi5 ;~~~rigage. or he voce ::=1~4h ii suevres. Ines m ,n[ire nrinci-
<br />nu! sum and accrued iatercil shalt a[ Doer became due an~~ p:: ~•IrCilr a the c,r:Ii~m of .n ~ Von+%Age ni vii> !nert,~ape may
<br />thercupoe be Poreansed tmmcdiat;P, ?o~ the ,~~hole ; f .aid tnnettc. i.itcra~si_ „nntnis aaati ,.. test ~n;and r ~n~~. vises ~~nd
<br />.be test of oxtendfnR the ahuract cif °*fe from the date of [his I~~:m in [he time ! ccmmeneing cac't I re: ios~rre ui,. and atea-
<br />aonabie attorne~'~s fee. ail caf e~hich chaff h~~mdaded ;n ~h~ Gmmt ~. ~-r,~A~ ,re:.;.,d zne .zirtrect ~rnhoJied in. rhi= mottgace
<br />;utd the note 4ecured hereh_V. shaft in al! rz~;xcn be gov;'tsted- eor °ucd and _diuti^.eu b. -`te }~d3u: cif tiehn,k.~...here the
<br />seine is made.
<br />The covenants herein contstntd sha!1 bind, ar,J tEttxntrfl~ ::nd -.n;cace,< -0_J; +n<er ale rurtstn~e heirs, ceeculor,,
<br />administrtnn, succasa::r. and aligns o1 Ihdisarrieshertttt. aVhenr ~ ~; u.Kti. h- n,euir;r n.init•cr ;r I in:~ludt Ine ohtra!. rite
<br />plur;il the singular. and the Ccc _,( aoy gender ;hall oe apphcahleto;~l. grnduc.
<br />The foregoing conditions, att and sxngiular, bciAg`perYarraed „r - rc'-ing'o heir r.attn ,! e~Id lecsl im, on. ;hi-. eor, seyanee
<br />shnil tx void and said prtmi.ev :deasrd &I theexpcase of the: Mitiigal;or; ii±hcn-r e u. r+c and rcma;n in i,ill torte and effect.
<br />[~.~ WI"tNFSS WHEREf?F G,e'vFortga~prts7have hereunt: sr( tYleir harm,.I die day ann tear firt
<br />ahcvcwrittcn-
<br />`.n presence nf.
<br />~ J7v~ rn:Ji1a1 ~ C ~UC~T i tiF.,41 ,
<br />` 6ennis+' L. Ott e.
<br />,SEAL;
<br />f 1I7l+~i~ ~ F,4[. ~
<br />Lyricl L. Ott
<br />~E:11.!
<br />STA"TE ()F N6'BRASKA,
<br />55;
<br />~~E~ n rv c,E GRA2iD ~sLArm
<br />Un this 31st Jay u( August. . A:U. ISI<62 . ?+x Iiuc me.
<br />r t.ocazy Public ioatxltars;ix4County.pcr>onaiiyt:,rnc
<br />DENN-I S L. O'M` AND LYNDA I.. L7R'~, i[i73B11ND A2ID Y! I PE ,
<br />pe~s~>nally Io me known
<br />[a t>< the nlent~rt per.on s whose name S Z-Z'8 .ufiscd to the above anJ (pro-
<br />f:0in~} instrurncn[ rs Mortgs~x, una Clte~. have acknowlcJgcJ the .aiJ inst~umcstt and [hc
<br />txeeulKan therecsF to be ahe.r e<eiuntary eti and deeJ. (u; the purposes [hr re:n eapre>scd.
<br />In ¢AUn~nnp whereof, 1 have hrreunio ut ms n:asC ark atTizcJ t+y notarial seal at Gralzu Is lans3 , Nebraska
<br />e n tlk dry anJ etc 1n.t a}ws'c ~a r tttn. ~.
<br />~T1rOM AI. ~~ ~ 'atan PunHc
<br />~ 4rR Ero- ML 2S: 1145
<br />Fllad for record this der of ~.. T)..9
<br />at dd~,xk ~ M.. eud en°zred in Numcrics,l [nden, z~nd
<br />reterded in 9ottk of %~fortgagee. oa
<br />~ of
<br />.. .Reg+s,tr n(Dccds
<br />F~:"CF:R P.f:CO~IJATLDN RE`P[:Rii TC::
<br />T2 e Ftici~aNd ..:ill Cort~at:}'
<br />TsrzS "i" ~ceet Suite 33~
<br />Cx~iaGa, ~~br3nic~ ei27
<br />;k~t~;a: .,. ndatrs
<br />;~,-~
<br />