<br />$~+~f(? ~7fiy
<br />i_Con demnation- [r.theesentthe?~opert4,ora;t}~part[r,ereo`,sh_ili to taken by etn9nPnt domaici,the Stadgagee
<br />is Ernpawered to collect and receive ali compensat[on which mac br ps~d for an}~ property taken or Cor damages to property
<br />not taken. and Mortgagee ^;r. all apply such comoensatioa, at it; option, either to :~ reductior. cf the indebtedness secured
<br />hereby nr to repair and restore the propert}~ so dammed.
<br />B. Performance be Jtortgagee. RSortgagee rna}~, but sha!1 have no obli~apoiz, to do am; act which the Mortgagor
<br />ha:,.agreed but faits [a do, and Mortgagee ma}~ also da arv act i[ deems necessary to protect the lien hernof. Mortgagor
<br />agrees to repay, uFon drmutd, any sums so rtpended by the Mortgage for the above purposes, and any sums so expended
<br />by the Martgagee sha!i lx added to the indehtednesa secured heretic and becomi- subject to the lien hereof. Diari,gagee
<br />shall nut incur any personal t]abfttty because of ancih9ng i[ may do or omit to do hereunder.
<br />9. Defaalt; Assi~tnen± of Reot< Time la of ±hr e>senm hereof, and open Mortgagor's default 9n any covenant
<br />or agreement o?'this Mortgage. inr;uding c.~cenar.Ls to pay w-1t E,~ due the arms sreured by this Mortgage, the Stortgagec shall
<br />be entitled, at SLS sole option and -.c~thout_ notice. co drrlarr ali sums secntred by this 4fortgage to br immediatel}- due and
<br />pa;gabie and msy commence foreclosure of [his i~lertgage be judicial proc~edtngs; and, pror~ded further, fhat upon such
<br />default the Martgagee, or a receiver appointed by a court. ma}° at iC option and without regard Lo the adequacy of Eno
<br />security, enter upon and Gtke ptxstssion of the Property and collect the rents, issues and pmEtts them[rom and apple them
<br />Ers(. to the east of cohection and ~eraUOe of the Property ar:d iht~n upon the indebtedness secumd by this Mortgagze;
<br />said rents, issues and pmf+tc betinq a.~ignrd tc. the Mortgagee as further security `nr t_hr payment of the indebtedness
<br />secured hereby.
<br />16. Tran>Scr of Property, tf ai{ or an}° part of Ue Property is ;old or trtasfemd without the express written con-
<br />sent of the Martgagee, MartRager may at i V .sole aption, decian• all sums seer: red by this Mortgage Co be immediately due
<br />and payaWe_
<br />Il. P~,Wre Advances- Opon roquest of ltortgagar, Mortgage.° na} make additional and future advances to
<br />>lortpgee. 5uefi advances, wsth interest. thereon. shall M scsnred b} this 9tottgage when rrident~d by promissory notes
<br />staling that sand notes are secured hereby- At no time ,hail the pnncipaJ amount of the indebtedness secured by this
<br />Stort(nge, not inclodi.^.p su[ri< adrancrd to protect [he xcuet} ~~f :his 12oftgage, esc~ed the original Na[e.
<br />12. Mixdianeous ltr,t[sio ns.
<br />(al Any forebeannr.~ to eserrtsinq any nght or remedc shall not be a waiver thrrvot.
<br />(b3 Ail rerztedK~s pra[~ded herrtn are Cutinct and cumotauvr co any other right afforM•d b}' law or equity,
<br />and may be exercised ~ncurrer, tfr. independrntiy or surcrssiveh'.
<br />(c4 The m~wnants and aleresments contained herein vtail bind. and the rigft4s inure to, the respective
<br />sucn,~ors and avaiRrrs n( the Mart},~go• anti the MortgaXrr.
<br />{d) Ali cLVenan rs and agreement:, of the Stangagor arv Iomt and aweral.
<br />(e) Thr heading of the pangraph+ of this MortgagF are for rnnvrnirnce only and shah not be used to inter-
<br />prei or define the provisions hcr.Y,(
<br />13. RekaM. t%p[xe pap mrnt of 311 sums avrirrd hp tht, MertgN~. ~tortgager shall discharge this Mortgage and
<br />ahal: execute and driver a atix[x~lun' rr{easr therefor.
<br />Au~st ,lg 82
<br />Iti W1TtiE55 }P}{EltF,(1?. Moriaa¢rx has r°xecutrd thin btcxigag~~ un ti;~. 31 t, day~nf _ _ _E _ _.
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<br />the tbis__ 37St -day of __.___'~~~''.z______ . 19 ~_ ,__ M•(orr me, this undersigned, a tiatary Publkc
<br />duty c~mmirsioned and attatCted (or said county- orrwtxrali}' came ~ .arid 11.3tr1T~'Il A. Cll1'T'V ,
<br />:iusberid and lYife, A.rID Riliimm Cuaes and ,des Gene.-s HtLSband and Wife
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<br />identical persxrjs) rrhoce names! act wbsccStxd to tht• foregoing instrument and acknowiedgrd the exrcutaon thereof
<br />to br __ C-heiT ._. vdunlary act and dyed.
<br />Grand Island
<br />Rttnetss m}' hand and notarial sraS at -___.- _'_-~-.- . _ __..___._-_--..-.-.__----_-.in <aid county, the
<br />datrafaresaed.
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<br />Ql this 3is~ day of Au~nsL, I9a2, before ~, cize wL3ersi_~,ed, a tiotary Public
<br />~Yy cc~ui si~t~, acrd qua2zfied f rsaid cou-,ty, ~ersc~.Yllq G~ i1rtT~7t3I1 TMi. C~-v,
<br />~o ale lalowrt to ~e the .i3enti.cal persQa aliose nar:t~ ~,, s-:ibscr:.L~ed to t;,c on;~oirtg
<br />istaCnsncl~t arui aelatu,:l~~t ~+te e.~K-ution t?~reof r_o ~r _.s -~~,ltu~t~r,r arc sic ci~ec:.
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