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82-,t?037fi r k <br />iCl. That Ibe :Mortgagor wilt keep the build~ng< upon card , rendses an gao<w. rep.+ir,°and neither cnmmit norpermit '~~astc <br />upon satd Iand, nor surfer the situ premises to br u- d .or ant t nta'x'fti' prtrpose. <br />t I- ~na* Ef the premises. o; ang~ par theist*f tx condemnru undc thr po~scr of rrminen[ domain,' r acgatred for : public <br />use, the damage: awarded, the proceEds 1'or the taking ~>f, or the constdera:wn fur wch acquisition;to the estettl of +he [u?I <br />F-^ amottri of irrdeh;ednes upon this martgs s:e and the nets which t ~s eiv~n to secure e.~ainingunpaid, arc hereh> au€ned by the <br />[I Mortg,~tgtx to [he 39ortgagze, and shall Lrr paid f~~rthwStn tc card ~Scxreagee to M tpptied b~ the latter on a~coun[ ~~ [he nest <br />maturity tnsta!]mants of scch inCebudneas. <br />12. The Mor[gagcx further ;~rec, that should this mortgage and the note secured hereby no! be eligible for .rr <br />curettes under the National Hovsing.Aa within Sixty days fmm the date hereof (w*7tter siaterreni of any officer <br />of the Department of Hnutiiag an+i l"than Fxv'elopmen[ or authi,rixed _igznt of the Sectetar}° of Housing and trrhan <br />pevelopmeat dated subsequent to the Sixty days time from the date cf this martgace, declining to inure said <br />note and thi; rnart_aa¢r. being deemed cnndusive proof of such irelieihilin-), the llorteagce ar ho!de: o. the note <br />may at its ofHV?n. dt~aare aff sums recurred '.tetchy im;nediately dae ane~ pay,ble. <br />13. That if the !Mortgagor fats to make any payments o[ money when the same become due, cr f ils to conform [o sad <br />comply with any of the conditions or agreements contaitrd in chic mortgage. itr the note sti'hich it seutres. then the entire prinei- <br />gal rem and accrued interest shall at Dace heiume due and pe yahle, at the eiec[ion of the titongagee_ and this mortgage may <br />theraupgnbe foreclosed immedi,teip for Inc whole of saidmoney, interes;, monthly pavmentr, a>str. e:ovnd rents. [axes rind <br />tbe.osr of extending the abstract of tad<from the date of this men to the time of comme-ncing ,uch ft+redosure suit, and a rea- <br />utnabla altornev`s fee, a9 u; which shall tic incioded in the decree of !foreclosure; and the cortraa embodied in [his martg.tge <br />and ttte nets secured herehy..hall in all resfxcts t~ governed, constnied and adjudged 'es the laws of !~ebraska. where the. <br />same is made. <br />The. covenants herein contained shall hind. and Ih< benefits and ads:en[agas ;hall inure to. the rernc=wise heirs. executors, <br />administrators, rucecssors and acsigns cat the parties hereto, Whenever used, the singular number shad include the plural. the <br />plural the singular. and the use of say gender r,hal! rte applicable to all genders. <br />The foregoing conditions. ail and singula-, being performed ac?ciufiing to their nnairai and legs! import. [his conceyanee <br />shall lx void and said prtmises reiea:.ed at the ex~ensc of the ?Mortg3eor: ofherwi~e to he and remain in Lull farce and effect. <br />IN 0.'ITNFSS ~vHEREUF. ti,e Mon~gorrsl ha •~e hareuntoser r their handls) the day and year rirst <br />alxtvc written. <br />In presence uf: <br />~G~'" - ~ i. SEAL i <br />SpN A.. a'ATfi <br />` -- tSEAL1 <br />-'JII17~~J':~" <br />~~ ~ ti E,a 1. I <br />tiF,'Al. <br />LPU 9a1-t?e <br />STATE OFNEHkASKA. <br />~,s: <br />couhTVOr~ xazs. <br />Lln this 31St day s>( puyug-t .a. U. 19 ~~.Sx]orr mr, <br />a yotaiy Public m and for said f'onnty, pCraOnally came <br />Jon A. Rath and Judy J. kath, Husband and t4ife <br />lxrsonally b> me known <br />to he the idtnticaloersons wbo+a twines are alHxed to the above ant fore- <br />going instrument ~e Mortgagor, and they have acknowledged the said instrument and [he <br />execution tharao[ to be their vviuntary act and deed, for the purptrses theists expressed. <br />fn tcstemony w4ereof_ 1 trays hereunto sat my hand and attixed by no;azial'Y~ ~tt ~Gsand island, Clebraska <br />nn the efay and elate Iasi above written. '~, <br />'CJ _~~ <br />L L ~~ Notary Public <br />wd~.~Jry ~. isp <br />~iATEOF?i66RASkA ~.s <br />Ei{ed Fitt record this day o; ~; ll. 19 <br />of ~ dock M.. sr,d=ntered in Vcmericai Ines x. sac! <br />rr~orded in Fxwk of llortgagcs, un <br />I~3$C Jf <br /> <br />