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<br />,. i Second t?or*_gage <br />- 82J1~,i7'74 i~~t3R'~'~:f~~ ~ for <br />Section 235 Cases <br />With Addendum, for Repayment of-Sectioii 235 Assistance ~~ I- ~ <br />~. _ _ _ _, <br />THIS F?ORTGAGE, made and executed this 3lstday of August ;~,D, <br />19 °~ by and between Ramiro J. Paz & Warfare Sue Faz, ldusband and kife <br />of the Coi,nty of t;a11 and Mate of "lebraska, party of the`irst part <br />hereinafter called thet+lort~gaynr ar,d the Secretary of the Departr~ent of Fieusin, and <br />Urbar, DeveloprQnt <br />par±y of the second part, hQrei~;after called the f~lortgagee. <br />11iTP1ESSETN: That the Said"Mortgagor, is justly indebted to t~D~1~6~&~qee in the <br />principal Sum of (Ins hundred five thousand eight hundred £ort} and 01 arS rQ 105,840.00 ) <br />which principal sum ;vi71 not exceed an anount comliuted'under the terms Of the flOte <br />executed by said Mortoa,or on August 31, 1982' with interest, in <br />accordance with said facts. That as security for said,ttote the t9crtgagor does by these <br />presents Grant, Barnain, Se11, Convey and Confirm unto the Mortgagee; its successors and <br />assigns the follu;ving descr;bed'reai estate si uated in the County of-Hall <br />State of Nebraska, to wit Lot One }Hundred nineteen- (I 19} in;Buerxavista Subdivision to <br />the city of Grand Island, Ha11.County,,Nebraska <br />TO HAYE At10 TQ HtILL~ the premises above described, with all the ;appurtenances <br />thereunto belenning and including all heating, plumbing and lighting Fixtures and equip- <br />ment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said-real estate unto the <br />:lortgagee, and to its successors and assigns,'foreuer. The fortgagor represents to, and <br />covenants with, the Mortgagee, Ghat the Mortgagor has, goad right to sell and convey said <br />premises; that they are fees from encumbrance ,', except for an'FNA first mortgage; and that <br />the t•?ortgagor will warrant and `defend the same'against the lawful 'claims of all persons <br />whomsoever; and the said-.Mortgagor hereby relinquishes all ricnts of honesstead, ant all <br />marital rights, either in lair or in equity, and all dther contir.~ent interests of'the <br />14or*_gaoor in and to ihe;above-described premises, the intention using to convey hereby an <br />absolute Litie, in fee simple, including all rights of hamestead, and other rights ant <br />interests as aforesaid. <br />PROVIOEO ALLlkYS; and these presents are executed and delivered upon the folloo-rinn <br />conditions, to ~,vits <br />The I?ortgagor agrees Lo pay to 'the 1•'ortgacee, or order, the principal sum of one hundred <br />Five thousand eight hundred forty and xolloochs--------------- Dollars (S '105,640.00 ;, <br />with interest as provided in the tlote dated AuQusc 31, 1962 and executed by tlortgapor <br />The ~ortaagor in order morefuN y-to protect the security of this F?ortgagr_, agrees: <br />1. That he ;vtil pay the indebtedness, as hereinbefore provided. Privilege is <br />reserved to pay the debtin whole, or in an ar,ount eyuai to orre or n,cre monthly payments <br />on the principal that are next due on the note, on the first day of any month prior to <br />maturity: Provided, however, Thal r,ritten notice of an intention to exercise such privlli-qe <br />is given at least thirty (30) days prior to prepayment. <br />2. That the Mortgagr_,r w;ll pay ground rents, taxes, assessm8nts, water rates, and <br />other goverrarrenta7 or municipal charges, fines, or impositions., for which provision has <br />not been made hereinbefore, and in default thereof the Mortggagee gray pay the carne; ar.d that <br />the l~rtgagor will promptly deliver the official receipts therefor_LO the Plortgayee. <br />3. The t?ortgagor kill pay all taxes which Dray be Tevied upon. the ^"prtgagee's <br />interest in said real estate and improvements, and which may to levied upon this ;nortgage <br />or the debt secured hereby (but only to the extent that su::h is r,ot prohibited by law and <br />only to the extent thot such will no: make this ]Dan usurious), fut. excluding arsy i~~corrz <br />tax, State or Federal, imposed nn t~rtgagee, and ;gill file the official receipt sho~;ina <br />such payment -with the F?ortyagee. Upon violation of this undertaking, or if the t~ortgacor <br />is prohibited by any law now or hereafter existing from paying the whole or any portion of <br />thc_ afw~esaid taxes, or upon the rendering cf ao;y court decree prohibiting the payment by <br />the F?ort9agor or any such taxes, or if such law Or decree provides tt,at any anicunt so paid ~ <br />the Itortgagor shall be credited On the nmrtgage rebt, the ldortyagee shall nave the rigt4t tc <br />give ninety days' written notice to the o:rner of the ,rortGaged premises, re~gcir;nq ~P;e <br />pa,yc~ent of the mortgage debt. If such notice be niven, the said debt shall decoo.d~ue, <br />payable and ccllectibl2 at the expiration of said ninety ~!ays. <br />G. <br />